"I'll give you three days to deal with your affairs and come to Zhenyang district law enforcement department to see me."

Su Xun looked at Xie Minghua and said that he was not worried that he would run away.

Xie Minghua nodded: "yes."

"People will choose the wrong path in their life. It's not terrible. What's terrible is that they always choose the wrong path." Su Xun patted him on the shoulder and left with Wang long.

Xie Minghua looks at Su Xun's back and breathes out a breath towards the fierce gunfight.

He clenched the trunk handle in his hand.

It's time for a change.

"Brother Xun, aren't we in Langya district? How can he go to Zhenyang district law enforcement department? "

After walking out of a distance, Wang longcai asked.

Su Xun said: "because soon I will be the director of Zhenyang district law enforcement department."

"Really Wang Long was surprised and said, "congratulations on brother Xun's promotion. Brother Xun, I want to go with you at that time."

Only when you follow Su Xun can you have meat.

"No Su Xun said, "I'll take xie'an to take my place. The brothers here can't let go. They have to hold on!"

"Thank you so much! I will never let you down Wang Long was very excited. He took over Su Xun's present position, which was the leader of the criminal team.

He has been in the police for five years. His only promotion was in the hands of Su Xun. Now the next promotion will be in his hands.

Wang Long is full of gratitude in his heart, and secretly vows that he must keep up with brother Xun's steps and not go wrong!

After getting on the bus, Wang Long asked, "brother Xun, where are you going?"

"Take me home." Su Xun said.

Wang Long was stunned for a moment. He thought that there was something important for Su Xun to follow him. He didn't expect that he would act as a driver.

But just for a moment, he skillfully started the car and drove to Zhenyang area.

It takes more than an hour to drive from NANDA district to Zhenyang District of Taiping District.

In the back seat, Su Xun took out his mobile phone and looked through it. He saw the accounts and sneered.

No wonder Cao Nan was so flustered.

If the above things spread, his whole family would be the lightest.

None of them will let him go.

Gradually, Su Xun went to sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already downstairs.

"What time is it? Why don't you wake me up? " Su Xun yawned and said a word to Wang long.

"Brother Xun, you wake up." Wang long turned his head and said with a smile, "I see you are asleep. I didn't dare to wake you up."

"Thank you. Go back to bed early. You are allowed to work late tomorrow." With a smile, Su Xun opened the car door, got off and walked into the silo.

I looked at the time. It's half past one in the morning.

Wang long waited in the car for at least three hours.

If he doesn't get promoted, who will get promoted?

After returning home, Su Xun used his mobile phone to dial Cao Nan's landline.

"Hello, ah Xun?"

As soon as the phone rang, it was connected. Cao Nan was very anxious to stay up so late.

Su Xun laughed: "Cao Bureau, it's me. I've got the mobile phone."

"Well done. Send it to me now. I'll wait for you at home." Cao Nan was very excited.

Always carrying that heart, I finally put it back in my stomach, and my face turned red because of excitement.

Su Xun said slowly: "Cao Bureau, I can't do it. I accidentally looked at the things on it. I'm afraid now."

The expression on Cao Nan's face was stiff, and he said in a gentle tone: "just look at it. You are one of your own. It's nothing. Please send me your mobile phone."

"Cao Ju, I'm a coward. These two comforts don't work! Why don't you help me to stimulate my courage and give me the letter of appointment first? " Su Xun said in an affected voice.

Cao Nan was furious: "you threaten me? Do you know what you're doing! Since you have seen the above things, you should know that you are playing with fire. Be careful not to burn yourself to death! "

He didn't think of that in any case. Everything had been arranged.

As long as you get the mobile phone, you get rid of Su Xun, and then nothing happens.

But I didn't expect that Su Xun would threaten him with this.

"Cao Ju, I'm not playing with myself. I'm burning. God, don't treat me like a fool, OK? I gave it to you. Do I have a way to live? " Su Xun's tone was dismissive, and he tore his face directly.

Cao Nan forced you to take a deep breath

"Your promise is nothing Su Xun impolitely interrupted him: "tomorrow I receive the letter of appointment, I'm good, everyone is good, or I'll break up, anyway, I'm a rotten life, you want to clear up and talk with me, otherwise don't delay my time."

"In addition, don't think you can take the mobile phone if you kill me. I'm prepared. If something happens to me, it will spread all over the city word for word. If you don't believe it, you can try it. That's it. Good night."Voice down, directly hang up the phone, sneer, leisurely went to the bath.


"Du ~ Du ~ Du ~"


Listening to the blind sound coming from the receiver, Cao Nan angrily smashed the phone on the ground.

"Grass Mud Horse! A little scum dares to threaten me. It's really a big deal! The grass mud horse

Cao Nan yelled at him, picked up the golf club on one side and hit it like a vent in the living room.

"Bang Dang!"


Soon the living room was a mess.

Cao Nan held up his golf club, panting and sweating. He let out his anger and finally calmed down.

Throw away the club, powerless sitting on the sofa, take out a new mobile phone to call Chen Siming in the past.

After the phone is connected, hysterical roar: "you choose the good man, right away to me!"

I hung up after yelling.

After a while, Chen Siming arrived, because he had been staring at the road not far away.

He wants to see Su Xun run over by the truck with his own eyes.

Make sure there is no mistake.

"Dong Dong..."

Hearing the knock, Cao Nan got up to open the door.

His wife and son are both abroad. For the sake of safety, there is no nanny at home. He lives alone.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Siming saw Cao Nan's dark face: "Cao Ju, what's the matter?"


Cao Nan slapped me in the face and yelled, "you're OK. What's the matter with me?"

A touch of gloom flashed through Chen Siming's eyes, but it was soon covered up, pretending to be respectful and humble.

"The person you chose, Su Xun, got his cell phone, but he threatened me with the things on it!"

Cao Nan said with gnashing teeth.


Chen Siming suddenly raised his head, obviously did not expect that Su Xun had the courage to do such a thing.

But when you think about it, that guy always seems to have enough courage.

At the beginning, I just wanted to find someone who could handle affairs and throw out thunder. At that time, there was only one Su Xun who met the conditions, so I didn't think so much about it.

Now it seems that the wrong person has been chosen.

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