"Say it! What should we do now? "

Cao Nan asked irritably.

Chen Siming's face was uncertain. He pursed his lips and said, "I'll go to communicate with him."

"You're not even talking!" Cao Nan said with disdain: "he has already said that we will kill him. Will he believe you?"


Chen Siming's face changed again.

He thought that Su Xun threatened Cao Nan with his mobile phone, but just for a moment, and evil begets greed to danbian.

I didn't expect that Su Xun had already thought that he might be killed.

In other words, he knew that he would be killed, but also agreed to come down, in order to get this mobile phone to threaten Cao Nan.

There are plans, means and courage.

Then he must have thought of the reason why he recommended him, and he would not believe himself any more.

The relationship between himself and him is exhausted.

"Would you say anything else besides these two words?" Cao Nan angrily scolded.

Chen Siming said: "Cao Bureau, there is only one way, that is to promise him, first to stabilize him."

"Are you mistaken? Let me compromise with a rotten son? This time he wants the director. Next time he wants my position, should he agree to him? " Cao Nan roared angrily, splashing his saliva on Chen Siming's face.

Chen Siming's face did not change: "Cao Bureau, you can only find a way to stabilize him first. Can't you really die with him? He has a rotten life, but you're not the same. It's not worth it to hit a tile with jade. "

If it wasn't for Cao Nan's fall, he would have no support. He didn't bother to give him such a fart.

Cao Nan pondered.

"Cao Bureau, as long as he achieves his goal, he will not spread things. We will have time to finish it slowly." Chen Siming added a fire.

Cao Nan gritted his teeth and said, "this is going to hit the street! Just do as you say. Let him hop for two days first! "

"Lao Li, I'll tell him to leave early." Chen Siming's old Li is the retired director of Zhenyang district.

Cao Nan waved his hand: "go ahead, you must find a way to get your mobile phone back."

"yes, Cao Bureau, I'm sure I'll do my best to do it. You should have a rest early." Chen Siming's voice dropped and he got up and left.

Out of the villa, looking at the sparsely starry sky, he breathed a breath.

"Su Xun, Su Xun, I underestimate you."

He also has a headache about how to get his mobile phone back and eliminate the future trouble.

But it must be done well.

Because he is not sure whether the things in that mobile phone will threaten himself.

I can't afford to gamble.

In this way, all the way to drive home.

"Dad, you're back."

Chen Liang, who was watching TV on the sofa, looked up and said hello.

"Why don't you go to bed so late?" Chen Siming frowned and then suddenly froze.

He looked at his daughter carefully.

Just had a bath, wet hair, white melon seed face with a bit of red halo, wearing a white suspender Nightgown, chest radian amazing, legs sitting on the sofa, delicate jade feet, slender straight legs, the whole body is beautiful.

Su Xun is only 20 years old. There is no woman around him

A plan was formed in Chen Siming's mind.

"Dad, what are you looking at me for?"

Chen Liang is a little embarrassed and covers her trembling radian with a pillow.

Chen Siming came back and went to sit down: "Liang Liang, do you remember the man who saved you?"

"I remember." Chen Liang's eyes brightened. The longer she stayed, the clearer her memory of Su Xun became.

Chen Siming said with a smile: "you too, people save you, you do not thank him."

"Dad, you don't forbid me to touch boys my age." Chen Liang looks at Chen Siming suspiciously.

"Dad, I'm afraid you'll be cheated." Chen Siming said in a mild voice, "but ah Xun is different. He is young and in a high position. Tomorrow he will be promoted to the director and I will be on an equal footing with your father. You can give him a backup gift to congratulate him."

"Dad, you I don't think it's because I saw that he had a bright future, so I sold my daughter. " Chen Liang joked.

Hearing Su Xunsheng, her heart beat harder.

Handsome, able to fight, full of sense of justice, young and his father on an equal footing, this is simply the dream of prince charming.

The point is that dad is supportive.

Chen Siming said, "I want to talk to you about your wonderful daughter

"Well Well, in your face, I agree with you reluctantly. " Chen Liang has already begun to think about what gift to prepare for Su Xun.

I have no idea of my father's sinister intentions.Yes, Chen Siming is just going to use the beauty trick to deal with Su Xun.

As a past person, he knows very well that young people are impulsive and stupid in their feelings.

As long as you let Su Xun fall in love with Chen Liang, are you afraid that he won't hand in his mobile phone?

When you get your cell phone and deal with him, everything will be happy.

As long as Cao Nan is safe, he may be able to go up again and take his place.


The next day, Langya district law enforcement department.

Office of the director.

"Congratulations. Your letter of appointment has come down. Director Su will be on an equal footing with me in the future."

Chen Siming handed a letter of appointment to Su Xun and said with a smile that his attitude was the same as before, as if nothing had happened.

The letter of appointment is just a symbol. It can be taken back as a memorial.

In fact, it's totally unnecessary now. Just file it and inform the Department.

"Thanks to Mingo."

Su Xun received the letter of appointment, with a bright smile on his face and the same attitude.

The two people's pictures look very harmonious.

But they all know the truth.

Su Xun naturally said: "brother Ming, after I left, the position of the leader of the criminal team was empty. I have a lot of cases that I haven't finished. Wang Long has been following me. He knows these very well. Let him take over."

Chen Siming's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that Su Xun was so greedy that he wanted to master the power of the Criminal Team in Langya district after all the people left.

But the most important thing now is to keep him steady.

Immediately nodded with a smile: "no problem ah, you recommend the people I rest assured, not to mention, Wang Long is also the old law enforcement, he is reasonable."

"Thank you, brother Ming. I'll give you wine this evening. Brother Ming is here?"

"Well, unfortunately, I have something to do tonight, so we don't have to do this." Chen Siming refused with a smile, a pun.

Su Xun also let it go: "that's a pity. I'll invite you alone some other day. Let's go first."

The voice dropped and he walked out of the office.

Looking at his back, the smile on Chen Siming's face gradually disappeared and became gloomy.

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