A barbecue and a drink.

Four value meritorious Cao and five directions reveal truth, eat full drink full drunk snore big sleep.

It took two or three hours to wake up.


After waking up, nine people immediately thought of something.

"Do you sleep well? I want to show you a treasure. " Su Xun said with a smile.

Nine people have a bad feeling in their hearts.

Sure enough, the next second their worries came true.

Su Xun took out his mobile phone and played the video of a group of people boasting and talking wildly.

The four value meritorious Cao and the five sides Jiedi turned pale and knew that they had completely fallen into the pit.

Especially the five sides.

In the video, they, one by one, bare their chests and breasts, put their cassocks on the fart, and sat under the bottom of their stocks, holding wine in one hand and meat in the other.

If this is spread, they will definitely arrive in the west before Tang monk.

"Elder, you What do you want to do? "

Nine people want to cry without tears to see Tang monk.

It's very like the little daughter-in-law who was forced into prostitution.

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do. Do you understand?"

Su Xun put away his mobile phone, put on his wireless headset, and listened to the dynamic DJ.

Nine people have no choice, can only nod: "understand."

"That's right. Amitabha, it's getting late. Wukong, it's time to go on the road."

Su Xun picked up the nine ring stick and restored the original appearance of the eminent monk.

The four valued Gongcao and the five sides Jiedi looked at each other, and the duty Gongcao gritted his teeth and said, "elder Mingjian, in addition to us, Liuding Liujia and the eighteen guardians Jialan, elder..."

"The watch said it." Su Xun interrupted him and said, "just give it to me."

Nine people think of their appearance, instantly feel Tang Monk this is very credible.

The nine men went back to pretend in the dark again.

Su Xun was riding on his horse, and the monkey king was walking in front of him. The master and his disciples left for the West.

Along the way, the four value meritorious Cao and Wu Fang Jiedi had fallen completely. They kept going out to catch all kinds of game for Tang monk to cook.

It became a journey to the West on the tip of the tongue.

Half a month later, Su Xun, Sun Wukong, four value meritorious Cao, and the five sides all gained weight.

I can't help it. Life is so good.

Oh, by the way, Liuding Liujia and Shiba HuJiao Jialan were also dealt with by Su Xun by the same means.

Now this group of secret protection team has been completely corrupted by him.

Don't say Tang Monk eats meat, even if Tang Monk wants to sleep with a sister, they have to help him find one.

On this day, the Tang Monk and the monkey king were walking on the road, and the monkey king was jumping while walking.

It's not him. Monkey disease happened again.

The real reason is that he also has a wireless headset in his ear.

Since he heard it curiously once.

He became addicted.

He had the cheek to ask for a headset, and he wore his tiger skirt all day long, twisting and twisting, and sometimes speaking English.

Suddenly, there was a whistle on the roadside, and six people came out, each with a long gun, a short sword, a sharp blade and a strong bow. They said in a loud voice: "that monk! Go there! Leave the horses early, put down your luggage and spare your life! "

"Oh, Wukong, look, there are six thieves." Monk Tang rode on his horse and looked at the six thieves curiously.

Wukong lifted the monkey hair in front of his forehead: "master, don't worry. Let's see the means of the disciples."

"Wait a minute, Wukong. We monks will fight and kill, which will hurt Tianhe. Step back and let us be teachers." Tang monk said solemnly and rolled up the sleeve of the cassock.

The monkey king was a little depressed. Besides hunting, he didn't have a chance to do it.

On the hillside in the distance, Guanyin, who has changed into an old woman, looks at Tang Seng with a tight hat in her hand.

Is this the Tang Monk he met in Chang'an?

Encounter robbers not only not afraid, but also stopped the monkey king to take the initiative to solve.

And the monkey king is so obedient!

Bodhisattva Guanyin looked down at the flower cap in his hand. In this case, is this tight hoop still necessary for monkey king to wear?

Tight hoop is the monkey is not obedient, Guanyin Bodhisattva taught Tang monk to use to restrain its means.

But now, the monkey is so obedient, what's the need for this hoop?

Avalokitesvara was full of doubts and decided to continue to watch.

I saw monk Tang go to the six robbers and say, "I'm the monk who came from the eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the west to seek the Scriptures. Don't pester me here. It's a capital crime to beat up my family and rob my house. I'll give you a chance to turn over and make a new life. I'll go to the nearest government to confess my guilt."

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw this scene and laughed helplessly.Tang monk or Tang monk.

More innocent than before.

Do you think his words can really persuade the six robbers to turn themselves in to the government?

Then the next second the smile on her face hardened.

All of a sudden, the six robbers burst into tears and left the guy on their knees.

"Woo woo Shame, shame, I didn't expect that I and six other people robbed the elder, but the elder had forgiven us. What a shame

"I'm really not a thing. My mother raised me so much that I came out to be a robber. I'll go to Fufa immediately, and I'll confess my guilt immediately!"

"Listening to the elder's words is better than reading for ten years. I have deeply realized the mistakes I made in my growth path. I will reform myself and be a good man."

"There is no reward for the elder's kindness. I only have some money and dry food. Please accept it."

Guanyin Bodhisattva

She was staring at the scene.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

When the robber met the monk, he didn't rob his family. He cried and repented because of his words.

Besides, they also need to give money and dry food.

This The plot is wrong!

Guanyin Bodhisattva always feels that something is wrong, but he can't see where it is.

Can only call on today's duty to sigh wonderful Jialan, ask him how this is going on.

Sighing miaogalan, he said, "I don't know if I can enlighten the Bodhisattva. Maybe the sutras are loved by heaven. They will have a good time all the way."

After eating meat for several days, he certainly didn't dare to betray Tang Seng. It's a big man's business.

"Go and watch carefully, and report to me as soon as you have any abnormality." Said the Avalokitesvara.

Sigh miaogalan without hesitation: "please rest assured, I will keep it in mind."

I have already remembered it, but I will not do it. Old fellow iron, it is all right.

"Wait a minute, please tell me what happened these days..." Guanyin Bodhisattva is still worried.

Wonderful sigh Jia blue in the heart already can't help scolding Niang.

Why is this Bodhisattva so forced?

I'm still busy going back to play mahjong!

Only after they were in the same boat with monk Tang did they know what a real immortal should live.

A cigarette after a meal is better than a living immortal.

A bottle of wine for dinner, anything you want.

With a full stomach, I listen to the DJ dancing.

This is the time for the immortals to change their lives!

And Tang monk often spit fragrance, from time to time witticism, also let people marvel.

For example, the word shi'er-li is used to describe the present Bodhisattva. He thinks it is the essence.

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