The reason why Xuanyuan agreed to be so happy.

One is that he really likes Lin Miaoyu.

The second is because he is a player.

As a player, how can he be afraid of an NPC?

Even if you can't fight it, you can revive forever after you die. It's a big deal to call more people next time.

Lin Miaoyu bit his silver teeth and said, "it's Su Xun."

"Su Xun? The fool your sister is going to marry? " Xuanyuan was a little surprised.

He has been with Lin Miaoyu for a long time. Naturally, he knows Lin Miaozhi's engagement with Su Xun.

I know more about Lin Miaozhi and Yu Fei.

Lin Miaozhi and Yu Fei come and go, or he instigated it, after all, in his modern view, the pursuit of free love what is wrong?

Lin Miaoyu nodded: "that's him. He's not stupid now. My sister died on the day of her wedding. He said that my sister wanted to kill him, but she didn't succeed. Then she committed suicide."

"How is that possible?" Xuanyuan certainly does not believe this kind of words, because he is very clear about Lin Miaozhi's plan.

Lin Miaoyu nodded: "yes, how could my sister kill him? So, it must be that he suddenly woke up and remembered that my elder sister and Yu Feige were angry and killed my elder sister. "

"That's right. Where's Yu Fei?" Xuanyuan asked again.

Lin Miaoyu shook his head: "I don't know. I don't know about him all the time. I suspect he was also killed. Maybe the Su family united to kill my sister and Yu Fei. Su Xun, a fool, doesn't have the ability."

At this point, she was suddenly angry: "I'm going to kill all the people in the Su family and bury my sister! Brother Xuanyuan, you will help me, won't you? "

"Yes, let alone kill all the people in the Su family or the whole city. I'll help you." Xuanyuan hugged him tightly and said tenderly.

To him, everyone in the world is just a bunch of data except Lin Miaoyu.

If you die, you die. There's no fluctuation.

Lin Miaoyu was deeply moved: "brother Xuanyuan, you are very kind to me."

"Little fool, of course I'm good to you, because I like you." Xuanyuan said softly.

They held each other quietly for a while.

Then Xuanyuan pushed her away: "I'll help you slaughter the Su family first, and I'll chat with you when I come back."

"Brother Xuanyuan, when you avenge my sister, I'll I'll give you my body. " Lin Miaoyu's face was full of shame, and his voice was getting lower and lower.

Xuanyuan breathed quickly and swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "you wait for me, wait for me."

Voice down, quickly jumped out of the window, the figure disappeared in the dark.


The Su family.

In the courtyard, there is a table under a peach tree.

Su Xun, Liu Li and Huang Xiaoyou are fighting against the landlord.

All of a sudden, Su Xun had a contemptuous smile on his face: "come here, what are you doing hiding?"

The voice falls, the wrist lightly shakes, a playing card flies out.

"Puyi -"

accompanied by a sound of cutting flesh, a blood flower suddenly blooms in the void.


A scream sounded, Xuanyuan suddenly fell from the air, hit the ground.

He looked at Su Xun incredulously: "this How can it be

Isn't Su Xun a fool?

Even if you become smart, how can you have such strength?


Suddenly, he stared at Su Xun's face and gradually overlapped with the boss's face in the new copy. His eyes widened: "it's you!"

His mind was blank.

Lin Miaozhi's stupid fiance is actually the boss of the underworld copy!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense, because every boss has his own story, which is not created out of thin air.

Then he took another look at Huang Xiaoyou. He was even more confused.

A player is playing cards with a boss.

What is the story of this horse riding?

"Get out of here." Su Xun's voice fell, and Xuanyuan was entangled by a dark iron chain with a gloomy and filthy smell, which dragged Xuanyuan away.

This is the chain of curse. Su Xun wanted to try the effect on him.

Anyone who has been entangled by the iron chain will be cursed and entangled, and will be unfortunate all his life until he dies.

Xuanyuan wants to get off the line by force.

"Ha ha, want to escape?"

With a scornful smile, Su Xun directly reached out and pulled his soul out of his body.

He is a handsome young man with yellow hair.

"Let go of me!"

Xuanyuan was shocked and kept struggling in Su Xun's hands. His strength in fairyland could not resist at all, so he had to go offline.

Then Xuanyuan's soul turned into a light spot and disappeared from Su Xun's hands, and the chain of curse turned into the source of curse power and returned to Su Xun's body.Su Xun's face was dignified.

Actually in his hands can offline exit the game, this "zero" is even stronger than he expected.

It seems that as long as it is in this game world, the setting of "zero" is irreversible.

"Keep playing. I'll leave."

His body disappeared out of thin air.

He went to the underworld, because the first players have entered it.


In the underworld.

Hundreds of the first players gathered at the edge of the entrance and looked around.

"Hiss - this is the underworld. It's really a kind of imaginary feeling, that's the taste."

"Let's go to the gate of hell first. We can't get the task if we wander outside."

"Let's go. I want to see the boss. He's really handsome. It's OK to be his concubine."

"Well, I'm also aiming at that boss. He's really handsome. He's the most handsome NPC I've ever seen."

Many of the players are women, most of them are not for experience and reward, but for Su Xun's appearance.

A group of people flying in the sky, came to the ghost gate.

"Come to stop, the underworld important place, strangers do not enter!"

Seven ferocious ghosts will appear from the ghost door and stop the players.

A group of players looked at each other and discussed.

"What should we do? Do you want to pass one by one? What's going on in the hell? "

"I don't know. This copy is a bit strange. The system doesn't prompt or play the plot information."

"This is definitely a hidden copy. It's developed by our players themselves. I don't think we can fight it, because we can't fight the boss now. Don't forget that his mount is a unicorn."

"That's right. Let's negotiate first."

Finally, hidden in the players when the trust of Huang Liang took the initiative to stand out, to negotiate with the ghost will.

After a few words of nonsense, Huang Liang came back with flying eyebrows: "everyone, we are lucky. The ghost general said that the underworld is broken and is in urgent need of manpower. If we are willing to help rebuild the underworld, the Fengdu emperor will have a heavy reward."

When they heard this, they were overjoyed.

There's more attention.

"How could the underworld be broken? I think it must be a hidden mission line, which can be dug deeper. "

"Now I'd better take on this task. Go and tell him that we are willing to."

After Huang Liang went to the fake model to communicate with the ghost general, a group of players were released.

"Wow, look, it's the other shore flower. It's so beautiful, it's a big sea of flowers."

"This is Naihe bridge. Why is there no Sansheng stone and Mengpo?"

"Don't you say that the underworld is broken? Besides, the river seems a little small. "

A group of people through the Naihe bridge, see is a palace, and is building the city, a team of Yin soldiers are patrolling supervisor.

At a glance, it was dense.

The whole construction site was huge, orderly and shocking. Everyone was stunned.

"Mad, the first time I saw people moving bricks, it made my blood boil."

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