After entering Chuang Tzu and meeting Kao Tai Gong, the monkey king asked Kao Tai Gong to talk about the monster.

Gao Taigong sighed: "unfortunately, Lao Zhuo didn't have a son. He gave birth to three daughters. The third one is Cuilan. But three years ago, there was a man who was exquisite in appearance. He said that he was from a family in Fuling mountain. His family name was pig. He had no parents and no brothers. He was willing to be a son-in-law with other people, so I would answer him. "

At this point, he stopped for a moment, sighed again, and then continued: "although this man can eat, he can also do it, but from time to time he changed his face. He looks like a pig. Later he locked my daughter in the backyard. I don't know whether she is alive or dead!"

Su Xun's secret way is that Zhu Bajie is proficient in change. It's OK to be a normal person. He just reveals himself when he's drunk. It's normal for Gao Taigong to be frightened by this.

When they came to the backyard, they cast the magic to open the door and save Gao Cuilan. They were in danger of losing their lives, but they were a little haggard and not in good spirits.

Su Xun fed a mediocre elixir and let Gao Cuilan recover her energy.

Gao Taigong was very grateful to Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at the monkey king and said, "Monkey King, I'll pinch my fingers for the master. The goblin and I have a relationship of master and apprentice. Go to show your identity and bring him."

"Yes, disciple." The monkey king looks suspicious and flies out in an instant.

It's amazing to see the high space.

Then invite Su Xun to have tea in the front hall.

Su Xun said: "benefactor Gao, the goblin didn't hurt your life. If you Gao family can get to this point, he must have worked hard in the past three years."

"The elder is right." Kao did not deny it.

Su Xun continued: "since the goblin has married your daughter, I think it's better to recognize her. Otherwise, can your daughter marry off?"

Kao Taigong's face was cloudy and sunny when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, it's not a common goblin. I'll figure it out. He used to be Marshal Tianpeng, but he threw the wrong pig's fetus. You're still high." Su Xun said again.

Kao Tai Gong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he quickly replied, "in that case, I will follow what the elder said."

They continued to talk. Of course, Su Xun had more knowledge than him, which made him marvel.

"Master, master, my grandson is back!"

Soon, the voice of the monkey king rang out.

Then he came in with a fat man with a pig's head on his head.

"My son-in-law has met his father-in-law."

Then he went to see the disciple of Bodhisattva and asked him to take the gift from the master

"Good apprentice, get up quickly." Su Xun came forward to help him, and then said that Gao Taigong admitted that he was his son-in-law, which made Zhu Bajie grateful.

Su Xun officially gave him the name of the eight commandments, which could be regarded as the return of the property to its original owner.

After a night's rest, the next day Zhu Bajie would follow Su Xun and go on the road to learn the Scriptures.

Before he left, Gao Taigong sent a hundred taels of silver.

Su Xun accepted it impolitely, which attracted Bajie's eyes: "master, I'm waiting for my family. Can't I accept these yellow and white things?"

"It's other monks, not us." Su Xun said rightfully.

Pig Bajie also wanted to talk, Monkey King interrupted him: "idiot, let's go."

After saying goodbye to Gao Laozhuang's relatives and friends, the team expanded to three and headed west.

As soon as he got out of gaolaozhuang, Su Xun let the carriage out and put it on Xiao Bailong's shoulder. He skillfully got into the carriage.

Zhu Bajie was stunned: "this This... "

"Bajie, what's the matter?" Su Xun opened the curtain and looked at him in doubt.

Zhu Bajie thought about it and said, "master, does Bodhisattva allow you to take a carriage to the west?"

"Why must he allow it?" Su Xun asked.

Pig Bajie was speechless.

Su Xun handed him a glass of red wine: "come on, let's have a drink first. Congratulations on your meeting with me."

"Master, monks can't drink." Pig Bajie reminds again.

Su Xun said, "you're not a human being. You're a pig now. You're not bound to be a monk."

Zhu Bajie

I used to be in charge of 100000 water forces and was Marshal Tianpeng. Don't bully me.

"Fool, master let you drink, you just drink. How can there be so much nonsense?" The monkey king scolded.

"Drink it! Since master is not afraid, what should I be afraid of? " Zhu Bajie's voice dropped. He took the glass and drank it down. His eyes were bright and he was staring at Su Xun: "master, I want to..."

"Go away!" Su Xun directly lost a bottle to him.

Zhu Bajie found that it was not as hard as he thought.

Then he suddenly thought of a question: "master, there are so many paths to learn from. How can this carriage get by so big?"

"Hey, hey, five sides reveal truth, brother Jialan, it's time to come out to work." The monkey king said with a smile.Then the next second, Zhu Bajie saw the four value meritorious Cao, the five directions, Liuding Liujia, Shiba HuJiao Jialan and other old acquaintances show up. Without saying a word, he quickly opens the way in front with his tools.

Soon a road came out.

Little white dragon pulls the carriage forward.

Zhu Bajie

This is totally different from what he imagined.

"Wukong, it's hot for the first second."

Su Xun said.

"Yes, master."

Sun Wukong takes out two subwoofers tied with ropes and hangs them around the neck of the white dragon horse, takes out the Bluetooth connection of his mobile phone, and clicks music to play:

you carry the load, I lead the horse

usher in the sunrise, see off the sunset

smooth the rough road, become the main road

fight the hard and dangerous, and start again


Zhu Bajie's eyes almost fell off: "elder martial brother, what treasure is this? Why have I never seen it? "

"This is a mobile phone. Master gave it to me. You can do it well. Maybe master will give you one too." Sun Wukong said triumphantly.

Pig Bajie looked at the black silk on the screen wallpaper, and her saliva was about to flow down: "elder martial brother, can you play with this baby for me? The women here are so immoral. As a monk, I must make a good criticism."

"Hey! You LSP. " The monkey king teased, took out a cigarette to light, and puffed out the smoke: "it's not impossible to lend it to you, but I'll tell Gao Cuilan when I get the Scriptures back."

"Forget it." Pig eight quit a moment to give up his idea, he is true love to Gao Cuilan.

Monkey King handed pig Bajie a cigarette: "idiot, smoke huazi."

"What is it?"

"It's called smoke. A poem says: a cigarette after a meal is better than a living immortal."

Zhu Bajie is walking on the road listening to music with a cigarette in his mouth. He seriously doubts whether Guanyin Bodhisattva has made a mistake. How can Tang Monk get scriptures?

However, he likes this kind of life.

In particular, all kinds of uniform beauties in monkey brother's mobile phone make pig Bajie an eye opener!

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