"Send this invitation to all the sectarian forces in Yuanyang."

Su Xun made a batch of invitation cards. The content of the invitation cards was to invite a clan leader to Yongan City for a while. In the invitation cards, he left a sword spirit.

This sword spirit is not only the embodiment of strength, but also a silent threat.

Mei pangzi and Liu An Yueling become messengers and start sending invitation cards all over the world.

With the invitation, Liu An comes to a sect called the fire gate.

Outside the gate, Liu An let go of the breath of Jinxian cultivation, and used his magic power to shout out: "Liu An, a country monk, has come to pay homage to the mountain and sent a special invitation card!"

With that, he dropped the invitation and left.

The whole fire sect was shocked, and a disciple came to the main hall of the sect with the invitation.

"Tell the headmaster that the people who worshiped the mountain left this post and left."

"Oh? An invitation

As soon as the headmaster of liehuozong raised his eyebrows and put out his hand, the invitation automatically flew into his hands.

Then turn it on.


A majestic sword Qi soared into the sky, and all the sword like magic weapons of the whole liehuo sect uttered the sound of sword chanting and flew over the hall.

In the main hall, all the elders of the fire sect turned pale and used their mana to resist the sword Qi.

"What a strong sword! Half step saint

The elder of the fire sect exclaimed.

"There is a strange quasi saint in Yuanyang world. Is he the awakener in ancient times?"

"Lord, what does the invitation say?"

The leader of the fire sect said in a deep voice, "I'm invited to Yongan City for a while in three days' time to discuss the matter of dealing with strange people outside the sky?"

"What's the matter? What else can we discuss about those monsters that can't be killed? "

"Maybe the quasi saint has a way, otherwise he doesn't have to go to so much trouble, or even use the dual means of deterrence and threat."

"In that case, let's go. If there's a way to solve these strange people, it's better."

"It's true that these strange people are like locusts, destroying the Yuanyang world. If they go on like this, the resources of the Yuanyang world will be reclaimed by them."

Almost all the sects were performing a similar scene. Fear and shock and Su Xun's strength did not dare to give this face.

After all, if anyone dares not to go, he must be Zhunsheng, otherwise he is looking for death.


After walking to the outside of the city, there were three monks in Yongan.

Because I know that there is a quasi saint in the city. If anyone dares to defend the sky in the city, he simply doesn't pay attention to the other.

The monks who come here are all fairyland.

After all, they are the masters of the same clan, and the weaker clan, Mei pangzi, did not send an invitation at all.

As a big man enters the city, Su Zhi, as the magistrate of Yong'an City, is in a panic.

Report to the court immediately.

After all, so many monks gathered in Yong'an. It's obvious that something big is going to happen.

He called several big families in the city to the county government to discuss the matter.

The Su family, the Lin family and other families were all present.

"You guys, there have been major repairs to the city these days. I'm afraid there will be turbulence in Yong'an City recently, and something big will happen. How do you think we should deal with it?"

As a county magistrate, this is the only chance he has to sit in front of his father.

"Nephew Su Xian, instead of guessing here, I think it's better to recommend a representative to contact them. If there is a treasure here, we'd better move away first, so as not to be affected by them."

Said a fat middle-aged man with two moustaches, dressed in a foreign uniform.

"It's extremely, extremely. These friars fight like hell. It's not impossible for Yong'an City to become a ruin. It's too late to run."

"Won't the court send someone down to inquire?"

"When the people from the imperial court come down, the cauliflower will be cold. We'd better try to help ourselves."

After a discussion, they all recommended Su Zhi to get in touch with the friar. After all, he was the county magistrate.

Su Zhi didn't go unless he was silly. He said, "all of you here are elders. How can it be my turn to be a junior?"


All of a sudden, a majestic pressure like a huge wave swept across the city, everyone felt a sense of oppression from the heart.

"The friars have done it!"

County yamen, all people are scared panic, one by one pale.

At the same time, a giant shadow appeared in Yong'an City, just like a giant who created the world. He stepped on the earth and looked down on the whole world, with purple air flowing for 30000 Li.

Seeing this scene, the people in the city were so scared that they all crawled on the ground and shivered."Isn't that the second young master of the Su family?"

Suddenly, you vaguely saw the vague face in the void and recognized Su Xun.

"My God, the second young master of the Su family is peerless!"

Someone rushed into the county government and told him, "county magistrate, the second young master has become a saint!"

Su Zhi and Su Zongxian, as well as all of them, looked at the captor with a confused face.

"Second young master County magistrate, you'd better go out and have a look for yourself. The second young master is a man of God! "

The constable was so excited that he stammered and couldn't make it clear. His sweat came down.

When Su Zhi and Su Zongxian heard that it was about Su Xun, they already got up and went out.

Everyone else followed.

When they came to the yard and saw the giant in the void, everyone was shocked.

"This Is this the second brother

Su Zhi's face is unbelievable.

"It's Erlang!"

Su Zongxian also grew up.

The others were so shocked that they couldn't imagine that Su's two idiots had such accomplishments.

Then they saw a scene that they would never forget.

At the same time, all the ten monks in the city set foot in the sky. Hundreds of patriarchs bent over to Su Xun and bowed their hands in the void: "I've seen you before."

The sound is vast, which directly shakes the heaven and earth, and the echo resounds between the heaven and the earth for a long time.

"This These overhauls are actually for meeting Erlang! " Su Zongxian felt that his throat was dry and his eyes were almost falling out.

Su Zhi was not much better. He doubted whether it was his second younger brother.

The heads of other families were also shocked beyond comparison, and some of them were in a trance.

The whole city knows that young master su er is a fool.

But now the image of the second young master of the Su family has a strong conflict with the image in their memory, which is too shocking to believe.

Especially the owner of the Lin family, his intestines are going to be blue. He should have been his good son-in-law!

But because of Lin Miaozhi's rebellious daughter, she wanted to kill her husband on her wedding night, which ruined the chance of the Lin family. It's too late to regret!

"Everyone, please forgive me."

Su Xun's voice rang through the sky, and all the monks felt a soft force to lift themselves up.

In the heart is awe.

The half step saint is respected by the whole world.

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