"Amitabha, benefactor, what is this?"

"No, I don't even know a pistol?"

"And what is this?"

"It's called a tank. Go up and feel it?"

"This is a light machine gun..."

In the barracks, Monk Tang asked for information about all kinds of weapons, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

He now knows that the big birds flying in the sky before were also made by man.

It's amazing that the world can fly into the sea with mortal power.

"Would you like to try two shots?"

We all know that this creature named monk is the commander's guard, so we are very polite to him.

Looking at the light machine gun full of mechanical feeling, cold gun body, Tang Monk ready to move: "OK?"

His hands itch.

"There's nothing wrong." A battalion commander laughed and yelled, "come on, didn't you catch some stupid thieves trying to rob weapons on the way? Pull out to shoot at the target, and by the way, train the gun for the guard of Tang Dynasty, which can be regarded as their contribution to the anti zombie campaign. "

"Yes, sir!"

Not long after, a group of men who were tied up and handcuffed were pushed out.

"Guard don, fight them."

The battalion commander looked at Tang Monk and said.

Standing in front of the machine gun, Tang Monk smelled that Yan's face was not good-looking: "Amitabha, benefactor, is it not appropriate to commit such a crime?"

"This horse is an army! Don't engage in those literary things. These are all thieves who attempt to rob the rank. They are capital crimes! All should be killed! " Said the battalion commander.

Monk Tang's face softened a little, but he still couldn't do it: "benefactor, even if they have violated the law, they should be prosecuted by the government..."

"You're a big head. Why aren't you bright enough? We are the biggest law these days! " The battalion commander impatiently interrupted him and said, "do you know the consequences of the robbery? Once the soldiers are short of weapons and ammunition, they will die if they step on the horse to face the zombies! "

"But..." Tang Monk already knew that those people should die, but he really couldn't do it.

He just said two words, the battalion commander directly pulled out his gun and put it on his bald head: "now I order you to shoot! Don't even dare to fire a horse gun. How can you protect the commander? Shoot

Seeing the power of guns, Monk Tang's shining bald head exuded cold sweat.

"I want you to shoot! If you disobey the orders of the superior, I can kill you, believe it or not

The battalion commander roared.

Tang Seng squatted down and put his hand on the trigger of the machine gun, but he did not dare to pull it.


The battalion commander fired a shot into the sky.

Tang Seng was so scared that he almost pulled the trigger subconsciously.

"Dada dada..."

The machine gun spits out a fire snake in an instant.

The huge recoil force made Tang Seng fall to the ground almost unsteadily, which made him very embarrassed.

There were seven or eight bandits on the other side.

"Ah! Grass mud horse, right on time, can you give me a happy one

"What are you doing with your horse! What a disease

"Ah! My basket... "

The seven or eight people lay on the ground, howling and swearing, their voices full of grievances.

These days, they all eat with their heads pinned on their belts, so they are not afraid of death.

But I'm afraid of pain!

The dead bald man on the other side looked white and fat. He didn't expect that he was so dangerous. He used this method to torture them.

The battalion commander looked at Tang Seng and said, "go on."

After having the experience of shooting for the first time, Tang Seng successfully overcame the psychological difficulties.

He pulled the gun, picked up one of the pieces of ammunition and pulled it up.

"Dada dada..."

The bullets kept tilting out.

The recoil of the machine gun and the flesh on Tang Seng's face are shaking.

Su Xun was very curious about this. He was a vegetarian every day. He was scared by monsters and tigers. Why was Tang Monk so fat?

Dozens of bandits fell down one by one.

"Ah! Grass mud horse, God killed bald, please step on the horse to be on time

"Sir! Please open another person and shoot us, we apply for replacement, apply for replacement! "

"Sir, if you don't kill too much, why should you be so vicious? Come on, somebody else

A group of bandits were rolling on the ground, with tears streaming down their faces and crying as loud as they could.

The soldiers all around were queer looking.

The battalion commander couldn't hang on his face. The monk shot so many guns and knocked people down, but he didn't kill a single one. It's a talent to use punishment!"Stop, stop, stop!" The battalion commander can't see any more.

Tang monk said: "after seeing the excited gesture, can you still let the commander stop?"

He pointed to a tank.

All of you

The bandits on the ground yelled in their hearts.

What's the grudge?

Did we dig your ancestral grave?

You're going to hit us with tanks!

Do you know this is a waste of shells! Waste of military supplies! Shame on waste!

The battalion commander was a passer-by. He could see that after Tang Monk broke through the difficulty of shooting for the first time, he fell into an excited state of killing red eyes.

Although he didn't kill any of them.

"It's too wasteful to shoot them with hundreds of thousands of shells. Change the heavy machine gun." The battalion commander lit a cigarette and cried, Bata Bata.

Two soldiers were ordered to lift heavy machine guns.

The bandits on the ground nodded wildly at the commander's words. At least they had to leave a whole body after they died.

I couldn't find my shoes when I was hit by the tank.

Looking at the action of the battalion commander, Tang Monk knew that the white stick given by the commander was used in this way, but he was more interested in the lighter.

"Benefactor, what is it? Why do you make a fire when you press it? " Tang Monk asked curiously.

The battalion commander was a little proud. He didn't expect that one day a lighter could be used to show off.

"Lighter, press here to make a fire."

"Amitabha, it's wonderful." Tang Monk once again issued a sincere praise.

The battalion commander took out his cigarette and said, "here, whole one."

Tang Monk learned from him, put it in his mouth, lit it, and then took a sip: "cough Cough... "

I just had a strong cough.

"The first time you smoke, don't be too anxious, just take your time." The battalion commander said with a smile.

"Battalion commander, here comes the heavy machine gun!"

Several soldiers carried a heavy machine gun on the ground, the muzzle of the gun aimed at the bandits.

"Come on, guard don, try this. It's more powerful than a light machine gun."

The battalion commander patted the barrel of the heavy machine gun.

Tang Seng loaded the gun according to the way the soldiers taught him. With a cigarette in his mouth, he pulled the trigger.

"Dada dada..."

On the wasteland, Tang Sanzang breathes smoke in his mouth, roars with his heavy machine gun, and his broken cassock is rolled up by the wind.

At sunset, it was his lost youth.

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