On the barbecue rack, three fat birds sprinkled with various seasonings have golden color and rich fragrance.

"Gulu ~"

the four value meritorious Cao reveals the truth from five aspects. He looks at the barbecue grill and the bird who has been tested into another shape. He is very sad and tears come down from the corner of his mouth.

"Master, how long will it take to eat?"

Sun Wukong also kept swallowing saliva, and six hearts were bouncing around.

"Fast, fast."

Su Xun applied a layer of oil, sprinkled with fried sesame seeds, and then said, "it's done."

"My grandson can't wait." The monkey king quickly grabbed a bird and pulled half of it off. As he was preparing to eat, he suddenly thought of something: "master, you eat first."

"As a teacher, there are not so many rules here. You can take it and eat it yourself." Su Xun would never say that he disliked the monkey's paw.

The monkey king was overjoyed: "thank you, master."

"You're welcome, gentlemen. Help yourself." Su Xun also pulled a thigh down and took a bite. His mouth was full of oil. He looked at the nine people and said.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

The four value meritorious Cao swarmed up and quickly pulled down a large piece of meat to eat.

"Ah! How delicious there is in the world

"Today I know that Bai has been a immortal for thousands of years!"

"It's only because it exists in the world. How many times can I hear it in the sky?"

"Ah! It's so damn delicious

Just one mouthful, the four value merit Cao was astonished by heaven and man, and each one sincerely expressed his admiration.

The five sides reveal the essence of the mouth in the crazy secretion of saliva.

"Well, since the elder forces each other by means, we will try our best to break the meat precepts."

Silver head Jiedi the first can not help, said a word to deceive themselves, and then pulled off a wing, carefully bit a bit.

The rich meat flavor mixed with the flavor of spices burst out in the mouth, and suddenly felt that the whole person was going to float, and his mind was blank, and his eyes were dull.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

In the end, the meat is not good enough, or the wine is not strong enough, I can't even think of entering the Buddhism.

I'm still a hammer monk. Isn't meat popular?

And gobble it up.

The remaining four members of the group read the Buddha's name one after another and joined the carnivore group. They were full of greasy food.

Seeing this scene, Su Xun was full of sense of achievement. He immediately took out a few bottles of white wine:

"come on, everyone, it's fate to meet each other. It's a long way to the west, but I want to have today every year. I have several bottles of good wine here for you to drink together."

I'm too lazy to take the cup. I just throw a bottle and drink it.

Naturally, he added some ingredients to the wine. After all, as a man with cultivation, he didn't feel much when drinking any wine, so he brewed it himself.

He called this wine immortal drunk.

As the name suggests, the immortal is drunk.

If you ask what is the most rapid way to shorten the distance between people.

It's definitely barbecue.

Eating barbecue, drinking wine.

There are more and more talks about the four value meritorious Cao and the five directions, especially the four value meritorious Cao.

Men start to brag as soon as they drink.

"Elder, you can rest assured that we will never report this matter to the higher authorities."

"Yes, I ate your meat today, and I will pay for it."

"It's just three ordinary birds that can be so tasteless. If the crane in the sky still has it?"

"Erlangshen's wheezing dog is the best in dogs. It's also very delicious to roast."

"Lao Jun's sitting down, qingniu..."

Su Xun watched them blow with a smile, took out a mobile phone and recorded it for them.

To leave precious image data for their innocent middle-aged years.

I have a handle.

Are you afraid that they will falsely accuse themselves?


When Su Xun was about to leave.

Tang Seng of blue star world is almost hungry.

As a physical body, it's not only a foetus, but also a kind of lack of exercise. It's Vegetarian all the year round and not in good health.

When he came to this strange world and fought with the zombies, plus the long journey, he was already thirsty, dry mouth and cleft lip.


Suddenly, he heard a loud noise.

He was startled: "Amitabha, which immortal is casting the Dharma?"

Subconsciously looking up into the sky.

In the distance, there is something like fireworks in the sky, which makes a loud noise wherever it falls, accompanied by smoke and dust all over the sky.

There have been fireworks in the Tang Dynasty, and Tang monk has seen them, but he has never seen such a powerful one.

But then came joy.

Because there are fireworks, there are people.He judged where the fireworks were flying, and quickly found the direction.

He stood in the mountain for an hour.

People, dense people.

Zombies, all kinds of zombies.

He didn't know it was a zombie. He called it a ghost.

On the plain below.

It's a group army that's cleaning up zombies.

Zombies don't have artillery and air force, so we don't need to pay attention to tactics.

Thousands of cannons line up.

"Let it go

"Boom! Boom! Boom... "

With a command, thousands of cannons roared out a small arm thick shell.

"Boom -"

when the shell fell into the corpse group, it was a burst of landslides, limbs flying, blood all over the sky.

Three rounds of artillery bombardment, hundreds of tanks roared and rolled up, even the earth was shaking.

The infantry followed behind the tank, using the tank as a cover, constantly shooting at the zombies.

There is a machine gunner above each tank, and the machine gun spits out fire snakes.

It's like a scythe that cuts rows of zombies.

The corpses without Zombie King are like tigers without teeth. Facing the iron torrent of human beings, they have to be crushed mercilessly.

On the top of the mountain, Tang Monk's mind was blank.

In his opinion, the ferocious ghosts were killed so easily.

He didn't know guns, tanks or machine guns, but he felt very powerful.

And looking at the unscrupulous machine gunner on the tank, he had an inexplicable passion.

"Amitabha, sin, sin, poor monk is a family, even in the face of a ghost, can't kill evil."

Aware of the wrong state of mind, Tang Seng immediately condemned himself and criticized himself.

But his eyes were fixed on the battlefield below.

"Buzz, buzz..."

There was a noise in the sky.

He looked up subconsciously.

I saw a big bird flying in the sky. The big birds dived to the ground and threw their eggs.

Then the eggs blow up and kill zombies.

Tang Monk grew up with a big mouth, which can really plug a bird's egg.

What is this big bird flying in the sky?

Is that the one running on the ground Car?

And what's that that's going to magnify the fireworks?

What are the weapons in your hands?

These people seem to be mortals just like the common people in the Tang Dynasty. Why can they create these incredible things?

Tang Monk's mind is full of 100000 whys.

I thought that the Tang Dynasty was already a powerful country in the world, but I never thought that there were people outside the people and heaven outside.

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