After the sophomore left.

Search will meipangzi, Liu An, Liuli, Yueling in the underworld.

"Ah! It's OK to come out of the trough. It's very gloomy. I'm not used to it. "

As soon as she came out, Mei Pang complained.

"It's a world full of spirits." Yue Ling said.

Liu An looks around: "is this a wine shop?"

"I'm hungry." Liuli sits beside Su Xun.

Su Xun said, "OK, sit down. I'll tell you something about the world."

The crowd quickly quieted down.

"Let me talk about me first..." Su Xun first talked about his identity and situation in this world.

All four of them had strange expressions after listening.

"Why didn't you let us out last night? You can still see the play. "

"You look like a villain who stops a pair of true love." Liuli has read a lot of novels recently.

The moon spirit frowned: "that woman has engagement in the body, still do so, this should die."

"Yes, it is." Liu an agreed and poured himself a cup of tea: "a pair of adulterers, husband and wife."

Su Xun said: "these are not the key points. The key point is that we have problems in the world now. It is likely to be a game world."

"What All four were stunned.

Su Xun said: "I have just inquired about the world a year ago..."

After hearing what Su Xun said, they were silent for a long time.

"What are we now?" Liu An pointed to himself.

Mei pangzi said: "NPC, in the eyes of players, as long as it's not a player, it's NPC."

"Do we have blood bars in players' eyes?" Liuli, an Internet addicted girl, knows the thinking of the players.

As long as you dare to light the blood bar, players will rush up wave after wave to fight boss and explode equipment.

Su Xun hesitated and said, "I don't know."

"What are we going to do?" Yueling asked.

Su Xun looked around at the four people: "our only goal is to drive all these players away and make them never enter the world again."

"How can it work?" Mei chubby said: "since this is a game world, only developers can shut down the server."

In Mei pangzi's opinion, if you want to make those players unable to log in to the game, you have to shut down the server or destroy the server.

But they are now equivalent to people who are already trapped in the game and can't quit the game and return to the real world like the players.

How to shut down the server?

"No Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly: "this is not necessarily a game world."

"What do you mean?" The three were puzzled.

It's a game world, isn't it?

Now how can we say that this is not a game world?

Su Xun didn't say in detail: "I have some ideas, but it will take time to confirm them, so I won't say them first."

"What's the difference between what you say and the author's breaking the chapter?" Fat Mei swears and is very dissatisfied, but his dissatisfaction can only stay in his mouth, and he doesn't dare to do it.

Su Xun didn't pay any attention to him. He said to himself, "now I'll give you some work. Liuli will follow me, so as not to run around and be run into by advanced players. Generally, players can check NPC information, and you can see your kylin ontology at a glance."

"Oh." Although Liuli was not happy, he knew that it was for his own good and could only promise.

Su Xun looked at Xiang Mei: "as for the three of you, spread out to inquire about the news and recruit people to set up a force of our own. Unity is strength."

"And the money?" Liu An looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun said: "young people, you should learn to be self-sufficient. It's OK for you to set up a killer organization and make money from business."

Mei chubby thumbs up: "cow force, you are really white, whoring, do not think of a cent."

"I'll take you on time travel. I didn't ask for your tickets." Su Xun said.

"Dong Dong..."

The door of the private room was knocked.

"Come in." Su Xun called.

Little two pushed the door open and came in: "gentlemen, your dishes are coming. Please enjoy yourself."

Then dishes were served.

"Eat and taste the local characteristics."

"We're spending in scenic spots."


After dinner, five people left.

Mei pangzi, Yueling and Liu An leave.

Su Xun was walking down the street with Liuli.

Liuli has changed into a white skirt.

Although she was very flat, she was very beautiful, so she attracted a lot of attention along the way."What are we doing now?" Liuli asked.

Su Xun replied, "find out if there is a novice player village nearby."

At the same time, in the brothel next door.

"Crouching trough, good pretty girl, the best loli!"

A chubby young man in a golden robe stared at Liuli.

"Where?" Another young man also came to the window, after seeing the glass, he felt that his breathing would stop: "what if I fell in love with NPC?"

Between players, you can see the level and nickname on each other's heads.

Like the two of them.

A fat man in a golden robe, the name of the game is to fall in love with a wild horse and transform the spirit.

The nickname of the game on the head of the white robed youth is Meichuan Neiku.

But Su Xun and Liuli didn't show it on their heads, which means they are NPC.

"This game is so real. If you fall in love, you will fall in love. I want to have a romantic love with her." Fall in love with a wild horse, can't wait to become a wild horse, rush down to chat with Liuli.

After playing the game for such a long time, for the first time, he saw such a NPC that made him excited. He had a delicate face, a dusty temperament, long legs, farts, and curls. Even the airport was just right, the best.


Meichuan Neiku suddenly grabbed him.

Fall in love with a wild horse, eyes show vigilance: "you want to rob a woman with me, then draw the sword."

"Pull your mother's head, we can't take this woman." Meichuan said.

Fall in love with a wild horse: "what do you mean?"

"Take a look at the NPC information of the man next to him." Meichuan points to Su Xun.

I fell in love with a wild horse and watched Su Xun use the detection skill, then I was stunned.

Name: Su Xun

gender: male

age: 18

identity: the second young master of Su family in Yong'an City

preference: 0



Magic weapon:???

Magic power:???

"Crouch, it's a big man." Fall in love with a wild horse, can't help but exclaim, and then excited: "we go to him, maybe we can receive some hidden task from him, and maybe there will be a big surprise after we brush up the favor."

"So don't think about lolie next to him." Meichuan said.

This series of question marks, the key information can not be seen, is the big man's logo.

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