I saw the strength of Tang monk.

The four value meritorious Cao is a little flustered when the five sides reveal the truth.

After all, they see that Tang Monk wants to break the precepts. Tang monk should not kill the gods.

"Is it too much for me to eat meat?"

Su Xun quietly looked at the current nine people.

Nine people look at each other, dare not answer.

Su Xun looked at the monkey king again: "Monkey King, as a teacher, I want to eat meat. Do you think it's too much?"

"Not too much, not too much. When I have time, I will catch a dragon for my master and let him taste the taste of dragon liver." Monkey King replied repeatedly.

Master's cultivation is profound, which is a good thing for him. No wonder master dares to be so rebellious and unruly. He has the strength.

Five hundred years after he was oppressed, the monkey king realized that he should not act too forcefully without absolute confidence, otherwise he would act like a fool.

I learned these two words from my master.

The master said that these two words are very mysterious. He is very dull and has not yet understood them.

The most important thing is that as a monkey, he is a vegetarian, but as a demon, he is a meat eater!

A carnivore has to change his eating habits just because he joined a sect.

There is no royal law, there is no natural law!

Therefore, he supported Tang monk to eat meat with both hands.

"If I eat meat, you all want to complain. Namo Amitabha, this is to force the poor monk to stop killing." Su Xun put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name in a gentle tone, showing a compassionate look.

However, Cao's merits may be drowned in the waves.

Tang nine monk's face was so pale with such a strong murderous spirit.

This is not a Buddhist, the whole evil way evil monk ah, even if it is a Buddha is also evil Buddha!

The monkey king was also surprised that the West heaven chose his master to learn the Scriptures. Isn't it stupid for the Tathagata to practice?

He felt that master was more like a big demon than himself.

"No! No! No, elder, for a mouthful of meat, no killing! "

"Yes, it's good to eat meat, it's good to eat meat, the elder is right, it's healthy to eat meat!"

"Look what the elder looks like. How can he get to the west! In order to learn from the great cause, we must also eat meat! The body is important

Under such appalling murderous atmosphere, the four value meritorious Cao and the five sides revealed the truth quite tacit understanding.

After all, in order to prevent Tang monk from eating meat, he lost his life instead. It's not worth it.

They said in their heart, let's endure for a while, and see the future, we will report to heaven, and ask you to pay for today's things!

"In that case, why don't you share this gift with me?"

Su Xun was very hospitable and invited them to lunch.

Four value merit is not bad.

The five directions reveal the truth, but the face changes greatly.

They are Buddhist disciples. If they break the meat precepts, let alone Sue Tang monk, I'm afraid they will have to help Tang Monk hide it in the future.

"Amitabha, thank you for your kindness, but we are finally disciples of Buddhism..."

Tang Monk directly interrupted Jin tou Jiedi's words and said: "poor monk is also a Buddhist disciple. Can't you eat if I eat?"

Five people stop talking and yell in their hearts. You are a fart disciple of Buddhism. At most, you are a scum of Buddhism!

"Why, I invited you to eat with my kindness, but the five of you didn't appreciate it. Didn't you give me face?" Su Xun's face sank.

The five sides revealed the truth in an instant. They were excited and quibbled: "dare not, elder, we can't help but be happy. How can we refuse?"

I'm kidding. Monk Tang looks like he's going to eat people.

Now, with a heavy face, they might be stewed.

Eat meat, and they are eaten as meat.

These two options are obviously not difficult to choose.

"Master, I'll deal with the three birds." Sun Wukong said, ready to deal with the ingredients.

Su Xun stopped him: "Wukong, give new friends a chance to do things, so that they can have a more sense of participation and achievement."

Then he glanced at the four value meritorious Cao and the five sides: "what are you doing in a daze! Remember, don't use magic, high-end food is to use the most original processing method, in order to retain the flavor

"Amitabha, sin." Five sides revealed the truth and read a Buddha's name. Five people picked up a bird and went around to open their intestines.

Five monks around a big bird, while chanting the Buddha's name, while plucking hair, the scene is funny.

"Grass! Baldness is Yin

Four value merit Cao looked at each other, scolded in his heart, and then picked up the remaining two birds.They don't have much pressure.

When the food and raw materials were processed, Su Xun set up a barbecue and taught the monkey king to burn charcoal.

"Wukong, do you see that as long as the fist is big enough, the Buddhist disciples will be forced to break the precepts. Look at their clumsy way of dealing with food materials. What's the truth from it?" Su Xun asked.

Monkey King scratched his ears, then his eyes lit up: "master, do you mean you can do whatever you want with big fists?"

"It's just one of them." Su Xun was not angry and said: "second, these silly beeps still spread Buddhism to save the world. They can't even deal with a bird. They still save a bird!"

"Master, that's right. These bald people A Buddhist disciple with only his appearance is just a waste who can only eat rice. " Sun Wukong is disgusted with Buddhism. Who let the Tathagata be the one who oppressed him at the foot of the five elements mountain?

Five party Jiedi was so angry that he trembled all over, but he didn't dare to fight back. He could only spread his anger on the bird in front of him, and his plucking action was even more violent.

"The so-called Buddhism, occupying a large temple, encircling fertile land, will only pit the people's incense money, so we should divide the land they encircle to the people, donate the money to the national treasury to build water conservancy, and let the Buddhist disciples return to the common customs, go to the fields and raise cattle. Only in this way can we really go deep into the masses and benefit the people."

After hearing this, Wu Fang Jiedi wanted to turn around and roar. You are also a Buddhist disciple. Why are you so anxious!

But they can only think about it, but they dare not say it.

However, listening to Tang Monk's words, there was a kind of fear in their hearts.

The West heaven has chosen such a person to learn Buddhist scriptures. Is this to promote Buddhism or to destroy Buddhism!

Su Xun and Sun Wukong scolded the bald man in front of the monk. They didn't care. They let the five sides reveal the truth and nearly vomited blood.

There's no way. In their eyes, Tang Seng is totally cruel. After all, he's so cruel that he even scolds himself.

Soon, all three birds were taken care of.

The grill is red, too.

Susian started the barbecue himself.

The five sides of Jiedi are sitting on the ground chanting sutras. When they think that they are going to break the precepts, they are full of guilt and remorse. How can they break the precepts!

But gradually, smelling more and more fragrant flavor, looking at the three fat birds more and more attractive color, Ze, five sides reveal truth throat surging.

They really don't want to break the rules.

But it's so fragrant!

It looks like It looks delicious.

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