An Zijin went home, because he didn't go home last night. If he didn't go back early today, he would come to Yuliang mountain to fight with Su Xun.

Although Su Xun was not afraid of an Nantian, he could not fight with his father-in-law.

An Zijin has gone, but Liao Yu has not.

Su Xun looks at Liao Yu.

"Brother." Liao Yu looks at Su Xun with eyes full of eyes. When Su Xun stares at her, she feels as if an electric current is passing through her body.

How handsome! I didn't find out before. Su Xun is really handsome.

Qin Zhu also looks at Su Xun with a crazy face. She feels that her cold body seems to be getting hot.

The maids in the living room, one by one, are more pretty, red, legs are soft, and they can't stand steadily.

Su Xun

Originally, there were two days to go before next Monday, and he wanted to take two days off to have a good time.

Now, it's a bit empty for him to go out.

After all, he is afraid of walking on the street and other people's wives or girlfriends are staring at him all the time, which is easy to cause family conflicts.

Finally, Su Xun went out.

Because of the beauty, for the sake of safety, he added several more bodyguards around him.

Of course, sunglasses and masks must not be forgotten.

The purpose of his trip is under the overpass in Dongcheng District. After all, tool Man Zhou Chengxuan is still there.

Today, he is going to announce a big event. Master Su is going to quit the world. He will no longer be a fortune teller.

After all, it's too hard to be a fortune teller.


Dongcheng District, under the overpass.

It's still crowded here today.

It's just that there are many more owners, men and women, in suits and shoes, bright, wearing watches and driving luxury cars.

"Mr. Zhou, when will master Su come?"

"Will he come today?"

"We all drive from other places..."

A group of people asked Zhou Chengxuan, just like a group of ducks.

Zhou Chengxuan was very impatient and said, "if you don't have the patience, please go back home."

The noisy crowd was quiet for a moment.

"Cough, Mr. Zhou, we don't mean that. We just can't wait to see Master su."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll wait as long as we can."

Suddenly, Zhou Chengxuan Shua stood up and quickly walked to the distance.

Although Su Xun was wearing sunglasses and a mask, he recognized each other at the first sight and said respectfully, "master, you're here. I've been telling people fortune here according to your instructions. I've gained a lot and felt a lot."

Although Su Xun didn't know what he had gained, he still said seriously: "that's good. I didn't waste all my efforts. I won't use it here for fortune telling in the future."

Although I didn't bother at all, I just used you as a tool.

"Master Su, it's master su."

Guochengxuan heard the name of Zhou Cong, all the people know his identity.

"Master Su, I finally see you. I'm from Yunling."

"Master Su, you must give me a hexagram. I will give you any money."

There are at least hundreds of people gathered under the whole overpass, which is black and white.

Su Xun raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Looking at the crowd, he said calmly:

"thank you for your kindness, but for some reasons, I decided not to give people fortune telling anymore, so please come back."

What is the specific reason?

Of course, it's because I don't know how to do fortune telling. I'm just a cheat.


All of a sudden, even Zhou Chengxuan was staring at Su Xun.

"No fortune telling? Master Su, I'm driving all night. The driver is going to be in shock. "

"Yes, how can we forget it, master Su? You can think about it again."

"Master su..."

After all, many people came all night and waited all morning just to get a chance to look good.

As a result, Su Xun suddenly said that he would no longer give people fortune telling from now on. How could they accept this.

Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, no one listened to Su Xun's shouts, but he could only use the ultimate kill technique.

He slowly took off his sunglasses! Take off the mask again!

The scene, which was originally noisy, seemed to be stopped by pressing the pause button. All of a sudden, everyone was staring at him.

At this moment, they have only one idea in mind.

How can there be such a handsome man in the world?

"Everybody, now you can listen to me. Fortune telling is just a revelation. If it goes on for a long time, it will be very bad in my old age. I really don't want to end up like this."Su Xun was serious and blind.

"Master Su, I don't know fortune. Can you take a picture for me?" A familiar woman in her forties with all kinds of manners stared at Su Xun with a pretty red face and said.

"And me, I want to take a picture, master Su, I want to take a picture, too."

"I want to..."

The audience became excited again. This time, it was all women, while the men looked at Su Xun enviously.

As we all know, women's fighting power in doing things is by no means lower than men's, and the fighting power of flower maniac is doubled.

Gradually, passers-by along the street joined in.

"Ah! Mom, look, that brother is so handsome. "

"How can you be afraid that there are so handsome people who are much more handsome than those stars on TV?"

"Mom, divorce your father, and let that handsome man be my father..."

More and more people gathered around. Unconsciously, the whole street was blocked. All the cars on the road were blocked and could not move. They could only keep honking.

There are many young drivers, but also directly put the car out in the middle of the road, and then run down to see a handsome man.

"Handsome guy, I'll give you 10 million betrothal gifts. You can be my boyfriend. I'm still in the office!"

"Ten million is nothing, handsome man. I'm willing to marry three suites."

"So handsome, I want to..."

Up to forty women and down to fourteen girls, they were all staring at Su Xun with bright eyes, salivating, and greedy for his body.

"Don't squeeze, everyone, don't squeeze!"

"Boss, let's go first."

A group of Su's bodyguards slowly retreated, waiting for the guards.

Poor God, they are not so afraid of the enemy with guns.

"Master, you go first, I'll cut off!"

Zhou Chengxuan said that he was ready to die for his teacher.

"Call the police, call the police quickly, there are too many people to stop!"

When the police received the call to the police, they thought someone had called a fake police officer. As a result, when they came to the scene, they all felt numb.

"Call headquarters, call headquarters. There is a serious traffic jam in the overpass section of Dongcheng District. The crowd is excited and the scene is out of control. Request support! Ask for support

Soon, the police of the brigade came and began to evacuate the crowd and maintain order, mainly to protect Su Xun from leaving.

After more than half an hour, Su Xun finally got out of the crowded crowd under the protection of bodyguards and police.

"Mr. Su, for the sake of traffic and residents' safety in Jiangnan City, please take a mask to cover your face when you go out in the future."

Before leaving, the head of the Provincial Transportation Bureau solemnly begged Su Xun.

Working for so many years, he never thought that because of a person's appearance, it would cause such a serious traffic jam.

This kind of congestion has not happened in Jiangnan City for several years.

Fortunately, there was no stampede accident, otherwise it would have been really big.

Su Xun could only smile bitterly: "I'll try my best."

It's really boring to be handsome!

After the event, many news media reported the traffic jam, but because at that time, the crazies only looked at the handsome guys, they didn't have time to take photos at all.

Therefore, how handsome master Su is has become an unsolved mystery for the time being.


The following Saturday and Sunday, Susie didn't dare to go out because of the traffic jam.

But on Monday, he had to go out.

Because it's not only going to work in the company, it's also the day for him to pick up his fourth new identity.

Su Xun is familiar with this now. After waking up in the morning, he sat on the bed and said:

"system, extract the fourth identity."

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