Pan Tianming will abandon Xing pangzi.

The main reason is that the interests of the people above are different from those of the people below.

Pan Tianming's interest is to clean himself up and become a prosperous businessman from now on.

But it's not in their interest.

They like to be domineering and rely on criminal means to get wealth quickly.

Pan Tianming once the Sun Entertainment washed white, then they have what use?

Although they are all managers now, the vice president is doing everything.

Because they don't know anything about it.

After the sun entertainment is washed white, the biggest possibility is that they will all be abandoned by Pan Tianming and sent away with a sum of money, or share some shares for the elderly.

That's why they are against the company's clean-up. This is the conflict of interest between the two classes.

But pan Tianming wants to make more money after washing white, it is not so easy now.

So I'm also very interested in the money that Su Xun said.

There will never be a single reason for a certain result.

For example, Xing pangzi, who is doomed to die, is driven by all aspects.

Xing pangzi's death is the initial cooperation between Su Xun and pan Tianming. If it goes well this time, they may have more cooperation.

After all, there are a lot of people who object to washing white, and pan Tianming is not easy to do.

It would be much easier to give it to Su Xun. It just happened that Su Xun could take these people as his merits to be promoted.

Facts have proved that Pan Tianming is cruel enough to help him fight for the country without hesitation.

With the rapid pace of society, loyalty is not worth mentioning in front of one's own interests.

Just like the founding emperor, when the country is stable, he will attack the meritorious officials who help him.

Because the country was stable, these people became the most unstable factor for the emperor.

Two days after meeting pan Tianming.

Su Xun enters Chen Siming's office.

"Ah Xun, what's the matter?" Chen Siming asked.

Su Xun said directly, "brother Ming, I want to move fat Xing."

"Ah Xun, don't be impulsive." Chen Siming's face changed, and his tone was a little harsh: "you are a vegetarian of sun entertainment. Although pan Tianming attends charity dinner all day long to donate money, all the money he donates is stained with blood. If you move a fat man, he won't give up!"

Su Xun was young and had saved his daughter and son, so he took Su Xun as a junior.

He could understand Su Xun's mood. After all, fat Xing was like a knife hanging over his head, which could fall at any time.

Understanding belongs to understanding, but he does not support Su Xun's reckless behavior.

Su Xun said, "brother Ming, I've met pan Tianming. I've moved fat Xing. He won't show up."

"What did you say?" Chen Siming looked at Su Xun with wide eyes: "I didn't wake up in the morning. I talked in my sleep."

"Brother Ming, what I said is true, otherwise you really think I can't open my eyes to death." Su Xun made fun of himself.

Chen Siming was suspicious and unbelievable: "how do you deal with Pan Tianming?"

"He thinks I'm pretty and wants me to be his son-in-law." Su Xun made a joke.

Chen Siming said with a smile: "he has several wives and seven or eight daughters. When he is a son-in-law, he will not marry all at once, will he? Can you stand it at night

After joking, he became serious again: "if pan Tianming is really dealt with, Xing pang can move. If you want to move him, the three teams are not enough, I will let the first team and the second team cooperate with you."

One day ago, six missing players from the three teams have been made up. At present, the criminal team is full.

"Brother Ming, let me take the brothers of the third team to do it. Brother Siping and brother Tai seem to have some opinions on me. It's easy to make trouble."

Su Xun refused because Ma Siping and Feifei would rather not succeed than do something bad for him.

Chen Siming said in a deep voice: "after Huang Anhua's death, Xing pangzi will certainly guard against you. People around him will only be more than Huang Anhua. Can you handle it?"

"Mingo, I'm confident. I've been preparing for these two days." Su Xun said confidently.

Chen Siming took a deep breath: "then, do it."

"Yes, sir!" Su Xun salutes.

In order not to let out the news, Su Xun takes his men to make operational deployment in the private room of the restaurant.

"According to the information, Xing pangzi goes to the Sun Entertainment City for a sauna at three o'clock every afternoon."

"But it's definitely not advisable to do it in the sun entertainment city. The success rate is too low, so our chance is to do it on his way to the sauna."

"Zhang San, you take two brothers to drive from the front and force Xing fatty's car to stop."

"Wang long and Chen Ji, you two stay in the car to take care of each other."

"The rest, after Zhang San forced Xing Pang's car to stop, follow me to fight. There's only one target. Kill Xing Pang, the leader of the criminal gang!"Su Xun can't catch it alive, otherwise pan Tianming will feel threatened. After all, Xing pangzi knows a lot about it.

So he had to be killed on the spot.

After he died, he released his criminal information and evidence directly.

After all, it's better than getting caught.

More people want to see bad people die.

"Do you understand?" Su Xun's eyes swept the crowd.

"I see," they said


Ten minutes after three in the afternoon.

Su Xun was in one of the cars.

Suddenly a voice came from the intercom.

"Brother Xun, here comes the target."

Su Xun was in a good mood. He used his walkie talkie to send a message: "everyone is ready."

Four cars came from the end of the street, with a car in front, a business car in the middle, and a car and a van behind.

With the lessons of Huang Anhua.

Xing pangzi is now accompanied by 20 armed bodyguards at any time. Even when he goes home to sleep, he has to arrange people to watch in the living room at night.

On the leading car, the young man on the co driver frowned: "there are so few people on the street today?"

"The sun is so big, who would like to come out for a walk?" The driver didn't think so.

"Do it!" Su Xun gave an order.

"Buzz Bang

Zhang San drives a car to rush out, directly bumps into Xing pangzi's motorcade, intercepts them.

At the same time, a car behind also blocked the exit.

Two cars at the same time down people, aimed at Xing fatty's team pulled the trigger.

"Kang Kang..."

There were cobweb like cracks on the windshield, and a stream of blood flew on the glass. The driver and co driver of the leading car died on the spot.

Su Xun also rushed out with people.

"Law enforcement department, lay down your arms and surrender!"

While yelling for surrender, the gun in his hand kept spitting out bullets.

For a moment, there were four gunshots.

"Kang Kang..."

"No! There's an ambush. Come on, protect the boss and leave. "

"Kang Kang..."

"Mad, these black dogs are crazy!"

In the business car, fat Xing was surprised and angry.

He really didn't expect that the law enforcement department would attack him. Is the sun ready for entertainment?

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