"Good idea!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the black bear turned into a black wind and wanted to escape.

But how could Su Xun let him go like this? He was caught by the void.


The black bear spirit fell to the ground and cracked the floor. The dust and gravel flew all over the sky.

"True Buddha, please forgive me! I'm all for Buddha

The black bear spirit quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

When Su Xun heard the words, he slapped him in the face again: "do you want to go to Buddha with all your heart?"

"The true Buddha is a mirror, but the little demon is bent on the Buddha, and his disciples can recite the Buddhist scriptures." The black bear thought it was his sincerity that didn't show.

"Dai fo is not polite to look for this kind of beast's claw? Is it also worthy to respect Buddha? "

Hearing this, the black bear was extremely humiliated and angry. He didn't understand why he didn't deserve to go to the Buddha as a demon?

"You animals are only worthy to be feet in Lingshan mountain. If not, a group of animals are also worthy to live together with our Buddha?" Su Xun continued to ridicule, dressed in a Buddhist vest and madly hated Buddhism.

He would like to see if the black bear spirit, who is dedicated to the Buddha, will go to the Buddha after all.

It's good to wear this vest. No matter what you do, you can push it to Buddhism.

In the dark, four value merit Cao and others smack their tongue.

This is definitely the worst time that Buddhism has been hacked.

Black bear spirit demon flame surging, eyes Yi want to crack looking at Su Xun: "you said not count!"

"Ha ha ha, it's a joke. I'm a monk appointed by Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to the West for Buddhist scriptures. How can you say that I don't count?" Su Xun was even more ironic.

Black bear spirit smell speech completely despair, he suddenly some at a loss, in the heart of the faith has shaken.

Su Xun knew that he was about to fly away with a wave of his hand: "you demons are animals. In this life, they are only allocated to gods and Buddhas all over the sky. Go away. I don't think the blood of animals dirties my hands when I kill you."

The black bear spirit was so far away by this slap that he listened to Su Xun's voice and was furious.


A roar of the beast resounded through the world.

Black bear's eyes are red.

He didn't expect that he, as a goblin, devoted himself to the Buddha.

It turned out to be this.

Beast! Beast!

Well, well, if I can't be a Buddha, then I will be my beast with all my heart!

The black bear looked to the West and clenched his fist.

One day, I will pull all of you Buddhas from the clouds!

Feel the monstrous flame in the distance.

Su Xun showed a happy smile.

He has brought a Sanhao youth back to the right path in the world.

"Master, there are still some good rooms. Are you still here tonight?" Asked the monkey king.

Su Xun nodded: "naturally."

Then in the evening, while the monkey king was asleep, Su Xun left the Guanyin Temple quietly.

In the black wind cave.

Black bear, who was humiliated and ridiculed by Buddha, was drinking muggy wine.

Suddenly found in front of a white robed youth, instantly shocked: "who are you!"

"This seat is not human." Su Xun said with a smile, and the breath of poverty broke out.

The double suppression from blood and strength made the black bear spirit shiver, saying: "I don't know if it's the demon clan's elder. I hope you'll forgive me if I miss you!"

Black bear thought carefully for thousands of times. When is there such a senior of our demon clan?


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped in the face. He said coldly, "I've just seen what happened in Guanyin temple. Do you deserve to be a demon?"

Black bear spirit's face was blue and white, of course, because of the black hair on his face.

"I ask you, to Buddha or to be a demon?" Su Xun's voice was cold and his eyes were indifferent.

The black bear spirit knelt down without hesitation: "before, I was confused and bewitched by the bald donkey of Buddhism. I believe in laoshizi Buddha. I have changed my mind! From then on, they will not be separated from Buddhism and will never die! "

"Good!" Su Xun gave a big praise, and then his voice slowed down: "our demon clan used to be the master of heaven and earth. I didn't think that we were closed for thousands of years, but now we are in such a decline. If we want to reestablish the demon clan's heaven, I'm willing to follow you!"

Hearing that Su Xun had been shut up for thousands of years, black bear trembled with care. No wonder he had such accomplishments, but he was unknown all the time. It turned out that he was the great power of the ancient demon clan.

He said immediately, "I am willing to follow you! With the spear in hand, we will open the sky again for the demon clan

"OK, OK, OK, get up." "The Buddha waved his hand to the West and asked him to find out what happened in the templeVoice down, and reward some treasures to him: "these things you take, to enhance your strength, we will have more opportunities."

"Thank you, master! I will not let you down! " Black bear spirit said firmly.

Su Xun left immediately.


After the completion of the movement of opening Buddhism and dividing land to improve people's productivity, Su Xun continued his journey to the West in a luxurious carriage.

The master and the apprentice went on the barren road for another seven days, and suddenly one day it was getting late, and they saw a manor in the distance.

"Master, there is a Chuang Tzu in front of us. Let's stay here tonight." The monkey king looked at Chuang Tzu in the distance, flicked the ash and said.

Since the last time he smoked and forgot to play the ash, he has a long memory now.

Su Xun knew that Gao Laozhuang had arrived. It was time for Zhu Bajie to return.

Then he said, "that's what you say."

Then get off, as always, the carriage into the system space.

Sushi and monkey king are walking in front and behind.

The food is good these days. Bailongma doesn't think it's bad to go and get scriptures.

What's more important is Tang Monk's appetite for him.

Little Bailong doesn't like Buddhism either. Seeing that Tang monk is a crooked monk, he can rest assured.

The master and the apprentice came to Zhuangzi.

There are many bamboo fences and thatched cottages. The towering wild trees welcome the gate, and the Qushui river bridge reflects the households. Roadside willow green Yiyi, garden flowers bloom fragrant. At this time, the setting sun sank to the west, and the mountains and forests were noisy with birds and birds everywhere.

Goku asked, "what's this place for you?"

The man looked at the monkey king, a little afraid, said: "this is the border of Wusi Tibet, call Gao Laozhuang. Most of the people in Yizhuang have the surname of Gao, so they call him Gao Laozhuang. "

Su Xun's secret way is really Gao Laozhuang.

"Where are you going in a hurry?" Monkey King asked curiously again.

The man said helplessly, "I'm Gao Taigong's family. My name is Gao Cai. My father-in-law has a daughter who is 20 years old and has never been married. Three years ago, she was occupied by a demon and became the son-in-law of the Gao family for three years. I went to find someone to collect the demons. "

When monkey king heard this, Gao Cai took them to see Gao Taigong.

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