Looking at the bright smile on Su Xun's face.

Fat just wants to hit it.

But still hold back, squeeze out a stiff smile: "you catch the person of course you are responsible for."

"Tigo just told me so much that I thought he was going to teach me how to do things. Bai was very happy." Su Xun sighed with regret and shook his head.

When Zhou Yong passed by Feifei, he looked at him pitifully and asked for help.

Fat can only pretend not to see, the face is gloomy and terrible, the hands of the ice cream did not notice.

Only after the shadow of Su Xun and others disappeared, did he scold in a low voice: "son of a bitch!"

He didn't expect that Su Xun would play this trick.

In his vision.

Su Xun certainly hasn't found out that he and Ma Siping worked together to calculate his affairs.

So I have to give myself face no matter what.

But now it seems that the other side has known clearly for a long time, and has turned him into an army.

This seems to be a few understatement words, but to his pit miserable.

It's a step away from the position of the team leader.

As for whether Zhou Yong will betray him, there is no need to worry about this.

He believes that Zhou Yong can't sell him. First, they are related. Second, they are deeply involved. Third, he has always been very good to Zhou Yong.

But Zhou Yong's arrest will affect some of his business arrangements.

Liaocheng, law enforcement officers can do business, mainly through the formal way to earn money on the line.

The fatter you think about it, the more angry you are.

"I don't believe you don't have any relatives to do it!"

Fat said gnashing his teeth.

Su Xun: I'm sorry. As an orphan, I can do whatever I want.

In the interrogation room.

Su Xun sat on the chair and looked at Zhou Yong.

"Brother, there's no need for such a big battle."

Zhou Yong was a little flustered. Didn't he just smash a cup? Can he use this Yazi?

Can't I just leave with a fine?

"Dong Dong..."

Su Xun knocked on the table: "Zhou Yong, if I want to check you, do you believe that you can only stay in prison all your life?"

"Sir, I have no grudge against you." Zhou Yong wants to cry without tears.

A team leader just stares at him and checks him. He can really check him.

He's still out there.

It's just that he's too lazy to check. After all, Zhou Yong is just a little fish and shrimp in Rongfu Yujing.

It's not much credit to arrest him. On the contrary, it offends Rongfu Yujing. The cost performance is too low.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I have no grudge against you, but who let you commit a crime? I fight criminals. "

At this point, he pauses, then goes on, "but now I'll give you a chance."

"What chance?" Zhou Yong's eyes brightened.

Su Xun leaned forward: "I suspect Zhou Tai is involved in illegal and criminal activities, taking advantage of his position to corrupt and pervert the law, but I need evidence. I hope you can give it to me."

"You made me betray my cousin!" Zhou Yong's eyes widened and his voice increased by several decibels.

Am I just like a man who would betray his brother?

This is also too despise me!

Su Xun said with a smile: "look, you use the word" sell "instead of the word" no ". What does it mean? It means that Zhou Tai is really not clean."

"Hum!" Zhou Yong snorted coldly and said with disdain, "I didn't say anything and I don't know anything!"

"Brother Xun, I'll turn off the surveillance." Wang long, who accompanied the interrogation, said to Su Xun.

The level of science and technology in the world is seriously backward, and no law enforcement recorder has been invented.

The interrogation room is under surveillance.

So the rest of it is up to you.

Su Xun raised his hand to stop him: "no, I'm kind-hearted and don't like violence."

Even Wang Long couldn't help his mouth twitching.

I almost believed you.

"Let's have a chat. Are you married?" Su Xun looked at Zhou Yong and asked.

Zhou Yong said nothing.

Su Xun chuckled: "let's check his family status."

"It's over." Zhou Yong said quickly.

"That's right. Chatting, just chatting about home affairs." Su Xun nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask, "do you have any children?"

Zhou Yong reluctantly replied, "I have a three-year-old daughter."

"How's your daughter? She's sweet. She's three years old. Can she call her father?" Su Xun said.

Zhou Yong has begun to relax, with a soft smile in his eyes: "it's a long time ago."

"It's good to have a perfect family. It's a pity that none of this will exist any more." Su Xun expressed regret.

Zhou Yong was so alert that he struggled in his chair: "what do you want to do with your horse! If there's anything coming, don't disturb my family. You're a law enforcement officer. You can't do that! No"You're right. I'm a law enforcement officer. Of course, I don't know how to break the law, and I won't do such a bottomline thing." Su Xun looked at him: "it's you, it's because of you, so all this will no longer exist."

"Today's crime of assaulting a police officer will not be convicted. You will be released in 24 hours at most. But next, I will check you. My people will always stare at you and find evidence of your violation of the law and send you to prison."

"I don't know how many illegal activities you have participated in, but I conservatively estimate that the term of imprisonment should not be less than 10 years. I also have friends with the prison guards, and I will ask them to let the people in the prison take care of you."

"What will happen to you in it? I can't imagine, but in the future your stool should be very smooth. "

"In the first year of imprisonment, your wife will come to see you with her children. In the second year, the number of times is less. In the third year, she finally comes again. However, with a divorce agreement, she threatens you to sue for divorce without signing it. You have no choice but to sign your own name."

"Ten years later, you come out. After you come out, things have changed and people have changed. No one will pick you up. You go home with the money you work in prison as the fare."

"Then you will find that a strange man has lived in your home. He hugs your wife and calls her wife. Your 13-year-old daughter calls her father but looks at you with strange eyes."

"They have a happy family of three, and you are like a redundant stranger. You quietly turn around and go, looking for a job, only to find that you can't keep up with the times. Everything is strange. You are like a newborn baby, but unfortunately you don't have the learning ability of a baby. Your life ends here."

"Well, is this the life you want?"

Su Xun looked at Zhou Yong quietly.

Zhou Yong had been stunned, his eyes were empty, his face was pale, and his forehead was full of sweat.

Chen Ji stared at Su Xun.

Brother, you are the devil.

It's more cruel than hitting him.

"No! I don't want it, I don't want it! "

Zhou Yong suddenly responded, panic struggle, eyes revealed a thick fear.

Su Xun looked at Zhou Yong sincerely in his eyes and said gently, "if you don't want to do this, then cooperate with me and account for Zhou Tai's crime. I'll make contributions to you."

"If you are worried that Zhou Tai will retaliate against you when he comes out, you must make it clear that the more serious his crime is, the better. If he is locked in prison forever, he will not be able to retaliate against you."

His voice is very calm, but full of bewitching, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully, but this is exactly the most terrible place.

Sweat oozed from the back of the old traces. I felt thirsty and restless.

Mad, it's cruel. The baby is scared.

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