A moment later, Su Xun's wedding room.

Looking at Lin Miaozhi's body on the ground, Su's family looks very ugly.

"What's going on?" Su Zhi asked.

Lin Gang's daughter will not give up on the wedding night.

Su Xun was a little shaken and said, "I I was just about to sleep with her, but I didn't think about her She suddenly took out a short blade and tried to kill me

"I She couldn't match me in strength, and then she said, "I won't be tarnished by death, so she made up her mind."

Su Xun didn't say anything about Yu Fei. He gave Lin Miaozhi a decent way to die.

It's mainly about Yu Fei's words. At that time, although Lin Miaozhi must be despised, he is the one who has the biggest shame.

He doesn't want to kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

After listening to Su Xun's words, everyone looked gloomy.

They did not doubt the truth of what Su Xun said. After all, it is well known that he was a fool before.

"I've heard that Lin Miaozhi didn't want to marry his second younger brother, but he wanted to kill his second younger brother. It's a pity to die!" Su Zhi's tone is cold and murderous.

Lin Miaozhi decided to kill himself, but he wanted to kill Su Xun. It's really hateful.

Su Zongxian said with a black face: "Erlang was so frightened that he even opened his mind. It's a blessing in disguise."

"This Lin family's female Duan is hateful. Fortunately, Erlang has nothing to do with it, otherwise he will ask Lin family for an explanation." Su's heart is still alive.

Su Xun worried and said: "Dad, mom, second brother, she She died, how to tell the Lin family

"Explain? What else do they want? " Hum: "Su Zhi's ability to let their original wife go."

"Yes, it's not Erlang. You don't have to worry about it. It's the Lin family who has to give us an explanation." Su also agreed.

The son of a fool is no longer a fool. Of course, he is treated equally now.

Su Zhi said: "father, mother, it's better to unify the caliber with the Lin family. We can't say that she is self-made. Otherwise, what's the face of our Su family?"

"The Lin family doesn't want to lose face. Let the Lin family say what to do." Su Zong first said in a deep voice, and then looked at the servants: "today's business, who dares to go out to chew the root of the tongue, don't blame me for being impolite."

"If I go back to my master, I can't wait."

A group of servants knelt and shivered with fear.

In Yuanyang world, the servant is the master's slave, and the power of life and death is in the master's hands.

It is reasonable and legal to kill a family or a servant girl without reporting to the government.

That's why these servants are afraid.


The next day.

Su Zhi is going to the county government to handle official business.

After all, although Yong'an City is small, there have been many cases since tianwai strange people came.

Su Zongxian took Su Xun to the Lin family.

"Hello, master Su and uncle. Please come inside."

The housekeeper personally welcomed Su Zongxian and Su Xun, and took them to the yard.

In fact, he was secretly surprised that this uncle didn't come back with the young lady. Why did he come with his father?

What's more, this uncle doesn't look like a fool. Is there something wrong with the rumor outside?

In a short time, I came to the inner hall.

Yuanwai Lin and his wife Lin are waiting.

Seeing Su Zongxian and Su Xun, they quickly got up to greet each other with a smile.

"Brother Su, I saw you yesterday. Why did you come up to my house today?" Mr. Lin asked.

Lin also asked Su Xun, "why didn't Erlang bring Miaozhi with him?"

Although I don't like this stupid son-in-law, I still need to do enough on the surface.

"Aunt Lin will know later." Su Xun said coldly.

Lin Yuanwai and his wife were both stunned.

One reason is that Su Xun could speak, and he didn't look like a fool yesterday.

Second, because of Su Xun's address and attitude, he had already married his daughter. How could he still have such a child?

Another look at Su Zongxian, also a pair of expressionless appearance, the couple let some confused.

"Come and see the tea..."

"No more." Su Zongxian stopped, looked at councillor Lin and said, "brother Lin, you'd better send it back. The next words are not suitable for spreading."

Lin Yuanwai and Lin Shi looked at each other, then waved and sent the maid down.

"Brother Su, what's the matter? You and I should be in laws. I haven't offended you either. " After the servants left, councillor Lin also made a lot of choices.

Su Zongxian snorted coldly: "brother Lin, you and I have known each other for many years. Naturally, you haven't offended me, but your daughter killed my Erlang last night!"

"What Lin Yuanwai and Lin were shocked.

"Where's Miaozhi?" Lin blurted out.

Su Xun said: "she couldn't kill me last night, so she decided to kill herself. She said that she would not let me sully her death.""My wonderful Zhi!" Lin nearly fainted.

Mr. Lin quickly helped her to sit down and said in a trembling voice, "here Is that true? "

"Brother Lin, I have a chance to cheat you?" Su Zongxian tone eased a lot: "my Erlang was frightened by this, although a blessing in disguise lost his silly appearance, but his life was on the line last night!"

Lin Yuanwai and Lin Shi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Su Xun was completely different from yesterday.

"The rebellious girl!" Councillor Lin scolded and forbeared his grief: "brother Su, it's because I didn't teach her well that she did this kind of thing, but I have the cheek to ask brother Su Haihan to save face for the rebellious daughter and my Lin family. Don't spread the cause of death."

The reason why he believed it so easily was that Lin Miaozhi had already shown that he didn't want to marry Su Xun. After all, no one wanted to marry a fool.

Lin Yuan's hard work makes Lin Miaozhi promise. Unexpectedly, she wants to kill her husband on the wedding night. Does it say that she has a face to go to the Lin family?

Nowadays, from the emperor to the common people, we have to talk about face and reputation.

"Ah, brother Lin, I can understand your loss of love for your daughter. I'll let you have it. My Erlang will issue a letter of divorce. You can send someone to take the body away at midnight." Su Zongxian said slowly.

Councillor Lin's face changed greatly: "no, brother Su, I got married yesterday. Today Erlang is a letter of divorce. What's the face of my Lin family?"

"Brother Lin, that's not right." Su Zongxian's face also changed: "do you want my Erlang to recognize a woman who wants to kill her as his wife?"

Lin Yuanwai and Lin family have nothing to say, because this is really their fault. Su Zongxian didn't say that he had nothing to do with Lin family. It was generous.

Lin Yuanwai gritted his teeth and said, "Miaozhi has a younger sister. How about letting her replace Miaozhi?"

"Master..." Lin's face suddenly changed.

Although she knows it's her daughter's fault, her daughter's death in Su's family still estranges her.

Now I'm going to send my little daughter to see how she can accept it.

"Shut up Lin Yuanwai interrupted him, looked at Su Zongxian and said, "my little daughter Miaoyu is sixteen years old, and she is getting married. She can also take the place of the rebellious daughter to inherit the Su family. I hope brother Su can give me a face."

As soon as he spoke, a young woman in a green skirt came running in.

"No! I'll never marry him! He must have killed my siste

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