"Nonsense! Presumptuous! Who allowed you to eavesdrop outside? " Councillor Lin rebuked angrily.

Lin Miaoyu looked at Su Xun coldly: "I just heard that he came. I thought my sister came back too. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on him, but I will never marry him!"

"you can't has the final say!" Said Lin waiyuan.

Lin Miaoyu was not afraid: "I'm just like my sister. If I die, my sister must be forced to die by him! I was forced to die by you

"You That's ridiculous The forester's beard trembled with anger.

Su Xun said: "Uncle Lin, since that's the case, don't mention it any more. I'll write the letter of divorce and have it sent. You can send someone to take the body away."

This girl comes just in time. He doesn't want to get married and have children. Isn't it fragrant alone?

"Brother Lin, I'll leave now." Su Zongxian got up, dropped a word and left.

Lin Miaoyu looked at Su Xun: "you killed my sister."

"Ha ha." Su Xun didn't bother to pay attention to her, so he didn't turn around her.

"Brother su..." Lin Yuanwai wanted to open his mouth to keep him, but he didn't know what to say. He sighed and sat down on the chair.

Lin advised: "that's it, that's it. Let it pass as soon as possible."

"That fool is not worthy of his elder sister. You must marry her. She will never want to kill him. He must have killed her!"

Lin Miaoyu obviously knew something, so he was very positive and emotional.

"Shut up! Go back to your room

Councillor Lin was full of anger.

Lin Miaoyu ran away with her skirt.

What's wrong with her sister's pursuit of love? She will definitely avenge her sister and Yu Fei's brother-in-law!


"Dad, go back first. I want to go out alone."

After leaving the Lin family, Su Xun said to Su Zongxian.

Su Zongxian nodded: "take a look. You are sober now. Why does a man have no wife?"

"I see, Dad." Su Xun didn't take Lin Miaozhi's death seriously at all.

He doesn't worry about having no wife.

There are a lot of people at home. They are very busy at night.

After he separated from Su Zongxian, Su Xun wandered alone in Yong'an City.

Finally, I walked into a restaurant.

To find out, it's best to be in a place where fish are mixed.

I asked for a private room by myself.

"Sophomore, I want to inquire about a few things. I'll ask you a question. You're indispensable to silver."

In the private room, Su Xun lost a piece of broken silver to Xiao er who was pouring tea for him.

Small two eyes a bright, picked up the silver pressed into the belt: "Sir, you excuse me, small must know everything, say everything."

"Let me ask you, how much do you know about strangers?" Su Xun took a sip of his tea cup.

The second child replied, "what do you want to ask?"

"Say as much as you know."

"Yes, sir." Xiao Er answered, then recalled and said: "strange people began to appear a year ago. At the beginning, these strange people were ordinary people, but they practiced very fast. In a short period of one year, they could reach the quasi holy land."

Su Xun's eyebrows picked, and he went to Zhunsheng in a year. It was a collective trip.

And it's a quasi saint who can resurrect indefinitely.

Thinking of this, he put in his mouth: "it's said that these strange people can resurrect indefinitely? Then throughout Yuanyang, who else can resist the attack of other people? "

"They don't dare to resurrect once they die, so it's a good time for them to practice again." Little two doubts, these Yuanyang world all know things, at present this ye how don't know?

Su Xun was relieved. If he could bring all his accomplishments back to life, he would still play with a bird.

Xiao Er carefully observed his expression, and then continued to say: "these strange people kill and set fire to do all kinds of evil and act recklessly. It's strange that the lower the cultivation, the more afraid they are to die. Two years ago, when your majesty visited the East, a few strange people who changed their mind dared to assassinate."

"By the way, and there is no sense of shame. What I like most is to play the women in Yuanyang in the street, and the conversation is extremely strange."

The lower your accomplishments, the more daring you are?

Su Xun really couldn't understand. He asked casually, "how strange is it?"

"They talk about things we don't understand." "For example, what, Da Ye, Sha Bi, helix pill..."

"Puyi --"

before Xiao Er finished speaking, Su Xun took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

"Sir, are you all right, sir?" Xiao ER was startled. Did he say something wrong?

"No It's OK. "

Su Xun waved his hand. Now he finally knew what happened to these strange people.This world of Yuanyang is a game world!

The so-called extraterrestrial should be another parallel earth player.

That explains a lot of the weirdness.

For example, the problem of fast cultivation is that these players have long experience in fighting monsters and taking drugs, and they can form guilds to brush monsters. Of course, the upgrade is fast.

Then you can resurrect when you die. You only lose equipment and accomplishments.

Another example is that the lower your accomplishments are, the more daring you are.

Because anyway, it's OK to come back after death, and it's not too difficult to cultivate their lost strength, so they won't be afraid of a group of NPCs.

For players, let alone the emperor, in the game world, the Jade Emperor came down to earth, they also want to scream up to stab two knives.

There is also the problem of women who like to play.

In the view of that group of players, all the people in the world are NPCs. Naturally, they are reckless. There are many old color critics, and the tune and play of NPCs are normal.

For players, it's a game world, but for Su Xun, it's a real world, because he's also a member of NPC.

Su took back his mind, looked at the second child and asked, "how do we treat the stranger in Yuanyang?"

"Strange people are cruel and lawless. Few people like them." Sophomore is not sure.

Su Xun thought to himself, what is this? Wait, the bigger disaster is still behind.

Players are called the fourth disaster.

It's only a year now. Most of the time, only the top ones in the guild have grown up.

When all the players grow up, Yuanyang will be spoiled by them. After all, they treat all the people in Yuanyang as NPCs, and they will not be real people at all.

No wonder the system wants to let itself, and only itself can hope to save the world.

"Where do these strange people usually gather?" Su Xun continued.

The second child replied, "there are no towns, only villages for strangers, but we can't get into their villages. Moreover, no matter where they die, they are always in the villages when they are resurrected."

Novice village, Su Xun waved: "go down, good wine and good food for me."

"Yes, sir." Little two turned and left.

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