"I I said, "I said everything."

Zhou Yong compromised.

Between his family and his brother, he chose himself and his family.

There must be brotherhood in this world.

But not including Zhou Yong and Zhou Tai.

Cousins have a weak blood relationship, and their deeper relationship stems from interests.

But when a man has a family, his ideas change dramatically.

When you are young, you are free to fly. When you have a family, the focus will shift to your wife and children.

Zhou Yong absolutely can't accept everything that may happen in Su Xun's narration, so he can only apologize to Zhou Tai.

A good friend is not a poor one.

In most cases, most people will make such a choice.

"In fact, you can bet that your wife is loyal to you and will wait for you for 10 years."

Su Xun said with a smile.

Zhou Yong shook his head with a bitter smile. He knew so well that his wife could never do it.

He did not go in, but also to maintain the family, his wife will manage the housework, and harmony.

But once he is in prison, for three years at most, his wife will find another man under the pressure of life.

"Can I have a cigarette?" Zhou Yong said.

Su Xun winked at Chen Ji.

Then he took out a trace for Chen huazi.

Zhou Yong took a hard puff, spit out a cigarette ring and said, "Zhou Tai has..."

Chen Ji began to take notes.

Half an hour later, Su Xun walked out of the office with the signed note.

Chen Ji took Zhou Yong to go through the procedure of criminal detention.

Zhou Yong will still be in prison. Su Xun promised him that his sentence would be within five years, and he would give his wife a sum of money to make his wife and daughter live a carefree life.

For five years, and without too much pressure from life, Zhou Yong still has some confidence in his wife. Because they are childhood sweethearts, he knows his wife very well.

It is because of his childhood love that Zhou Yong values his wife and daughter more.

Su Xun was very happy.

Originally, it was just aimed at Zhou Tai.

I didn't expect to pull out the radish and mud. There was something about Ma Siping.

No wonder the two guys joined hands to deal with themselves, because the interests of the two people involved in the relationship is doomed that they will live in peace.

Now, Su Xun is not ready to hand in this evidence. He wants to use it at a critical time.

For example, after Chen Siming was promoted, he decided on the leader of the criminal team.

Even Zhou Yong, who is now under criminal detention for assaulting a police officer, confessed to assaulting a police officer.

As for Zhou Yong, another middle-aged man in a white vest, named Yan Xiong, is a bar insurance manager of sun entertainment, one of the four major companies.

It's commonly known in the river and lake as "watching the court".

After oral education, he has been released.


Evening, nine o'clock.

Gan Chang Duan restaurant.

Su Xun invited more than 30 colleagues of the whole criminal team, including Chen Siming, to dinner.

"Thank you for giving me this face, especially Mingge, Zhou team and horse team. I'm not very honored to have you here. I hope you can cooperate happily in the future. If there's anything wrong with me, please give me more advice. I'll have a toast."

Su Xun's voice fell down, and he held the glass and drank it directly. Then he lowered the glass to indicate that he really didn't have a drop.

"Good! What you can drink is the real man

"Come on, let's have a toast to the Soviet team. Congratulations on his promotion. He has a bright future in the future."

"Team Jingsu..."

Ma Siping and Feifei are also smiling, and there is no gap between them.

"Oh, it's so busy today."

A discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone is quiet, subconsciously looking toward the stairway.

When he saw a large crowd coming up.

The leader was a middle-aged man in a suit and shoes, with a fat figure and a face full of flesh.

Su Xun saw a familiar figure in the crowd behind him. Today, Yan Xiong was caught by him.

As for the most advanced middle-aged, he is a little strange.

It seems that everyone else knows each other.

"Fat man, what are you doing here?" Chen Siming asked with a frown.

Xing chuckled: "why can't I come for a snack?"

At the same time, he went to Chen Siming's side and kicked Su Xun's chair: "why is this child not sensible at all? Sit aside. "

Su Xun took a look at Chen Siming.

CHEN Si nodded slightly.

Su Xun stood up with a smile: "brother Xing, you sit down."

As we all know, in this case, the more brilliant he laughs, the more miserable he will die."That's about the same. Next time you have a long memory, don't always let people remind you." Xing sat down and looked at Chen Siming: "I have something to talk with you."

From his attitude, we can see that he is not afraid of Chen Siming at least.

From Chen Siming's attitude, it can be seen that Xing pangzi scares him.

Su Xun is really curious about who this guy is.

"Brother Xun, the eldest brother of Yanxiong, is in charge of several industries under the name of manager of Personnel Department of sun entertainment." Seeing his doubts, Zhang San introduced him in a low voice.

Su Xun suddenly realized that no wonder he was so proud. He really had this capital.

"He said Chen Siming spits out a word.

Xing said carelessly: "ah Xiong, come here."

"Big brother." Yan Xiong comes forward respectfully.

Xing pangzi pointed to him, looked at Chen Siming and said, "Lao Chen, my brother went to have a meal. Why was he pulled away for several hours by the people in your group? What, is it eating or tattooing

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, and the other party came to him.

Ma Siping and Feifei looked at each other and both of them showed a schadenfreude smile.

"My people don't grab people." Chen Siming said lightly.

Fat Xing sneered: "I can't arrest people indiscriminately. How can I let them go because there is no evidence in the end? I'm here for an account. You have to give it to me. "

"Bear, point out who caught you."

"Big brother, it's him!" Yan Xiong pointed to Su Xun and showed a retaliatory smile: "it's him. I just want to have a meal. He caught me indiscriminately."

Mad, aren't you a drag?

I really thought that I was afraid of you at that time. I'll see what you do tonight!

"Damn, that's a coincidence." Xing Pang was speechless. He knew it was Su Xun, but he didn't know him.

Chen Siming eyebrows a pick: "Xing fatty, you today is the iron heart to look for trouble?"

"Lao Chen, you are about to be promoted to director. Congratulations. You don't want the Langya district to be in chaos at this time." Xing said with a smile.

Chen Siming's face sank: "you threaten me?"

"I'm just a kind reminder." Xing pangzi lazily pointed to Su Xun and said with a smile: "there are two choices: first, pour wine for my brother and apologize; second, don't you know how to fight? Fight with my people and write it off whether you win or lose."

"You..." Chen Siming is furious.

Su Xun first step said: "brother Ming, a person to do a person when, I fight with his people."

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