"Gentlemen, the world has been suffering for a long time!"

"In the past, strange people were killed endlessly and chopped endlessly. It was all due to the repeated regeneration of evil arts. They could only be allowed to kill and set fire in the Yuanyang world, wantonly and cruelly kill the living creatures!"

"But now, I'll try it myself. These strange people have lost their ability to regenerate. It's a good time for us to expel them from Yuanyang world at one stroke!"

At this moment, both monks and mortals were overjoyed to hear this.

After all, the first sentence of Su Xun was right. The world has been suffering for a long time.

These strange people are lawless. They play good women in the streets. They kill and set fire to people and act recklessly. Where they pass, they are like locusts passing through, leaving only a wail.

Now there is a chance to drive them out of Yuanyang world. All the people in the world are happy, and all the ordinary people are even more excited to tears.

"But I'm at your service!"

A group of friars said in unison and bowed down again.

Although they are not as miserable as ordinary people, they hate other people more.

Because walking on the road, these people will be inexplicably cut things will appear.

While chopping, these strange people are shouting strange words like killing and exploding equipment.

The most important thing is that this is the unrestricted reclamation of alien land, which has harmed the resources of Yuanyang.

They want to get rid of these locusts quickly, and the alien is worse than the natural disaster and the catastrophe.

"Strange people just rely on the ability of regeneration to do whatever they want. Now they have no such ability, and their accomplishments are like mole ants."

"I'm here to make a killing order. From then on, all the monks in Yuanyang have the responsibility to kill the strange people together!"

"In addition, you have to send people to surround the players' villages and come out to kill one by one until they dare not enter Yuanyang again!"

Su Xun's voice fell, and the whole city was boiling.

"Get rid of the stranger! Return my home

Su Zhi takes the lead in roaring, and then the captors and others around him roar, and the sound spreads to the whole city.

"Get rid of the stranger! Return my home

"Drive away the invaders! Drive away the invaders

"Drive away the alien..."

The atmosphere of the whole city has been mobilized. As these monks return to their respective mountain gates, this atmosphere will spread to the Yuanyang realm.

All the people can't resist the alien. Now some friars stand up and let them see the hope.

"I will obey the orders of the elder!"

All the friars saw the fire in their eyes, and now it was their turn to fight back.


In the following days, players will become street mice in Yuanyang world. As long as they appear, they will be attacked by nearby monks in Yuanyang world.

For example.

A righteous disciple and a demon disciple are fighting for life and death.

But there's a player.

Two people can tacit understanding of the temporary handshake, at the same time to kill the player.

At the beginning, the players did what they wanted in Yuanyang, but now the monks in Yuanyang are more ruthless.

The cause of another day, the fruit of today.

There are watchmen outside the novice village of each player at any time. As long as there are players who dare to go out of the novice village, there will be a group of friars to kill them.

So players dare not enter the city, in the wild have to sneak, otherwise it is easy to die.

Under the pressure of this high intensity, the players are only in danger of death, but they don't get the chance to gain, so they can't stand it at last.

There are players who are offline and no longer log in to the game.


Yuanyang century game forum.

"Mad, I can't stand it. I've been hiding all day. Who's been riding a horse to such a miserable life?"

"That's to say, he goes to work on time every day and asks his friends to have a little barbecue in the evening. Isn't he fragrant?"

"The death rate is too high. The harvest is not proportional to the death rate. Let's go back, garbage game!"

"If you go in now, you will die. I advise you Mengxin not to enter this game again."

"Even the novice village doesn't dare to go out after entering. What else can we do with this horse riding?"

"It's said that the Lord of the underworld has issued a killing order. All NPCs are aimed at players. What is the purpose of dog planning? This is still in the early stage of the game. How can we let the players live when we set the NPC so strong? "

Lu Chen looks at the latest information in the forum, and his face is dignified. He didn't expect that the Lord of the underworld would drive people out in such a simple and crude way.

He has been thinking, what kind of role does the Lord of the underworld play in it?

He is a member of the Yuanyang circle. He has been fighting against "zero" all the time, even making "zero" have to change the rules because of him. Is he a reborn?

Lu Chen thinks he should meet him.

He is a quasi saint.

He is also a quasi saint.

It should be five to five. Even if it's dangerous, you can't beat it yourself.

"Zero" is constantly changing the pattern to let the earth people go to Yuanyang to die. Lu Chen doesn't want to go on like this.He wants to end all this. Since Yuanyang is just a game, let the game stop.

Get everything back on track.


In Yuanyang.

Since Su Xun became a saint on that day, his status in the whole city, no, the whole world has become respected.

There are quasi saints in Yuanyang, but these quasi saints are closed all the year round for thousands of years. They have no mind to manage the affairs of the world.

Su Xun was the only quasi saint, so his position was very special.

The Lin family.

"It's really evil. Look what kind of chance you missed. I betrothed you to Su Erlang that day. If you agree, it will be a matter of pushing the boat along with the current. Now you've missed the chance!"

The master of the Lin family kept on talking to Lin Miaoyu. The more he said, the more heartache he felt and the more regret he felt.

Lin Miaoyu didn't say a word. She saw Su Xun who was born like a God that day. Her mood was also very complicated because she found a cruel fact.

That is, neither her sister nor she was worthy of Su Xun.

So her sister may not have been killed by Su Xun.

With Su Xun's strength, what's wrong with the aboveboard killing? Do you need to cover up?

Sister Su, she really didn't know.

At this time, Su family, partial hospital.

Su Xun was sitting under the peach tree, playing the zither. The sound of the zither was like running water. It had its own mystery, which attracted countless birds. All of them fell on the ground and listened quietly.

Even the moon spirit several people are involuntarily immersed in them, each has his own experience.

Suddenly, Su Xun opened his eyes, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly: "since there are guests coming, why don't you show up?"


The birds in the yard flutter their wings and fly away like a bottle of colorful auspicious clouds.

Several people in Yueling opened their eyes.

A figure fell from the void.

"Luo Wuchen!"

Huang Xiaoyou exclaimed, because she saw the player nickname on Luo Wuchen's head.

Su Xun looked at Luo Wuchen with great interest: "you are Luo Wuchen, weaker than I thought."

"You don't have to be strong either." Lu Chen did not expect to be looked down upon, immediately retorted.

We are both quasi saints. What can you do for the same cultivation?

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