"What do you want?"

Yu Fei gritted his teeth and said, looking at Su Xun with his eyes full of anger.

Su Xun sneered: "I want you to die!"

"Don't..." Lin Miaozhi was heartbroken.

Yu Fei said, "Miaozhi, don't ask him!"

"Pa pa pa..."

Su Xun clapped his hands and looked at them jokingly: "Tut, tut, tut, I'm so affectionate that I almost thought I was a villain."

"Please, please." Lin Miaozhi begged Su Xun with tears on her face.

Su Xun hooked her up and said, "come here."

Lin Miaozhi clenched her red lips and resisted humiliation and anger. She slowly climbed up to Su Xun.

Susian leaned over and lifted her white chin.

"Son of a bitch! Let her go Yu Fei's eyes are ready to crack.

Looking at Lin Miaozhi lying on the ground, Su Xun made this humiliating action, which made Yu Fei furious.

"Incompetent rage." Su Xun sneered, looked at Lin Miaozhi and said, "do you love him very much?"

Lin Miaozhi nodded first, and then shook his head: "no, I don't love him."

"The rich lady fell in love with the poor Ranger. She's too mentally disabled to read the storybook?" Su Xun made no secret of his sarcasm and touched her face recklessly: "I want to see how much you love him. You should be grateful. I'm merciful. I'll give you the choice."

"If you follow him, you will lose face and kill your whole family. You will never enter reincarnation."

"Now you're going to kill him. I'm very kind and allow your family to live. Choose for yourself."

As the voice fell, Su Xun took back his hand, poured a glass of wine, and looked at them leisurely.

Lin Miaozhi's delicate body trembled and her hands and feet were cold. She looked up at Su Xun: "you are the devil."

"You are not qualified to accuse me of adultery." Su Xun said with disdain, "it's infidelity and unfaithfulness to collude with a Ranger when he's already married. It's unkind and unjust to try to kill his husband."

"And you, Yu Fei and Quan Yong'an all know that Lin Miaozhi has an engagement with him, but you still make peace with him many times. You don't know the etiquette and morality. What's the difference between Lin Miaozhi and animals?"

"If you really succeed, you can be regarded as a whore. A son and a dog are a perfect match in the world. But I don't allow you. If you want to kill me, you will have no place to die!"

Compared with the mouth gun, how can these two be his opponents?

The Su family is a powerful landlord in Yong'an City. If it comes out that he was hoodwinked, it will lose the face of the whole Su family.

So, these two must die!

"Su Xun! Miaozhi and I love each other... "

"If you love each other, it depends on your own identity. If I love each other with your mother, do you also wish me and your mother to call me dad?" Su Xun interrupted him directly and rudely.

Then he didn't want to talk nonsense: "OK, my patience has been exhausted. Lin Miaozhi, choose."

While speaking, throw a dagger on the ground from the system space.

"By the way, don't think about committing suicide. If you commit suicide, I will control your spirit and let you see with your own eyes how the Lin family was destroyed because of you."

Su Xun showed a smile, which was a little cold, and his words were even more chilling.

Lin Miaozhi stared at the short sword on the ground, and her whole body was shaking. She couldn't figure it out. She couldn't figure out how a fool could have such strength.

Has he been pretending before?

But why did he pretend?

Lin Miaozhi's heart is full of painful entanglement. If she wants to be with her lover, her parents, brothers and family will die for herself.

If you want to protect the Lin family, you have to accept their own lover. It's heartbreaking to think of this.

"Tangled what? Don't you love him till you die? Does that take so long to think about? "

"OK, I'll make a decision for you. With your traitor, you can go. You Lin family should be punished."

She got up and dropped the wine on the table.


Lin Miaozhi exclaimed, then picked up the dagger on the ground and cried: "I choose Lin family."

"It seems that your love for him is not as deep as I thought." Su Xun's eyes show sarcasm.

Without saying a word, Lin Miaozhi clenched her red lips, picked up the dagger and went to Yu Fei.

There was a flash of panic in Yu Fei's eyes: "Miaozhi You, you really want to kill me. "

He was still afraid of death.

What's more, he was killed by his beloved woman.

"Yu Lang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lin Miaozhi kept saying sorry, holding a dagger, but he didn't dare to poke it.

Su Xun, a kind-hearted man, helped her and bounced out a magic power.

"Puyi -"

Lin Miaozhi poked it uncontrollably. The dagger pierced Yu Fei's throat directly, and the hot blood came out and splashed on Lin Miaozhi's face."You You... "

Yu Fei's face is unbelievable. Obviously, she didn't expect to be so decisive.


Lin Miaozhi reacted for a while, released the dagger, and his face was sad: "Yu Lang, Yu Lang, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it."

"In his eyes, you did it on purpose." Su Xun said softly.

"It's you. It's all you. I'll kill you!"

Lin Miaozhi is going crazy. He pulls out his dagger and stabs Su Xun with red eyes.

With a wave of Su Xun's hand, Lin Miaozhi's dagger passed her own neck.

Then, the body fell to the ground, the bright red blood soaked the body red Xi skirt.

Sue crushed both of them.

They don't even have a chance to be ghosts.

Then a fire burned the body of Yu Fei.

After lifting the ban, he took a deep breath and ran out with a face full of panic. In panic, he yelled: "dead, dead, come..."

In the dark, his voice of fear was so harsh that it almost spread all over the backyard.

Soon, Su Zongxian, the head of the Su family, his mother Su's family, and his elder brother Su Zhi all came to his partial courtyard.

"What's the matter? There's no reason to be noisy in the evening. What's the matter?" Su Zongxian sternly questioned.

Su Xun said in a panic: "Dad, the bride is dead, Lin Miaozhi is dead, she is dead."

"You can talk?" Su Zongxian's concerns are different.

No, it should be said that everyone's concerns are different.

Su's surprise: "Erlang, Erlang well, my Erlang well!"

"Mother, don't hurry to be happy." Su Zhi was very calm and looked at Su Xun: "what did you just say?"

"Brother, Lin Miaozhi is dead." Su Xun pretended to be white with fright.

The world's water is not clear before.

Let's go for a while.

After all, the alien who can resurrect infinitely, tainima is terrible, and this kind of ability is a bit against the sky.

As long as he lives, no one can think that there is a quasi Saint hidden in this small Yong'an City.

"Lin Miaozhi is dead!"

That's why people pay attention to the point.

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