two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the scorching sun, the law enforcement department of Zhenyang district is full of people waiting to meet the new officer.

"Did you hear that the new director used to be a member of our department?"

"Who doesn't know? Su Xun, a member of the patrol team before, didn't expect that he was so powerful. He jumped up in a short time."

"It's really eye-catching, not to mention the director. If I can be a captain, I will be satisfied."

In the murmur of the crowd, a black car stopped at the gate of the law enforcement department.

After the flameout, the driver in the driver's seat got out of the car first and came around half a circle to open the door.

Su Xun in suit and shoes got out of the car.

"Welcome, sir Su!"

Everyone shouts in unison, Shua, salute.

"Sir, Yao Huang, deputy director of Zhenyang law enforcement department, says hello to you!" Yao Huang took four group leaders and several civilian supervisors to greet Su Xun.

Su Xun's face was like a spring breeze smile: "don't be so polite, Yao Department. We are also acquaintances. And group leader Wang, isn't he?"

"At that time, I knew that Mr. Su was not a thing in the pool, but I didn't expect that he would soar to the sky so soon. Wang was very happy to work under Mr. Su." Wang Jingbo kept his posture very low.

"Let's go first. Don't let the brothers stand here in such a big sun." Su Xun said.

Huang Tao, the leader of the criminal team, suddenly said, "director, it's not suitable to park the car here. It's blocking the passers-by."

In an instant, the air was quiet.

This is just a small mistake, but Huang Tao said it, it means that he is looking for fault.

Su Xun looked at Huang Tao and said with a smile, "you're right, Xie an. Move the car."

"Yes, sir." Xie an's address to Su Xun has changed. She drives the car into the law enforcement department.

Huang Tao took the lead in clapping: "see, the director is the director. It's really admirable that he can listen to others' opinions with an open mind."

"Pa pa pa..."

Everyone applauded.

Su Xun just walked out two steps, suddenly thought of something, stopped and said to the people:

"by the way, this evening at the liver and intestine broken restaurant in Taiping District, I will arrange a banquet, and you must come."

"Good! We're going to support it. " Wang Jingbo was the first to take the lead.

"Yes, the director of zazhijiu. We are subordinates. There is no reason why we should not go."

"I'll see you in the evening. I'll have to drink more with the director."

The leaders of the traffic group and the support group also echoed one after another, and the grassroots law enforcement officers also made a lot of noise. The scene was very hot.

"Director, Taiping District is a little far away. It's not convenient." Huang Tao said with a smile.

Then the crowd was quiet again.

Su Xun said, "if it's inconvenient, such as team leader Huang, you can't go."

Huang Tao's face was stiff. He didn't expect that Su Xun called him directly, which made him feel a little embarrassed and even more irritated.

But Su Xun didn't give him another chance to talk, so he walked away.

Others are following.

"Huang group's temper is better to be convergent."

When passing by Huang Tao, Wang Jingbo said with a smile like Maitreya.

Only Yao Huang looked at him with appreciation and affirmation, which gave him a little psychological comfort.

"Mad, I won't go tonight, so what?" Huang Tao said with gnashing teeth.

What Su Xun said just now was in front of everyone.

If he goes at night, doesn't it mean that he has bowed his head? What face does he have?

Su Xun was very familiar with the law enforcement department of Zhenyang District, so he didn't need to be accompanied.

Go back to your office, call Xie an in and ask him to send the invitation.

The names on the invitation cards are all dignified figures in Zhenyang district.

For example, the head of the branch of the three companies in Zhenyang district.

It's a branch. It's a gateway.

It's just a layer of skin, to put it another way.


In the evening, the liver and intestines broken restaurant in Taiping District.

One by one, people arrived with presents.

There are two people at the door, responsible for recording and receiving gifts.

They were all members of Langya law enforcement department and Zhenyang law enforcement department. They were arranged on the first floor.

The one on the second floor is the main character.

On Su Xun's desk, he sat in the main position. Below him were Wang Jingbo, Wang long and Yao Huang, all of whom were above the group leader level.

"Oh, I'm not late."

Pan Tianming walked up to the second floor with a smile.

"Mr. Pan."

See him, everyone stood up to say hello, after all, they all know that although the sun entertainment is out, but pan Tianming is still pan Tianming.Everyone knew that it was Su Xun who put out the sun entertainment. He thought pan Tianming was looking for trouble.

Only Su Xun sat still.

In the eyes of the public, it means tit for tat.

The next second, however, was unexpected.

"Sit down, everyone. I'm not the main character today." Pan Tianming called the people to sit down. He sat down to Su Xun's left hand: "today, Director Su is the leading role. I just came to hold a show."

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other. How could it be different from what they imagined?

Shouldn't they be bitter and bitter?

Why does it look like a good relationship?

When it comes to Su Xun's promotion so fast, everyone takes a cold breath. Is Su Xun really so promising that Pan Tianming can only bear it?

"The brothers in the Department are almost here."

Su Xun said.

"Director, team leader Huang said he has a fever and can't come tonight."

On the next table, the leader of a criminal group got up and said something.

Everyone saw Su Xun.

I want to see how he deals with this blatant face beating.

Su Xun's face did not change. He nodded and said calmly: "since leader Huang is ill, he must not be able to deal with his work. Let him lighten the burden and let him take good care of himself."

"Xie an, from tomorrow on, you will take the position of the leader of the criminal team and share the work for leader Huang."

"Yes, sir." Xie anqiang held back his excitement.

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, Su Xun kicked Huang Tao directly.

Although we are talking about a temporary team leader, we all know that these two words can be removed every minute.

Yao Huang's face changed: "director, is this not suitable..."

"I think it's appropriate." Sue interrupted, staring at him.

The whole second floor was horribly quiet.

Yao Huang was speechless for a moment. Yu Guang looked around and found that the people of Langya district law enforcement department were looking at themselves coldly, just like a dead man.

He felt a strong sense of oppression. Sweat was oozing from his forehead. He did not dare to look directly into Su Xun's eyes, so he had to swallow the words back.

Su Xun said with a smile: "thank you for your appreciation tonight. I'll do it for you."

"Dry! Congratulations on Mr. Xun's promotion. I wish Mr. Xun today every year

"Let's have a drink with you..."

Originally quiet terrible second floor, with a word of mathematics, and become hot up.

Yao Huang slumped in his chair, feeling as if he had been drained of all his strength. A mechanical smile on his white face echoed the crowd.

He completely eliminated the idea of Su Xun.

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