"Just received a new announcement. Players' accomplishments in the game can be brought to reality."

Huang Xiaoyou looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly: "ha ha, did you make a move so soon, and it's still the cost."

It can be expected that the original players who are willing to retreat will come back one after another.

After all, no one can refuse the temptation of longevity.

However, if cultivation can bring back reality, what should come in is not the soul, but the real body.

Can the real body and soul be resurrected after they are dead?

Su Xun sent a letter to Yueling, Liu An and Mei pangzi, asking them to come to meet.


Earth, China.

"Xiaochen, what are you going to say? Let's go into the game and talk about what's going on. We can bring our accomplishments back to reality. We'll all be immortals then!"

"Yes, we won't have to look at anyone's face as long as we are strong enough."

Xie Xuan and Xiang Shaofei said excitedly, feeling that Lu Chen's wasting time outside the game is a waste of life

"listen to me, from now on, you should not enter the game again!" Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

Two people instantly is to stare big eyes: "small dust, what do you say?"? You didn't wake up

"If we don't seize such a good opportunity, we will fall behind others and be the weak. We will be dominated by the strong!"

"Yes, the world has changed. Do you think the so-called government can maintain order then?"

They are very emotional. They think that Lu Chen has a fever. Otherwise, how can they say such nonsense.

Lu Chen said: "I'm not joking with you, you enter the game, dead can't resurrect!"

"What's the point? As long as we don't go to the underworld. "

"Yes, the world of Yuanyang is so big. As long as you don't go to the underworld, can you still revive if you die?"

They don't take Lu Chen's warning seriously, and even find a solution with complacency.

Lu Chen was a little helpless, and his voice raised several points: "don't you understand me? If you go in now, no matter where you are, you can never be raised again as long as you die! "

Xiang Shaofei and Xie Xuan are confused for a moment.

"From the game upgrade, you can bring your accomplishments back to reality. If you go in again, you will enter the real body. Once death is wiped out again, you will die completely!" Lu Chen's face is dignified.

He knew it because it was before he was born again.

Reality can bring accomplishments back to reality, and then the next step is to integrate the game world with reality.

It's only three or four years since then, and the players' strength has risen up, so it won't be so easy to die in it.

But now just one year, the game has been upgraded. Most players are chicken with vegetables, and their souls are lost every minute.

Lu Chen speculates that this is most likely related to the Lord of the underworld. It is not his rebirth that has caused changes, but he has caused worldwide changes.

From the "zero" mission to kill the Lord of the underworld, we can see that "zero" is hostile to him.

"You How do you know? "

Xie Xuan and Xiang Shaofei are just like being poured a basin of cold water, completely calm down.

"If you don't believe it, you'll know it in a while, and you'll see it in the forum. There's no shortage of it."

Lu Chen can't explain to them why he knows. Does he say that he is reborn?

This is his biggest secret.

Through the window, he looked out at the huge transparent square hanging in the sky.

He didn't know what zero was going to do.

From the fusion of Yuanyang world and the earth, we can see that Yuanyang world can not be regarded as a game world at all.

But "zero" puts the earth player into the Yuanyang boundary to do the destruction, in the end is for what?

"There's news on the forum! Now enter the game, after death really can't resurrect again

Suddenly, after listening to Lu Chen's words, Xie Xuan, who has been paying attention to the forum, exclaimed.

Xiang Shaofei rushed to the past.

The title of the post is "caution! If you enter the game again, it's not just the underworld. If you die anywhere in the game, you won't be able to revive again! 》

the content of the post is about a pair of faxiao entering the game together. Like all players, they think that they can revive as long as they don't go to the underworld.

So they were still fearless, and they gave a hand to a monk whose accomplishments were half higher than them.

In the end, the author died, and he ran away when he saw that he couldn't fight.

But back to the novice village, I didn't see faxiao after resurrection. I didn't reply to the contact in the channel, and I couldn't contact faxiao after returning to reality.

A living person, so strange disappeared, then the only possibility is death."The trough! So terrible, I'd better not play this game. It's good to be an ordinary person. "

"What to be afraid of! Wealth is in danger. As long as you are steady and don't die, you won't die! "

"Yes, what can death be compared with bringing cultivation back to the real world?"

"This game is anti-human, please don't play it!"

This post caused an uproar in the forum, dissuading some timid players, but there are quite a number of players do not think so.

After all, in their view, the gains outweigh the losses.

In the real world, that is, ordinary people, as long as the cultivation of the game world is brought back to reality, then they are human beings and can live forever.

So what is the threat of death?

Xie Xuan and Xiang Shaofei are the kind of people who have some money in their family and live a good life. Naturally, they are not willing to gamble at the risk of death.

So both of them are very grateful to Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen has a headache.


Yuanyang boundary.

Su Xun also confirmed from Huang Xiaoyou that he would die completely after he died in the game.

Then, his plan is feasible.

Mei pangzi, Liu An and Yueling have returned to Yong'an City.

"Why do we call back? We haven't finished recruiting yet. "

"That is, time is too short, just found a few good seedlings, the team has not set up a framework."

Liu An and Mei pangzi are complaining. Yueling is quiet and waiting to listen to Su Xun's speech.

Su Xun poured a cup of tea: "let you come back to help me press the field, the situation has changed, there is no need to pull the team, the team has ready-made."

"Ready made?" Mei pangzi and Liu An are stunned.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's true that all the major departments in Yuanyang are ready-made teams."

The biggest advantage of players is that they can resurrect indefinitely and bring troubles to Yuanyang world.

So the monks in Yuanyang don't want to provoke them, because they can be killed and resurrected. Why waste time on them?

But now, Su Xun just let out the news that the players can't be revived any more, and take the lead in setting off a wave of chasing and killing players in Yuanyang.

In this way, there are still players dare to enter the game?

As long as no player dares to enter the game, then his task is completed.

After the completion of the task, you will completely master the chain of curse, which is equivalent to mastering the law of curse. When water comes to the canal, you can break through the saint.

Saint, eternal, reverses the cycle of yin and Yang, directly breaks the barrier of Yuanyang world to the positive "zero" of the earth world where players live.

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