The monkey king is going to kill the tiger and take off its skin to make clothes.

But this words from Su Xun's mouth lightly said, let him some trance.

Liuding, Liujia and other gods in the dark are also at a loss.

He abetted tiger to commit suicide, and now he also mentioned that he wanted to pick skin to make clothes.

So bloody, so cruel, so indifferent to life, is this still Tang monk?

Sun Wukong was very happy. After all, although the Tang Monk had been rebellious before, he was afraid that the Tang monk was too pedantic and always pitied.

After all, the monkey king is essentially a monkey.

"Master, just wait. I will skin the animal right away."

Voice down, pull out a hair, blowing immortal gas, called "change!" He turned it into a sharp knife with ox's ears, picked out the skin from the tiger's belly, peeled it down, peeled off the whole skin, cut off the claw armour, cut off the head, and cut a square tiger's skin.

The monkey king picked it up, measured it and said, "if you're a little bit rich, one can be made into two."

He took the knife and cut it into two pieces.

He folded up one and put it around his waist. He grabbed a kudzu vine by the roadside, tied it tightly, covered it, and said, "master, go! Let's go! When you get to someone else's house, you can borrow some needles and thread and sew them again. "

He twisted the iron bar, still like a needle, and put it in his ear. With his luggage on his back, he asked the master to mount the horse. They set out on their way here.

Looking at the original version of the skirt, Su Xun found his childhood memory.

However, he still felt that the monkey king's gold armor with lotus feet and purple gold crown had more feeling, because it was the great sage of heaven!

When they arrived at the end of the day, they saw a manor in the distance and were ready to spend the night. By the way, they borrowed a needle to sew the tiger skin.

The owner of the manor is Chen, who is also an acquaintance of Monkey King. Old man Chen warmly entertains the master and apprentice.

In the evening, the monkey king sewed the tiger skin around his waist with a needle: "master, what's the difference between my dress today and yesterday?"

"Good, very good, very energetic!" Su Xun patted him on the shoulder to show his high affirmation.

Wukong is a good guy. He just went astray. Now he is leading him to the right way. Of course, being a demon is the right way. How can he fight against the Buddha?

In the morning of the next day, Mr. Chen entertained the master and his disciples for a fast meal, and then they left.

Even after a few days of fasting, Su Xun felt that a bird would fade out of his mouth.

It's time to improve the food.

Vegetarianism is not healthy.

Even if the monkey steps on an animal, he's not a vegetarian?

In modern society, this kind of behavior will be condemned if it is spread, and it will be subjected to network violence.

When they arrived at a shady place to have a rest at noon, Wu Kong said, "master, wait here. I'll give you some fast food."

"Wait a minute, Wukong. Today we don't need to make love to each other. You, my master and my disciples will improve their food."

Su Xun stopped Monkey King.

The monkey king was puzzled and scratched his ears. He jumped over and said, "what does Master mean by that?"

This time, Su Xun didn't use magic to deceive the four value meritorious Cao and other immortals in the sky.

Because he thinks it's time to corrupt them.

It's not the same thing to cheat them with magic. We should develop them into our own talents.

Four value meritorious Cao, eighteen guardians, Jialan, five directions, Liuding and Liujia. Of course, so many immortals can't work all day, they are on duty in turn.

On duty today are the four value meritorious Cao and the five sides.

"Sue said:" suddenly a few birds fell from the sky

As soon as the voice fell, three big birds left the team at the same time and fell to death.

Monkey King

Four value merit

Five sides reveal truth

With the observation of these days, they gradually found that Tang Monk's mouth seemed to have been opened by the Buddha, and what he said was smart.

If they were not sure that Tang Monk had no magic power in his body, they all suspected that it was him who did it.

They ruled out the right answer in the first place.

Su Xun took out the grill and a series of seasonings from the system space, and said to monkey king, "what are you doing in a daze? You can't clean it quickly. Today, I'm cooking for you to have a good meal."

He has everything in his system space, no matter what is useful or useless, all of them are stuffed in.

Because he firmly believes that even if it's useless, there will always be an environment where it can be used. Anyway, it doesn't take up space. Take it with you.


Hearing this, the four meritorious Cao and the five sides revealed the truth, including the monkey king, were shocked.

"Shifu, isn't it true that monks should abstain from meat and fishiness? Can Shifu break it?" The monkey king blurted out.Although I know that my master is in the Buddhist camp, and his heart is in the demon, and he used to rave and be rebellious, he is a monk. It's a great thing for a monk to break the precepts.

Secretly, the four value meritorious Cao and the five sides are also waiting for Tang Monk's answer. If there is something wrong, they will report it to the police as soon as possible.

Although they are secretly protecting Tang monk, they can also be said to be secretly monitoring every move.

Su Xun's face was deep: "muddle headed, Wukong, you and I travel 18000 miles to the west to teach the flesh. If we are always vegetarian, how can we make it? I'm afraid that if I can't make it to the west, I'll be yellow and thin and die. "

"In addition, the bird fell from the sky. It can be seen that everything is God's will. Amitabha."

As for me, he also recited the Buddha's name with his hands together, which was the only sentence he could understand.

The monkey king and the four value meritorious Cao both think it sounds reasonable.

They have seen the lives of those poor mortals. The poor can only eat meat during the Spring Festival. They are yellow and thin, just like bones.

Tang monk is also a mortal, and the journey to the west is hard. If he is hungry, can he still live to the west? I'm afraid I'll go straight to the West.

"Nonsense! We have to report to the police! "

Only the five sides can get angry. After all, they are also Buddhists.

Su Xun sighed.

Why don't you listen to me?

If you listen to me, I don't have to do it. Why do I have to change my temperament?

Su Xun developed his skills in the absolute field, but he grasped the void and captured all the hidden five directions and four values.

"This How can it be

If the monkey king reveals the five truths, he will be a fool.

He is a mortal!

Why do you have such strength!

"Amitabha, I just want to eat some meat. I want to complain. It's not appropriate." Su Xun said happily.

Sun Wukong turned his eyes and yelled angrily: "well, my grandson said that he always felt that someone was staring at him in the dark. I didn't expect that it was you rats, Ti! Watch the fight

He took out the golden cudgel.

"Great sage, wait a minute!" Four value meritorious Cao, five sides reveal truth, scared pale.

But the iron bar in monkey king's hand fell instantly.

"Wait a minute, Wukong."

Su Xun's voice fell, and with a wave, the golden cudgel in the hands of Monkey King was flicked away.

Sun Wukong's pupil suddenly shrank, and he was shocked. He just wanted to test Tang Monk's strength. He never thought that he was so strong.

The four value meritorious Cao and the five sides were also stunned, so they suddenly realized.

This Tang monk is not a mortal.

It is clear that their own cultivation is too low, so they can't see it.

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