After the zombies have been eliminated, the regiment will return to the camp.

Tang Seng sat on the troop carrier, holding his gun and a submachine gun in his arms.

He communicates with his little assistant in his mind.

"Don't you kill people? Monk, you have broken the law of killing. " The little assistant laughed heartlessly.

Tang monk said: "Amitabha, poor monk is just another way to send them to heaven as soon as possible. The battalion commander said that this is called physical transcendence."

"Ha ha, I just want to remind you that if you want to leave this world, you have to plunder the world's fortune."

"Namo Amitabha, the world is very interesting. I don't want to leave." Monk Tang is telling the truth. He thinks it's more interesting than learning from scriptures.

When he understands the world.

He will spread and carry forward the Dharma in this world.

After arriving at the barracks, Tang Monk also had to participate in the training, because his body was too weak.

Meng Hai doubts how he killed two zombies by himself.

But for his rare status as a monk, he would have been kicked out of the barracks.

After all, there are no soldiers in the army.

Then Tang Monk's daily life is training.

His whole person is changing from the inside out, because the army is the fastest place to change a person.

Before Tang monk, he followed the Buddhist rules.

But now, when things happen, the first thing in his mind is the military regulations.

He has broken the meat rule in training.

Because training consumes a lot of energy, he can't support himself by being a vegetarian. He has to eat meat.

And then the food won't stop.

Mom, it's delicious!

Monk Tang thinks that the Buddha does not allow his disciples to eat meat. Buddhism can't be promoted just because of this.

In his heart, he was more and more dissatisfied with the Buddha and felt that there were more and more unreasonable commandments.

And he seriously suspected that the monks were stealing meat.

Why else are all the monks he's met before fat?

Now Tang monk has begun to study science.

Science has proved that it is impossible for a person who has been a vegetarian for a long time to grow fat.

In addition, during this period of time in the army, he heard the most about the legend of Marshal su.

Let him not only feel admiration.

However, as an outsider, he guessed that Su Xun was not a blue star, but maybe he was not a member of the world at all.

Otherwise, why is he the only real fairy on the blue star.

Tang Monk worked very hard in his daily training and was very studious, which was highly valued by Meng Hai.

After half a month of training, he was transferred back to Meng Hai as a close guard.

He was wearing a military uniform inside and a cassock outside.

Now, he cried with both hands.


"It's really Wonderful

After watching the replay of Tang Seng's blue star experience for more than half a month, Su Xun's expression was strange.

In particular, the picture of Tang Monk wearing cassock, smoking and shooting with machine gun is very beautiful.

But that's what he wants.

Tang Monk's original grinning and chirping, and his womanly temperament annoyed him.

As for men, it's just like this. They are as strong as steel. If they don't agree with each other, they just do it.

"Master, are you meditating?"

The voice of the monkey king came into the ear.

Su Xun found out that he had watched the replay all night, and it was dawn.

"To be a teacher is to think about life."

Su Xun's serious nonsense.

"Then I'll think about monkey life, too."

The monkey sat down, too.

Su Xun was speechless and stood up from the ground.

The monkey doesn't seem very clever.

"Master, what are you thinking about?" Monkey King also stood up and asked curiously.

Su Xun opened his mouth and said, "I'm thinking about what should I eat this morning?"

"What does the elder think?"

The five directions reveal the truth, the four value merit Cao, the eighteen guard teaching Jialan, and the Liuding Liujia suddenly appear.

They are no longer on shift now. The explanation above is to better protect Tang Seng.

But actually they don't want to miss the food.

Only when you follow Tang can you be satisfied.

"We had instant noodles this morning." Su Xun's mouth.

People wonder: "instant noodles?"

"Not bad." Su Xun's favorite pickled noodles appeared in his hand: "this is it."

Su Xun gave each of them a bucket.

Then, just like teaching students, let them learn how to make noodles step by step.

Soon, two rows of instant noodles filled with boiling water began to emit a strong fragrance."It smells good!"

A group of deities and Buddhas stick their noses to the crevices, take a deep breath, and show their expression of ecstasy.

I don't know. I thought I was sucking poison.

"Well, it's ready to eat."

When Su Xun gave the order, everyone couldn't wait long enough to enjoy instant noodles.

Just one bite, you will never forget.

"This instant noodles is so simple, I didn't expect it to be so delicious. It's really It's delicious beyond description. "

"Hulu ~ this soup is very beautiful."

"Where did the elder get such delicacy? It's delicious!"

Su Su laughed, and a group of woodlouse love to see you have never seen the world.

"Well, eat and drink enough. It's time to go. The Buddha is still waiting for the poor monk in the West."

The master and the apprentice are on their way again.

There are two subwoofers around the horse's neck, playing the accompanying music of Monkey King.

"Just captured a few demons, and then subdued a few demons. How come there are so many monsters! If I kill you, my soul will be lost, my spirit will be lost, my God will tremble, and my ghost will tremble, so that I have nowhere to hide... "

Monkey king always likes this song. Every time he plays it, he is full of energy.

Along the way, the master and the apprentice all walked on the steep and rugged road with steep mountains.

On this day, Su suddenly heard the sound of water in her ear. She thought, isn't it Yingchou stream?

Then he asked, "Wukong, where is this place? Where did the water ring? "

"I remember it was called Yingchou stream in Shepan mountain. It must be the sound of water in the stream." The monkey king replied.

Su Xun had a good idea. He rode to the side of the stream and watched it. But he saw that a trickle of cold blood passed through the clouds, and the clear waves reflected the red sun. Sound shake night rain smell Valley, color hair dawn dizzy space. Thousand Ren waves flying, spray broken jade, a pool of water roaring wind. Flow back to the vast expanse of smoke, gulls and herons forget not to catch each other.

When they were looking at the place, they saw a sound in the middle of the stream, a dragon came out, pushed the waves and lifted the waves, came out of the cliff, opened its mouth and ran to suthen.

"What a loach! Watch the fight

The monkey took out the opportunity to hit the golden cudgel and jumped up.


"Yin -"

the white dragon ate his head and plummeted into the water. The waves rolled and the white dragon disappeared.

"Master, are you ok?" Asked the monkey king.

Su Xun said, "no problem, Wukong. My horse is a mortal animal. It's a long way to the West. People can hold it, but the horse can't hold it. Why don't you call the white dragon as a teacher?"

In the original work, because the eagle worries about the interchange of thousands of holes at the bottom of the stream, the monkey king can't get rid of the little white dragon. At last, he invites the land to ask for advice. Then, Jin tou Jiedi asks Nanhai Guanyin to come forward and give up.

Now, of course, there's no need to bother Guanyin.

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