Xing pangzi is going to fight Su Xun.

Su Xun was not a butcher. He had already thought that he would fight fat Xing.

As a person who is afraid of death, knowing that he has offended the other party can not be eased, he must first press the other party to death, so as to be safe.

He just doesn't have a sense of security.

Besides, Chen Siming was promoted to a higher position when he won Xing pangzi, and he was able to take over Chen Siming's position with this credit.

In fact, it's very easy to start with Xing Pang. After all, black is black. As long as you want to kill him, you can find a lot of evidence.

No evidence can help him to produce evidence. The law enforcement agencies in Liaocheng are so considerate.

The key is that behind Xing fatty is sun entertainment.

What's more, Xing pangzi is also a senior executive. Pan Tianming, chairman of sun entertainment, will definitely not give up if he moves him.

The four big companies are deeply rooted in Liaocheng. If they want Liaocheng to be good, Liaocheng will not be good.

But if they want Liao City to be chaotic, Liao City will be chaotic overnight.

So it's not difficult to make a fat man. What's difficult is how to deal with Pan Tianming and the sun.

However, this problem was very difficult for other people in Liaocheng, but it was just so for Su Xun.

Sun Entertainment City.

The largest entertainment city in the whole city of Liaoning Province is an entertainment complex integrating bath, sauna, KTV, bar, game room, restaurant and mashajie.

Pan Tianming is used to entertaining partners here.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, pan Tianming was drunk and helped out by two bodyguards.

"Mr. Pan, be careful."

"Mr. Pan, please slow down."

Three people stumbled to the car, pan Tianming holding the car, waved: "don't follow me, go back, there is a Fei driving me."

"Well, Mr. Pan, go back and have a rest early."

Two bodyguards helped him open the back door and helped pan Tianming into the car.

A Fei is Pan Tianming's driver and bodyguard. He can play a role very well, so with him, the bodyguards don't worry about anything.


The black Maybach ignites, the sound of engine roar sounds very comfortable, two lights are very conspicuous in the dark, and the vehicle starts slowly.

"Ah Fei, take me to Xiao Liu's tonight."

Pan Tianming said that he had to come out in person to get in touch with a group of foreign customers this evening. He hasn't drunk so much for a long time.

The little six in his mouth is his sixth aunt. She just got married the year before last and was only 17 years old.

As he gets older, pan Tianming likes little girls more and more, as if this can prove that he is still young.

The car turned a corner and stopped.

Pan Tianming found something wrong. He was drunk and suddenly sobered up: "you are not ah Fei, who are you?"

He didn't panic, he didn't nervous, as long as he was confused, he was calm from beginning to end.

He was not frightened by the barrage of bullets.

"Pan Dong, I want to have a chat with you." Su Xun took out a cigarette and handed it back to the back.

Pan Tianming took it, lit it in his mouth and asked, "where's ah Fei? How is he

"I'll sleep well." Su Xun said calmly.

Pan Tianming's eyes narrowed slightly: "fierce, young people are brave enough, and their skills are powerful enough. I appreciate you very much. I don't care what you do. I'll increase your current income ten times. How about doing things with me?"

Words, spit out a ring of smoke.

"I prefer to be an official." While Su Xun was talking, he took out his ID and lost it.

Pan Tianming said: "susian, oh, I remember that Huang Anhua was killed by you. You certainly don't want to kill me. Let's talk about it directly"

"I have some conflicts with Xing pangzi. I want to kill him." Su Xun is outspoken.

Pan Tianming nodded with a smile: "of course, this is your freedom, but after his death, Sun Entertainment will surely send you to be buried with him."

"So the problem comes, Mr. Pan. I want to kill him and I don't want to be buried with him." Su Xun turned his head and looked at Pan Tianming with a smile, which made people and animals harmless.

Pan Tianming leaned on the seat comfortably: "tell me what you think, I'm very interested now."

"Pan Dong, I'll give you a way to make money in exchange for you and Taiyang entertainment." Su Xun said.

Pan Tianming sneered: "you a little captain, talk to me about money? Don't be silly. He's an executive of our company. He's my brother. "

"Mr. Pan, brothers also have a price. What if it's worth hundreds of millions?"

Su Xun had long thought that the reason why Sun Entertainment would take revenge for killing fat Xing was not only the so-called face, but also the interest.

But what if they put forward greater interests?

"Then we can keep talking." Pan Tianming expressed his interest.Su Xun said: "after I finish him, I will tell pan Dong about this road. Now, no one has gone through this road in Liaocheng."

"What if you play with me? What if I kill you in the end? " Pan Tianming said coldly.

Su Xun was very single: "Pan Dong, I want to live in Liaocheng. Otherwise, what if I kill Xing pangzi directly? Why do I do this tonight?"

Pan Tianming's face softened. Indeed, if what Su Xun said was a lie, there was no need to take the risk to see him.

Or with ulterior motives, it's cleaner to kill him in the car now.

But Su Xun didn't do that, which means that he still wants to stay in Liaocheng for a long time.

And pan Tianming has other ideas.

The higher the station is, the more you know.

Why do they transform violent gangs into companies?

Is not enough money, in order to facilitate step by step to wash white yourself?

After all, their so-called big four companies are nothing compared with the real big regular companies.

Who wants to be a tycoon in the upper class all his life?

The most important thing is that Liaocheng is in the middle of the three countries, because of its special region, it has maintained its independence and autonomy.

But now there has been a rumor that the three countries have begun negotiations, and it is very likely that Liaocheng will be distributed to Anguo as one of the interests.

Once the negotiation is reached, Anguo will officially send troops to take over Liaocheng. At that time, the chaotic situation will not be allowed, and a great purge will certainly be launched.

So pan Tianming wants to clean up the case. Over the years, his focus has shifted to formal business.

But there are many people below him who can't keep up with the times, can't see the future situation clearly, and always think that they can be so arrogant forever.

They didn't want to wash white, or they couldn't accept the change, which slowed him down.

And Xing pangzi is one of them.

"I'm a serious businessman. If there are senior executives in the company who commit crimes, Captain Su can act according to the law."

"Captain Su, please take me home."

Pan Tianming said with a cigarette in his mouth.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'm very happy."

A dirty deal was made.

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