"Don't shoot! We surrender! Surrender

"Roll out with your head in your hands! Hurry up

"Don't shoot, brothers, don't shoot!"

Guo Yu and Yan Xiong came out cautiously with their heads in their hands.

Zhang San and others rushed out of the dark and went up to kick the four people down, which was a vicious blow.

"Grass Mud Horse, isn't it very drag?"

"How brave are you to shoot us!"

At the same time, the pistol in hand turned into a melee weapon to greet them.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, ah!"

"Don't start, ah! I'm wrong! "

Guo Yu could only protect his head as much as possible, curled up on the ground and begged for mercy, without a trace of temper.

Who hasn't been beaten several times these days.

Not far away, Xie Minghua saw this scene, gritted his teeth, carrying money, ready to turn and run.

"If you dare to run, I'll find your family."

Su Xun yelled at him.

Xie Minghua, who had just taken two steps, stopped in an instant, then knelt down on the ground with a plop and began to cry.

"Grass Mud Horse! The Lord will do harm to the poor! "

Su Xun turns a deaf ear. He doesn't let Xie Minghua go. He doesn't want to kill him. He just wants to control him for his own safety.

After all, he saw it all the way.

And let him go, that's brain damage.

As for the million yuan in Xie Minghua's hand, Su Xun didn't care. It wasn't his money anyway.

"Well, almost."

Su Xun went to stop beating the people.

Then the crowd dispersed and stood behind Su Xun.

"Swallow bear?" Su Xun raised his eyebrows.

Yan Xiong lay on the ground and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. He called out obediently: "look for brother."

"How are you going to take revenge on me, boss?" Su Xun looked down at him.

"I dare not, brother." Yan Xiong wanted to kill Su Xun, but of course he didn't dare to admit: "I've never thought that. Now I'm no longer confused. I've taken brother Xun as an example and become a law enforcement officer."

"The South Branch?" Su Xun's face sank.

Yan Xiong said: "I didn't know that I was looking for you today. I just got the news that there is a white deal here tonight."

"I'll take it as if you're telling the truth." Su Xun had no intention to explore the truth and left a sentence: "break one leg, give them a long memory."

The voice dropped and left with the mobile phone.

"You can't! My brother-in-law is the director of Yong'an district! Su Xun, I've broken my leg. He won't let you go! " Guo Yu cried in panic.

Yan Xiong's face is pale. If he is struck by lightning, he wants to strangle Guo Yu.

Sure enough, Su Xun stopped.

Guo Yu thought that he was frightened, so he quickly took advantage of the victory and pursued: "as long as you let me go, I will never forget what happened tonight, we will be friends."

He said so in his mouth, but he thought in his heart: if you don't take revenge, you will swear not to be human.

He must tell his brother-in-law that he would never give up so easily.

Yan Xiong couldn't take care of Guo Yu. He climbed up to Su Xun and kept kowtowing: "brother Xun, please forgive me, please forgive me."

I had a chance to live. I just broke my leg. It's a big deal. I'll just limp.

But as soon as Guo Yu tells the identity of his brother-in-law, Yan Xiong knows that they are going to be cold.

"Yan Xiong, what are you doing! He doesn't dare to kill us. If something happens to me, my brother-in-law won't let everyone here go! " Guo Yu roared.

Yan Xiong yelled: "stupid beep of grass mud horse, shut up! If you want to die, don't take me

"You dare to scold me when you step on the horse!" Guo Yu was so angry that his dog dared to scold him. How could he bear it?

Looking at Su Xun immediately, he said, "you help me to teach him a lesson. I'll be very grateful then."

"You're a damn talent." Looking at Guo Yu, Su Xun couldn't imagine why there were so stupid people in the world.

Zhang San and others also laughed.

Guo Yu finally realized that something was wrong. He didn't seem to be frightened by his brother-in-law.

Su Xun said, "send them all away."

"Brother Xun..." Yan Xiong suddenly raised his head.


Su Xun pulled the trigger cleanly.

Guo Yu's brother-in-law is the director, and he left alive. Didn't he bury a bomb for himself?

He doesn't believe that Guo Yu really doesn't care about what happened tonight, and he doesn't have to gamble.

On the contrary, as long as we kill these people and clean up the traces, who can know that he died in this place where the birds don't shit?

At least not in the short term.As for the future, after he was promoted, he still had to worry about Guo Yu and his brother-in-law?

Are you kidding?

Yan Xiong was shot in the middle of his brow, and he was unwilling to fall on the ground with his mouth full of blood.

He was completely killed by Guo Yu, a pig teammate. He couldn't die in peace!

Guo Yu was scared to defecate and cried out: "you can't kill me! You can't kill me. My brother-in-law is the director... "

"Just because your brother-in-law is the director, you have to die, fool." Zhang San scolded, aimed at Guo Yu's head and pulled the trigger continuously.

"Kang Kang..."

After a burst of continuous gunfire, Guo Yu's rectification team, a total of 10 people, Grand Slam, all killed.

"Ah long, come with me. The rest of the people will clean up the body without leaving any traces."

"Don't worry, brother. We know it very well."

They are professionals in this field.

Su Xun left with Wang long and walked along the way to Xie Minghua.

"I'm a law enforcement officer. You killed your friend tonight."

Su Xun showed his identity and said without expression.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Xie Minghua wailed, his heart full of guilt and remorse, fingers are embedded in the soil.

He saw very clearly that Yang Jun was killed by Guo Yu and his men.

If he had not told Guo Yu that they abandoned the garage, Yang Jun would not have died.

He was determined to save Yang Jun, but he was killed in the end.

You can imagine the guilt in your heart.

"When he dies, you still have to live. You can take care of his family when you live. There is one million yuan in the box. I give it to you. I don't care how you spend it, but it's your life money. Your life will be mine in the future."

Su Xun said calmly that Xie Minghua still had conscience. Su Xun liked people with conscience.

This kind of person is easy to use.

Xie Minghua wiped his tears, stood up from the ground and picked up the suitcase: "good!"

He needs money to compensate Yang Jun's family.

The rest of the money can be used to accommodate his mother.

He realized that his life was not worth a million.

But now some people offer this price, so he thinks he has made money.

It's just a rotten life. What's the hesitation?

Yang Jun's death, let originally only want to be down-to-earth, small rich and peaceful, his heart changed.

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