The players were shocked by the endless construction site.


All of a sudden, a burst of majestic, like the mighty curtain of the mighty, surging blockade of the sky.

All players are feeling chest dull, pale, involuntarily knelt down.

"Damn it

Some players don't want to kneel. After all, this is not popular in modern society, but they can't stand up at all.

"Look at the sky!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looks up at the sky at the same time.

A huge figure stands in the void overlooking the whole world. Beside him is a Black Unicorn, which is also huge and burning black.

In front of that figure, everyone felt their own insignificance, not only in size, but also in the level of life.

Let everyone have a sense of being held in the throat of fate, unable to breathe, dare not resist.

"This Is it God? "

Some players murmured to themselves.

Unfortunately, no one can answer his question, because everyone has the same doubts.

"See your majesty!"

"See your majesty!"

The Yin soldiers and the ghosts who are working all kneel down and shout.

"If you are a stranger, you should be content with what you come to. We regard all things in the world as equal. We have our own people to record your contributions. When the cities are completed, we will not be stingy with many rewards."

Su Xun's voice was calm, but it spread all over the world and clearly fell into everyone's ears.

People are still in a trance. When players react, they find that the figure has disappeared.

"Is this the Lord of the underworld? Lying trough, it's too strong. I thought it was a big boss of the game. "

"Yes, I was just kneeling on my horse, and I didn't dare to throw a probe quietly."

"You said, when we finish the task, what reward will he give us? This kind of boss's reward is not uncommon. "

"Sure, we are the first group of players to enter the replica. We must do more work than later, and then we will get more rewards."

"Don't we always get one step ahead of others? Sure enough, it's good to be the first to eat crabs. "

Everyone was excited and looking forward to it. They were eager to join in the task of building the city immediately.

"The trough! Bull head

All of a sudden, the players are wide eyed.

I saw a bull headed man with a book in his hand and a ghost general with a group of Yin soldiers came over.

"Why are there only ox heads and horse noodles?"

"I think this copy of the underworld is full of clues. The underworld is broken. Now we need to rebuild it. Why is the underworld broken? In my analysis, there must have been a big war, and these people died in the battle. "

"Crouching trough, boss, you can analyze so many things. Take me to play with you."

"Maybe it's a hidden task to investigate the broken truth of the underworld. There are many such routines."

Su Xun: lying in the trough, the analysis is reasonable and well founded. It's really amazing Think you're farting, down-to-earth move bricks, less brain mending OK.

"Be quiet!" The bull roared.

Everyone felt the explosion in their mind. It took a while for them to recover. Shocked by the strength of Niutou, they all shut up.

"Everyone will come here in an orderly manner, register here, get their own identity cards, take their own tools, and immediately put into construction."

Half an hour later, hundreds of players with a variety of tools, with their own leader, into various construction positions.

Some people move bricks, some people cut down trees. All in all, it's manual work. After all, they don't know how to do it.

"Ah, I'm a brick Walker in reality. I didn't expect that I would have to move in the game." Some players feel boring and boring.

These bricks are not ordinary bricks. Each brick is engraved with a pattern. If all the bricks are put together to build a city, a complete array will be built.

Every brick weighs ten thousand jin, so even if they have magic power, it's not easy for them to keep working.

A total of 18 cities will be built in Zhaoze. The 18 cities are well distributed and connected. Once activated, they will be a great killing array.

Every brick, every tile and every wood used to build the city is extraordinary. Otherwise, the ghosts in the underworld would have been built long ago.

Some players know that the materials used to build the city are not ordinary things and try to steal. However, they find that they can't open their backpacks.

More and more people find problems.

"I can't open my backpack."

"The game forum won't open any more."

"The trough! There's no way to get off the line! "

"All of the game functions don't work!"

Panic began to spread among the players."Pa!"

A whip came down with the spark, and the supervisor Yin soldier yelled: "what are you doing chirping? Don't get together when you're working! "

They are very angry in their hearts. According to the past habit, they rush up to kill the Yin soldiers directly, and then go offline, or resurrect after they die.

But now we found that there is no way to offline, panic, naturally dare not random.

"I think it's the particularity of this copy. It should be able to return to normal after it's released."

"There are still two hours to go before leaving work. We'll have a copy to try."

"This copy is really mysterious. The more this copy is, the more rewarding it will be. The construction of the city must be the task of the first stage."

"But it's tiring to say it or not."

In this way, a group of players work hard, and finally work to the next time.

"All the strange people gather here. Your majesty is kind. After a day's hard work, we specially reward you with a bottle of Xianling manna. Come and get it quickly."

Niutou looked at the players and said.

If you want these players to work at ease, you can't just draw them big cakes, but you have to give them some small favors to taste the sweetness.

Player's physical and mental exhaustion is instantly swept away.

"Good man, your majesty!"

"Yes, yes. I didn't expect that there would be daily rewards after I finished my daily tasks."

"I thought I had to finish the stage task before I could get the reward. Human nature."

"Xianlingganlu is a good thing."

All of them were very happy. They queued up in turn to get the reward, one by one.

Someone just drank it on the spot.

"Lying in the trough, I feel full of strength again, and my cultivation has increased a little bit!"

"Every day there is this kind of reward. It's OK for me to move bricks all my life."

"When we go out after moving bricks, we are already strong. When people ask me the secret of becoming strong, I will tell him that the shortcut to success is to move bricks."

Obviously, this group of people are thinking about farting. Today is the first day, so the reward is better, and the reward behind will only get worse.

Just like factories exploiting workers, they first draw a big pie to give you hope. Then they feel that the pay is very good at the beginning of work, and then they gradually start to cut benefits. Finally, when the project is completed, they directly start to delay their wages. All these are the routine of capitalists.

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