"Su Xun!"

Liao Han and Dai Fei get up in an instant.

"Why are you here, somebody! There's someone coming

Dai Fei's eyes were full of confusion.

Su Xun stepped forward and slapped his hand.


Daffy was whipped out of a tooth.

"Stop yelling. Your men are in prison." Su Xun shook his hand and said softly.

Liao Han's face turned white: "what do you want to do?"


Su Xun took out two handcuffs and threw them on the table: "put them on yourself. Come with me."

Voice down, familiar to himself poured a cup of tea, slowly taste up.

"Su Xun, you want to have fun with the sun forever!" Dai Fei covered his face and gritted his teeth.

"Never die?" Su Xun looked at him sarcastically: "can you get drunk even if you drink tea? I started talking drunk

Wow -

the tea in the cup splashed on Dai Fei's face.

"Are you sober now?"

Su Xun looked at him seriously.

"You..." Dai Fei was furious and immediately wanted to do it.

Su Xun's face sank: "if you dare to do it, I'll send you down to accompany fat Xing."

"You scare me?" Dai Fei stares at Su Xun as if your teeth are going to be broken.

Su Xun sneered: "you try."

In the end, Daifei didn't dare to do it.

"Su Xun, are you sure you can bear the consequences? You are just a small group leader... " Liao Han forcibly suppresses the anger and confusion in his heart and tries to communicate with Su Xun.

Su Xun directly interrupted him: "yes, you should be glad that I'm just a small group leader, or you'll be three feet tall."

At the same time, Su Xun slapped Liao Han's face with one hand, which was very insulting.

"Don't deceive too much!" Liao Han's eyes were ready to crack, and his clenched fists burst.

Dai Fei was on the verge of endurance: "Su Xun, you can kill a scholar, you can't insult him..."

"But you're just a thief Su Xun threw the cup in his hand on his face.


Dai Fei's nose bleeds out, and his anger gushes out in an instant: "Grass Mud Horse, when I mixed up..."


Sue pulled the trigger from his left leg, but he didn't pull the trigger.


Dai Fei screamed and fell to his knees.

Liao Han shivered with fright.

Su Xun looked at Dai Fei, leaned over, grabbed his hair and said, "you didn't meet me when you were mixing, otherwise, it would have been cold."

The voice dropped and cried, "come on!"

"Seek elder brother!"

Two law enforcement officers came in.

"Take it back for trial. Tonight All night

Su Xun showed a cruel smile and walked out of the private room.

The way the law enforcement department interrogates these people is like an old friend. He's very enthusiastic.

A few minutes later, Dai Fei and Liao Han were led out of the restaurant like sheep.

The onlookers were all talking.

"That's Dai Fei, the Sun Entertainment person. How did he get caught? Who caught him? He's too brave."

"Who else can it be, Su Xun? You don't know, Su Xun, the killer of evil."

"It's good to catch them a few years ago. These bastards should be shot."

"Shh, stop it..."

Listening to the round, Liao Han and Dai Fei want to bury their heads as low as possible.

"Isn't it a drag? Head up

All of them were escorted. The law enforcement officers grabbed their hair and forced them to look up.

The onlookers felt relieved.

A group of reporters flocked to take photos.

"No shooting! No shooting

Dai Fei and Liao Han are in a panic. They want to dodge, but they can't move.

Su Xun looked at this scene with a smile. Naturally, he found these reporters.

Help these two big names to become famous.


The next day, the killer of crime hit the headlines again, and the news of the two heroes of sweeping the Sun Entertainment made headlines.

Su Xun, who was jealous of evil, was almost blown to be the last hope of the people in Liao City.

Then pan Tianming, in order to sweep away the power against him in the sun's entertainment, and Su Xun, in order to make contributions, caught a lot of people inside and outside.

Pan Tianming also took this opportunity to vigorously rectify, completely extricate himself from the sun entertainment, drained all the funds, and stripped off some illegal business. He didn't care whether the sun entertainment was alive or dead.

He set up a new company to start the business of piracy.And Su Xun swept the Sun Entertainment clean, let the Sun Entertainment completely disappeared from Liaocheng.

Although those who know the inside all know that Su Xun just swept the shell, pan Tianming and his backbones have landed safely for a long time.

But bluffing the layman works. After all, it has wiped out sun entertainment, one of the four major companies. It's better to say that it's exciting.

And the evil killer Su's good reputation also resounded through Liao City with this incident.

In the next few days, Su Xun began to keep a low profile, because Chen Siming beat him, saying that he had a higher appearance rate than the city Lord in recent days.

In desperation, Su Xun could only temporarily restrain his own light, so as not to blind others.

Until a week later, that night, Su Xun had already gone to bed. Chen Siming's phone woke him up.

"Come to Langshan villa No.7 at once."

Su Xun asked, "what's the matter, brother Ming?"

"Don't ask. Come right here."

Chen Siming finished and hung up directly.

Su Xun was helpless. He didn't expect that someone Su would one day realize the feeling of breaking his leg when his boss said something.

Dress, wash and drive to Langshan villa.

This car belongs to the Department, but it has been occupied by him for a long time.

Langshan is located in Langya district. It is the only villa area in Tianping district. Where do big people live.

Twenty minutes later, susian arrived at Villa seven.

Chen Siming called me outside

"Come straight in and I'll open the door for you." Chen Siming said.

Su Xun stepped in. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw that the door of the villa had been opened.

"Brother Ming." Su Xun stepped forward quickly.

Chen Siming asked in a low voice: "inside is our Taiping District branch to carry the handle."

There was not enough time for him to say more, so he just said that they had already arrived in the living room.

Sitting in the living room is an old man with a big stomach. He looks like he is in his fifties. He is looking sad. The ashtray on the tea table is full of cigarette ends.

"Hello, director!"

Su Xun just glanced and said hello.

"Hello, sit down." Said Cao Nan, nodding at him.

Su Xun sat down next to Chen Siming.

Cao Nan smoked and said to Chen Siming, "he's your man. Tell him."

"Well Chen Siming answered, and then looked at Su Xun: "the director wants to find someone to do something. I recommend you."

"Brother Ming, you can't help going up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of fire!" Su Xun knew that the opportunity had come again. Could he help his boss with his personal affairs faster than this promotion?

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