"Zhang shunjiu has been arrested."

It's impossible that Meng Hai and Qin Baifu didn't hear the news of Su Xun's big action.

"I didn't expect the boy to be so reckless!"

Qin Baifu didn't understand. He didn't understand where Su Xun's confidence was so unbridled.

Meng Hai smokes a cigarette: "I heard that he may have a background, otherwise he won't be promoted to the director. I didn't think he could be trusted before, but now I'm afraid..."

Although the words did not finish, Qin Baifu could understand his meaning.

"When Zhang shunjiu is arrested, Yuanyang won't wait to die. Look at it. It's time to try Su's surname."

"Look at the whole Taiping District. At least it's too chaotic for the whole Taiping District."

Looking at Meng and Su's view of the sea, I want to know more about each other.

If Su Xun can't bear the blow of Yuanyang company, they will beat him down and make him unable to lift his head all his life.

If Su Xun resisted, they would have to reconsider their attitude towards him.

After all, they don't want the next Zhang shunjiu.


In the face of Zhang shunjiu's arrest, COSCO has made a response.

That is to make trouble, but with restraint, only in Taiping District and Zhenyang district.

They don't dare to make things bigger.

In Taiping District, members of Yuanyang company gathered in Zhenyang district with white cloth on their right arms, holding wine bottles, hammers, baseball bats and other things.

The reason why they can be used as weapons is that they do not constitute the crime of illegally holding a knife and a gun.

"Presumptuous! Su Xun! What the hell are you doing! Do you know what will happen to Taiping District if Zhang shunjiu is arrested? "

Cao Nan has been the first time to get the report, holding a cell phone hysterical roar.

It's about stability.

But if Su Xun catches Zhang shunjiu, the Taiping District will not be stable, and Cao Nan will be criticized.

"So, Cao Bureau, I'm calling to request the anti-terrorism brigade to maintain stability."

In the face of Cao Nan's anger, Su Xun was calm and had something to do. He didn't have to be humble. Su Mazi was going to stand up and do it!

The anti-terrorism brigade is a different kind of army. The establishment and combat effectiveness report of 500 people in each bureau.

The real limitation of the three kingdoms' army is that the people in the surrounding cities are not allowed to go to the battlefield together.

So it's covered with a new layer. Each region has a military establishment of 500 people. It's called the anti-terrorism brigade, plus the reserve force, with a total of 3000 people.

It's almost catching up with the number of law enforcement officers.

"No way! Don't even think about it. If you dare to suppress it with anti terrorist forces today, the whole law enforcement bureau will face the investigation and condemnation of public opinion tomorrow! "

Cao Nan refused without hesitation. This kind of large-scale conflict can never use the anti-terrorism brigade. After all, it is easy to be attacked and raped by others and suppress the people by armed force.

"Cao Ju, you misunderstood a little. If they dare to make trouble, they are mobs! Terrorists trying to overthrow the regime! What does the anti terrorist brigade use? "

"We are law enforcement agencies, we take taxpayers' money to maintain the stability of the city! Now a group of mobs are trying to create * *, which is called legal repression! "

"It's hard for me to understand when our law enforcement department needs to bow down to a group of criminals? This horse riding is ridiculous. It's ridiculous

Su Xun's tone was firm, sonorous and forceful. He had nailed the people of Yuanyang company to the charge of organized riot and attempted to subvert the regime.

And he has already contacted the media.

He's in control.

Cao Nan was stunned. According to Su Xun, it was feasible, but he didn't want to take responsibility: "I don't agree..."

"Cao Bureau, it's not a question of whether you agree or not. I'm selfish. If I feel bad, everyone will feel bad."

Su Xun interrupted him, his tone was a bit of ridicule, full of threat.

"Su Xun, do you know that such unruly people will die miserably?" Cao Nan gritted his teeth.

Su Xun chuckled: "that's what will happen in the future. Now, please ask Cao bureau to send the anti-terrorism brigade to listen to my command for the time being and suppress the mob!"

"You're fine." Cao Nan spewed out three words word by word, then hung up the phone and called the anti terrorist operations office: "immediately mobilize the anti terrorist brigade of the Branch Bureau to Zhenyang to wait for the order of Director Su Xun."

"Du ~ Du ~ Du ~"

on the other side, Su Xun listened to the busy tone coming from his mobile phone and laughed scornfully.

Of course, he knew that a man who didn't obey the rules would die miserably.

Therefore, he is ready to break the rules and set up a new set of his own rules.

It's a set of rules that are used to discipline people.

Isn't that all right?

"Mr. Xun, the reporter outside has arrived."A law enforcement officer came in and said.

Su Xun put down the phone and went out.

"Director Su is out."

"Director Su, are you holding this press conference to arrest Zhang shunjiu?"

"Director Su, Zhang shunjiu..."

"Be quiet!" Su Xun roared.

The reporters gradually quieted down.

Su Xun stood upright, his back was straight, his eyes were burning, he swept the reporter below, and said in a deep voice, "I invite you to come here for one thing!"

"Just now, I have got the exact news that terrorists have been infiltrating the city for a long time and are planning an organized and continuous riot. This riot will start in Zhenyang district and gradually spread to the whole city!"

"But I won't allow it! I will never allow this mob to threaten the property and life safety of the residents under the instigation of terrorists. I will try my best to strangle it at the source of Zhenyang district! "

"With the help of the media, I appeal to the people of the whole region not to go to the streets with closed doors and windows, not to be coerced by the mob, not to listen to the mob's incitement, and to cooperate with our law enforcement agencies in law enforcement to maintain public order and stability!"

You want to play with me? Yes, we can identify you as terrorists first and publicize them with the help of the media. In this way, it will be a great achievement to hit you again!

This is a very poor method, and many people can see the trick.

But it doesn't matter.

What Su Xun wanted was an excuse to stand on the righteousness and to frighten those ordinary people who didn't know anything. That was enough.


The reporters were excited.

They don't care about the truth.

They only knew that according to Su Xun's report, it was a big news!

As long as there are big news and red envelopes, they will be very satisfied.

"Mr. Xun, the brothers from Langya district are here." Xie an came forward and whispered.

Su Xun nodded, then looked at the reporters and said, "I am in charge of this operation. Zhenyang district and Langya district jointly enforce the law to fight against the mob!"

Now he can only command the people who move the law enforcement department of Langya district. After all, the people are gone, and the aftereffects are still there.

He was promoted by the criminal law enforcement department of Langya district.

After this operation, no one in the whole Taiping District dared to kick his nose at him again.

"Well, friends of journalists who want to interview, you can interview after the event. Now I'm going to go down and deploy the operation. Please help yourself."

Su Xun left a word and turned to leave.

Xie an went up to the front one by one to get red packets.

"It's hard work. It's a little expensive."

"It's hard to drink water..."

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