Office of the criminal division.

"Looking for brother."

Seeing Su Xun coming in, everyone got up one after another.

Although Su xuncai has not been a team leader for a long time, he has convinced everyone with his strength.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have one thing to announce. I'm going to leave the Langya law enforcement agency, and I will no longer be your team leader."

Su Xun's first words confused everyone. Only Wang Long knew the truth.

"Boss, what's the matter? I'll quit if I do well."

"Yes, brother Xun, I'm doing well here. How can I leave suddenly?"

"Is something wrong at home..."

Everyone asked to stay, and the atmosphere of the whole office was low.

Su Xun looked at Wang long and said, "tell us."

Everyone looked at Wang long.

Wang Long couldn't hold back for a long time. He jumped up and yelled: "a group of fools, brother Xun has been promoted. Now he is the director of law enforcement department of Zhenyang district!"


The whole office was in an uproar, and all of them were shocked and looked at Su Xun dumbfounded.

"No! I'll be promoted so soon. "

"It's the director. Brother Xun, to be honest, is he a relative of the director general?"

"Congratulations, brother Xun. Don't forget us."

Su Xun raised his hand and motioned for everyone to be quiet: "don't worry, I can't forget you. After I leave, Wang long will be the team leader. It's better than parachuting someone you don't know. Xie an will go to Zhenyang to help me."

People look at Wang long and Xie an's eyes full of envy, mad, good luck.

All of them were more determined to follow Su Xun's steps.

Because look, all the four people who first followed Su Xun were promoted.

And Su Xun himself rose faster.

The boss is rising fast, and the younger brother below has room for improvement.

Naturally, people are willing to follow this kind of boss.

"I'm going to have a promotion dinner tonight. I'll see you all."

Su Xun said again.

"Don't worry, brother Xun. I'll have enough to drink tonight. I hope your wallet will suffer."

"I'm looking for my brother tonight!"

"And Wang long, should you invite us too?"

"Please, another day."

There was a lot of joy in the office.


South District, Yong'an district law enforcement department.

"Is there any mistake? Ten big living people are gone if they can't see them? "

Ye Hong is furious because his brother-in-law's whole group suddenly disappears overnight.

"The director, brothers are investigating. If you have any information, it will be reported to you as soon as possible."

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Ye Hong shouts.

A law enforcement officer came in, saluted first, and then said: "report to the director, team leader, according to the brothers' investigation, tracking and monitoring all the way, we found that Guo team and others drove to the direction of the moon mountain at 5 p.m., which is very remote, without monitoring, so we can only rely on human investigation for the time being."

"What are you waiting for? Then go quickly. " Ye Hong's face is full of anxiety. He already has a premonition in his heart.

Ten people suddenly disappeared. According to his experience, it's definitely a lot worse.

He is now worried about how to explain to his wife when he goes back. After all, Guo Yu is the only male in his family. If something really happens, he will be the queen.

"Madder, don't let me find out who did it, or I'll skin you!"

Ye Hong said with gnashing teeth.


"Grapes are delicious only when they are skinned."

Pan Tianming peeled the grape in his hand and despised Su Xun's eating method.

His piracy factory has been built.

And has tasted the sweetness, only to find that selling pirated is actually more profitable than selling white flour.

He really hated that he didn't meet Su Xun earlier.

"Do you have the money I've got for my brain equity?" Su Xun looked at Pan Tianming and asked.

Pan Tianming put forward a bag of cash: "500000, all in it."

"Is there any mistake, and you can't use a check or a bank card?" Su Xun asked in silence.

Pan Tianming was stunned, and then said awkwardly, "I'm used to it, but I haven't slowed down."

Before doing black business to earn money is black money, so can only take cash transactions.

This habit hasn't changed yet.

"Yes." Su Xun put the bag beside him.

Pan Tianming asked, "what do you want money for?"

"I've just been promoted to director of Zhenyang district. How about a banquet in the evening?" Su Xun said softly."Poof Cough... "

Pan Tianming was choked and coughed. He looked at Su Xun with wide eyes: "is there any mistake? You can't be promoted as fast as you in the black and astringent meeting."

"So, black and astringent will be paper pasted in front of law enforcement agencies." Su Xun shrugged.

Pan Tianming nodded from the bottom of his heart: "the bigger you do, the clearer the terror of law enforcement agencies. Where to put wine? I'll come tonight."

"At nine o'clock in the evening, the restaurant with broken liver and intestines." Su Xun said cleanly.

Pan Tianming speechless: "director of Zhenyang District, put Zha liquor in Langya district. With you, will people from Zhenyang district come so far to congratulate you?"

"It's better not to come." Su Xun laughed.

Pan Tianming was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "if anyone doesn't come, you will fight against him first after you take office. It's really Yin you."

"I can't match you. I'm gone." Su Xun picked up the cash, grabbed the grapes and left.

After leaving, I went directly to the 4S store.

It's time to buy yourself a car.

"Hello, sir. Which model do you like?"

As soon as I went in, the beautiful little sister of the salesman came up to greet me.

Su Xun looked at the store and said casually, "cars, about 300000, can leave immediately."

"This..." The salesman thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up: "Sir, you are lucky. We just have a car that meets your requirements."

A moment later, the salesman took Su Xun to a black car.

"This car is the latest model imported from abroad. The total cost is less than 300000 yuan. Would you consider it, sir?"

Su Xun looked at the car, sat in and felt it, then came out and said, "OK, sign the contract."

Ten minutes later, Su Xun drove away.


Zhenyang district law enforcement department.

In the director's office, the director has gone. Inside are the deputy director, the head of the traffic team, the head of the criminal team, the head of the patrol team and the head of the support team.

"Wang pangzi, the new director used to be your person. Is his mood very complicated?"

Yao Huang, deputy director of the Department, ridiculed Wang Jingbo. He was not happy either. He had thought that after the old director retired, he would be able to take the upper position.

Did not expect to be a small shrimp once the top of the post, the heart can feel strange.

Wang Jingbo didn't respond: "it's the same for everyone. It's OK for acquaintances. Maybe they can take care of me and let me continue to muddle along."

"It doesn't matter to me, the stepson of traffic group." Traffic group leader said.

The leader of the support group was also silent: "the new director is very powerful, and I am also convinced."

"Hum!" Criminal group leader cold hum a: "a hairy boy has what prestige, nothing more than good luck, originally should turn to brother Yao, why let him a hairy boy to manage us?"

Wang Jingbo and the other two did not speak.

Yao Huang was a little annoyed. He said with a smile: "let's wait for him to take office in the afternoon!

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