With Chen Siming's narration, Su Xun knew what he was going to do.

Simply put, it's getting a cell phone back.

And we should look for it in private, not in a big way to attract other people's attention.

The mobile phone is Cao Nan's.

The day before yesterday, he was drunk at a thousand night KTV in the Southern District. The next day, he woke up and found that his mobile phone was lost.

He didn't know where he had fallen or who had stolen it.

There are very important things in the mobile phone, and he does not dare to go back to look for them in a big way, or even dare to inquire about them, for fear of attracting the attention of people who have a heart.

After all, he and the one from the South District Bureau are not very good at dealing with each other. They are old rivals. They want to kill each other when they seize the opportunity.

I'm afraid to look for it, but I'm worried about the spread of things in my mobile phone.

So I was so worried about this day. I didn't sleep last night and smoked all night.

Today, I finally couldn't help it. Knowing that it would be too late to drag on, I asked Chen Siming to discuss it.

It means to let Chen Siming do it.

Chen Siming recommended Su Xun.

"I'll try my best." Su Xun's face was embarrassed, and he thought of something.

Cao Nan blurted out: "we can't do our best, we must find it! Be sure to get your cell phone back! "

As the voice fell, he felt that his tone was too harsh. He said in a slow voice: "Xiao Su, the things in my mobile phone are very important to me. If they spread out, they will affect many people. As long as you take back your mobile phone, the director of Zhenyang district will return it. I'll let you go up at that time."

Su just two jump, he now directly promised the director's position, we can see how anxious he is.

"I'm not sure I'll lose my high hopes!" Su Xun's tone was firm and firm.

Chen Siming waved his hand and said, "you go first. Let's put the case in your hand recently, and focus on the mobile phone. You must find it."

"Yes, Mingo." Su Xun answered and looked at Cao Nan: "Cao Bureau, I'll go first."

"Well." Cao Nan nodded, then added: "the person who took my mobile phone, can't stay."

"I know the Cao Bureau." Su Xun stood up and left without changing his face.

"The cell phone was found and made him disappear."

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Cao Nan looked at the opposite Chen Siming and said.

"Cao Bureau..." Although Chen Siming had been prepared for a long time, he still felt that he couldn't bear it.

After all, he was very optimistic about Su Xun. He was such a capable general.

Cao Nan opened his mouth and interrupted him: "I've read the news of this period. It's not a quiet master. Can you guarantee that he hasn't peeked at the content in his mobile phone?"

Chen Siming was silent.

"In this way, as soon as he got the mobile phone, he disappeared quietly." Cao Nan clapped with deep voice.

Chen Siming nodded: "I understand."

It's a pity. If you want to blame it, it's your life.


"When I find my mobile phone, I will give it to you?"

On the way back, Su Xun said with a sneer, with clear ideas.

It must be done.

But we have to know what to do.

When Chen Siming told him about it, he had already guessed his own fate.

Once Cao Nan takes back his mobile phone, he will be the first to kill himself.

Because it can be seen from his reaction that the things in his mobile phone are a great threat to him.

Cao Nan will not allow himself to live as an unstable factor, because he is not sure if he has ever peeked at the contents of his mobile phone.

So I'd rather kill by mistake than let it go.

It's just like he let himself find his cell phone and kill the person with his cell phone.

It can be seen from this that he is cruel and cruel.

For such a result, Chen Siming must have a good idea. After all, he and Cao Nannan have not been together for a day or two. He must know each other's style.

So Cao Nan asked him to do it, and he pushed himself out.

Does Cao Nan trust Chen Siming?

Trust him, or you won't be the first to find him.

But Chen Siming didn't dare to gamble. It was because Chen Siming knew Cao Nan too well. As long as he touched his mobile phone, Cao Nan would not kill him, but he would have doubts and estrangements from him.

He is totally thankless in doing it.

So he didn't take it. Instead, he gave it to Su Xun and asked him to fight the thunder.

As for the fact that Cao Nan would kill Su Xun afterwards, he must have known for a long time.

But compared with his own future, what could Su Xun's life be?

First of all, we should ensure our own interests.

So, although Su Xun had saved his daughter and son, he didn't hesitate to give up.

What, kindness?

You're stepping on the horse to show kindness to politicians?It's absolutely brain disease that makes a politician think that he will know what gratitude means. A qualified politician only looks at interests and does not talk about kindness.

But it's a common way to talk about kindness and benefit for others.

"That's the end of our friendship."

Su Xun murmured to himself.

He saved Chen Siming's children. Chen Siming promoted him, even though he was grateful.

But this time, Chen Siming took him as a thunderbolt. He's not a living Bodhisattva. How can he do it without caring.

The reason why he clearly knew that and agreed to do so was that the situation at that time could not tolerate his refusal, and the second reason was that it was profitable.

Thinking of Chen Siming, his mood is still a bit complicated. After all, he is the first person in the world to help him.


Southern District.

Thousand night KTV staff dormitory.

Yang Jun plays with the flip phone worth 7000 yuan in his hand and tries to lock the screen password again and again.

There is no intelligent machine in the world. They are all high-end clamshell machines and ordinary straight board machines.

"Ah Jun, you still have this mobile phone. Didn't you hand it in or throw it away earlier?"

Sleep on his upper bunk colleagues and friends face a change, some worried to remind a sentence.

At that time, he was watching Yang Jun pick up the mobile phone at the door.

He thinks that the mobile phone is so expensive. It must be a big man who dropped it. When the time comes, what should I do if I find Yang Jun and treat him as a thief?

Yang Jun didn't think so. He didn't lift his head and said, "what's this? I picked it up. It's been two days, and no one has come to look for it. Tomorrow I'll find a mobile phone store to unlock it and use it myself. Hehe, it's seven thousand."

Seven or eight thousand in this world is equivalent to three or four months' salary of ordinary people.

"I think you'd better turn it over to the manager." Xie Minghua said sincerely.

Yang Jun curled his lips: "come on, what's the difference between giving him a mobile phone and giving him one?"

"Ah Jun..." Xie Minghua also wants to persuade.

Yang Jun impatiently interrupted his words: "OK, OK, go to bed early, and go to work tomorrow."

When the voice falls, press the phone under the pillow, then close your eyes and go to sleep.

Xie Minghua sighed helplessly, and said no more. No one came for two days. Maybe rich people don't care about such a mobile phone?

A small mobile phone, like an invisible hand, will touch the fate of many people.

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