"Good, good apprentice, get up and get dressed."

Holding up the monkey king, Su Xun gave him the old monk's robe in the package to wear.

After all, he's an adult monkey. He's so red. He's not very civilized and has hot eyes.

The monkey king is small, and his robe doesn't fit him, which makes him funny.

But the monkey king was very happy: "thank you, master. Thank you, master. It's just that I haven't taken a bath for 500 years and I've soiled your clothes."

"It's OK. It's nothing more than a dress. Just wear it. It's getting late. You and I should go on the road earlier." Su Xun said.

The monkey king quickly went to pack up and helped Sushen to hold the horse: "master, you mount the horse."

The master and apprentice set foot on the road to the West.


Blue star world.

Walking in the wilderness, Monk Tang was very tired.

At this time, he has no previous decency, panting, and his body is broken, bloody and embarrassed.

"I never thought that there was such a demon. It was like a walking corpse, but I almost lost my life."

Before he met those two figures, they were not people at all, but two low-level zombies.

He thought it was a man, shouting, and then the two sides didn't notice his zombie, they saw a piece of food waving to themselves.

Immediately the eyes flushed in the past.

Tang Seng saw that the other two were so excited and enthusiastic. Out of courtesy, he quickly stepped forward.

As a result, I was shocked when I came closer.

They were hideous, ugly and ferocious. Their eyes were red with blood. There were meat and blood between their teeth. Their bodies were dripping with blood and their bones were exposed.

When Tang monk was scared, two zombies rushed up and threw him to the ground, biting him.

Monk Tang was shocked and thought he was going to die on the spot. Unexpectedly, the voice of the intelligent assistant suddenly rang out in his mind.

"You can kill them any time you want."

"Poor monk is a Buddhist disciple. He can't kill anything."

Monk Tang was determined not to be bewitched. He fought against two low-level zombies and was about to die.

Smelling the stench of the Zombie's mouth, Tang Monk couldn't help vomiting.

"When you kill them, you save not only yourself, but also more people."

"Do you really want to die here? Don't forget, you haven't spread Buddhism in this world. Do you want to die so quietly? "

"And oh, I almost forgot to tell you that if you are bitten, you will become the same as them, and you will be crazy to infect more people."

The intelligent assistant constantly encouraged Tang Seng to give him all kinds of psychological hints.


At last, the zombie was killed by the sword.

At that time, all the flesh and blood spilled on his face. At that moment, his mood also changed.

"What kind of world is this?"

Looking at the boundless wasteland, Monk Tang seemed to think that it was more difficult than going to the west to get scriptures.

Because there is at least a goal and a route to the West.

But now, he didn't know where to go.

"It's up to you to explore." The intelligent assistant replied.

Monk Tang was not satisfied with this answer: "monks don't lie. Don't you say you can answer all my doubts?"

"Sorry, I'm not a monk. I'm not even a human being." The little assistant's tone was still a little smug.

Tang Monk speechless, can only go quietly, finally came to a road.

"The road is so strong. Is the mark on the ground rutting? What kind of carriage can crush such a huge mark? "

Looking at the track of the truck on the road, Tang Seng was surprised and squatted on the ground to feel it.

After a while, he got up. He wanted to follow the ruts and see the town.


Travel to the West.

At this time, Su Xun and monkey king had already passed the two boundary mountains. Suddenly, a fierce tiger came roaring and cutting its tail. Monkey king said happily on the roadside, "master, don't be afraid of him. He is the one who gives me clothes."

Voice down, put down the luggage, ear pulled out a needle, facing the wind, a mask, it turned out to be a bowl, thick and thin an iron bar.

Looking at this classic action, Su Xun recalled his childhood face to face, but said: "Wukong, wait a minute, step back, let me be a teacher."

"Master, although this big insect is not born with intelligence, it is also a beast. You can't stand the slap of it." Monkey King persuades.

Su Xun said with a smile, "Wukong, let's see how to be a teacher."

Voice down, straight to which big bug.

In the air, Wu Fang Jiedi and others, who had been removed by Su Xun, were shocked when they saw this scene."No, why is Tang Monk so abrupt?"

"Can he bear the fierce tiger's attack?"

A few people see the monkey king really do not hand, just want to appear, did not want the next moment sudden change.

I saw the tiger ran to Tang monk, and then suddenly put away the fierce look, a gentle face rubbed on him a few times, and then lying on the ground exposed his stomach, just like a big cat.

"This Master, how could this be

The monkey king, holding the golden cudgel, widened his eyes, full of disbelief.

He can feel that Tang Seng is a mortal without any magic power in his body.

But why can this evil tiger be subdued?

His master is really extraordinary.

In the dark, Liuding Liujia and other immortals were also surprised, and their eyes were almost falling down.

Why did the Tang Monk suddenly have this ability?

I met a tiger before, but for Liu Boqin, he would have died.

Why is this tiger so easy to surrender?

Tiger said, there is no way, can not stir up, can only sell cute in order to protect a tiger life.

"You evil tiger, your whole body is full of resentment. You can see that you hurt countless people at a glance, so you should be self righteous."

Su Xun looked at the tiger and said calmly.

Monkey King and Liuding Liujia are stupid again.

However, what makes them even more stupid is still behind.

I saw the tiger really rushed to a stone and killed itself.

"This Master, isn't this tiger stupid? " The monkey king is hard to understand.

The secret Liuding and Liujia can't be solved, and the four value Gongcao, Shiba HuJiao, Jialan and other immortals can't understand, and they are in disorder in the wind.

Has the Tang Monk become a Buddha?

Otherwise, with only a little body, how can the foetus make the evil tiger surrender first, and then make the evil tiger commit suicide?

Besides, isn't Tang monk a monk? Isn't it impossible to kill?

Su Xun lightly forced: "the evil tiger was influenced by the poor monk. He knew that he was sinful, but he didn't want to let me and other monks commit the killing precepts. So he listened to the poor monk's words and made his own decisions. The poor monk should recite the Scriptures and spend some time."

He could recite a fart Sutra, so he changed his words: "but it's too late to recite sutras. Amitabha, Wukong had better take off the tiger skin quickly to make clothes."

Monkey King

Five sides reveal truth and other gods

Tang Monk seems to be different.

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