"Looking for master, Yuanyang's people have begun to meet here. It is preliminarily estimated that there will be more than 1000 people."

Xie an's face turned white. After all, after so many years as a law enforcement officer, she saw this scene for the first time.

Su Xun didn't think so. He asked calmly, "is the anti terrorist brigade here?"

"The training base of the anti-terrorism brigade is not far from us. It should be there soon." She replied.

As soon as he spoke, a clear voice rang out at the door.


The searcher looked up and saw an armed senior law enforcement officer standing outside.

Su Xun called, "come in."

"Cheng Feng, leader of the anti terrorism brigade of Taiping Branch, has been ordered to report here. Please give instructions!"

Cheng Feng goes to Su Xun and salutes him.

Su Xun replied, "Captain Chen, don't be so polite. You and I are even. I have to trouble you."

"For the time being, at least, I'll listen to you." Cheng Feng's expression relaxed a little and showed a smile.

Su Xun pointed to the map: "there are more than 1000 people trying to attack the law enforcement department. We only have more than 700 people in total. Our advantages are well-trained, strong fighting capacity and complete equipment. I suggest cutting them one by one and breaking them down. If it's not necessary, we can't use a gun..."

"Director Su, don't worry, a group of mobs. Our anti-terrorism brigade will fight one round and turn them over!" Cheng Feng confidently said.

Su Xun nodded: "OK, your anti-terrorism brigade is the main force. Please take your place."

At his command, the whole law enforcement department was like a sophisticated machine.

Twenty minutes later.

On the streets at both ends of the law enforcement department, a crowd of people came, with baseball bats in their hands tapping and making a clear sound.

"Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang ~"

"let go!"

The strong man at the head yelled.

"Let go! Let go! Let go

"Release people..."

At one time, more than one thousand people, nearly two thousand people, cried out in unison, and the voice was deafening.

A thousand ducks look grand.

Not to mention the more than 1000 people, which has brought a lot of psychological pressure to many law enforcement officers.

At the door of the law enforcement department, more than 30 law enforcement officers were sweating with pistols in their hands.

In the office upstairs, Su Xun looked down quietly at the black crowd below.

"Xu -- Xu --"

a sharp whistle suddenly sounded.

"Step on, step on..."

With the sound of neat steps.

At both ends of the street came a group of anti-terrorism forces with masks, batons and explosion-proof shields in their hands, blocking everyone's way.

"Anti terrorism brigade!"

Seeing this scene, the horses of Yuanyang company, who were full of momentum, were all shocked.

"Mad, why are the anti terrorist forces here?"

"This is repression! This is a bloody suppression of our people! We will fight

"Fight against NIMA, think about how to run!"

These bastards are very clear that the combat effectiveness of the anti-terrorism brigade is several levels higher than that of the law enforcement officers.

It's OK to deal with law enforcement officers with more deception and less punishment.

But if you want to work with the anti terrorist forces, you're looking for death.

"Let it go

Cheng Feng gives an order.

Instantly, tear gas was thrown out.

"Dang Dang..."

"Yiyiyi --"

tear gas fell into the crowd, and white smoke came out instantly.

"Ah! My eyes

"Ah! I'm not playing, I'm not playing! "

"I want to go home..."

A group of people lost the guy in their hands in a moment, and the situation was chaotic.

"Everyone down!"

Cheng Feng yelled angrily, picked up his baton and rushed into the crowd. Bang, he knocked down one person.

The rest of the anti-terrorism forces also entered the arena one after another, pressing Yuanyang's horse with absolute strength.

"Ah! Don't fight, don't fight. "

"It's killing me! It's killing people! "

"It's none of my business. I'm just making up for it..."

Screaming, swearing, crying, the whole street is in a mess, every second someone is falling down and then being handcuffed.

"Mad, that's cruel."

Upstairs, Wang Jingbo and others could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, feeling numb scalp.

The anti terrorist forces are too effective.

Three people in a group of action, basically rampant, like a mechanical general waving baton.

This is the reason why tens of thousands of people in the four major companies dare not go too far.

Three thousand anti terrorist forces are not vegetarian.

This is the first time that the anti-terrorism brigade has been used to deal with gangsters on a large scale. Before that, it was a small team operation to capture or protect gangsters.The criminals in Liaocheng are endless. As long as they don't do anything, they are willing to maintain stability and maintain a superficial dignity.

As for the lower class, they don't care.

But Su Xun didn't have any interests involved. He didn't need to worry about anything, so he was unscrupulous.

I'm afraid he is also the only director among so many directors who treats the lower class as a person.

The fight below is over.

The foreplay is very long, but the whole high tide is just a few minutes, and it's over.

Yuanyang company's people are fierce, but in front of the anti-terrorism brigade, he is a younger brother.

"Send them all to prison." Su Xun said.

"Ah Xie an a Leng: "seek ye, the jail can't close so many people."

"Then squeeze." Su Xun looked at him.

Xie an beat to excite spirit, no longer doubt: "yes, sir!"

"Director Su, is there anything else I can do for you?" Cheng Feng came up.

Su Xun came forward with a smile and held his hand: "Captain Cheng, thanks to you today, otherwise this mob will attack the law enforcement department and take away the guns inside, which will bring immeasurable danger to the people of the whole city. You have saved everyone."

Seeing the strength of the anti-terrorism brigade, he felt it necessary to have a good relationship with Cheng Feng.

"I'm just a worker. I've seen these guys get upset for a long time. Madder, what's the world like? A group of criminals can clamor."

Cheng Feng said indignantly.

Su Xun's eyes brightened, and he agreed: "it's true that criminals are rampant in the city, just like Liao City. We can't encourage their arrogance any more!"

"Director Su is the first law enforcement officer I've ever seen so tough." Cheng Feng also appreciates Su Xun and his zero tolerance attitude towards criminals.

Su Xun invited: "now you have to ask Cheng team to help you send people to prison. If you have a thousand cups of wine with your confidants, I'll treat you another day and get drunk."

After Cheng Feng left, Su Xun began to face reporters again.

"Click! Click! Click

The flash kept flashing.

"Director Su, the crackdown is over. What do you want to say now?"

Good question. Money is not wasted.

In the face of a reporter's question, Su Xun looked solemn and said: "anyone who attempts to undermine social stability and the safety of citizens' lives and property will be severely punished!"

"Taxpayers are responsible for supporting us, so we have the obligation to protect their safety. I don't feel proud of suppressing today's events. I just did what I should do!"

The sun shines on him, making people have the illusion that he is more dazzling than the sun.

"Pa pa pa..."

Everyone clapped their hands one after another.

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