All the way west.

At noon, the sun was burning.

Choose a cool place to rest.

"Master, what's for lunch today?"

After a day's digging, the five gods, such as Jiedi, also looked at Su Xun eagerly.

Every day when they have dinner is their happiest time, happy like a group of 200 Jin children.

Pig Bajie is confused again, shouldn't he go to Huayuan?

what has the final say to eat?

"Wukong, find something to eat and come back. In order to celebrate Bajie's joining in our great Sutra learning team, we have hot pot at noon today

Su Xun took out his tools from the system space.

"OK, master, I'll be back when I go."

Sun Wukong's voice fell and disappeared in an instant.

Pig Bajie secret way, this should be the fate of it.

A moment later, the monkey king came back.

They also brought back five rabbits, seven pheasants and a lot of vegetables.

See those rabbits and pheasants, pig Bajie eyes will stare out: "we want to eat meat?"

"Nonsense, isn't that obvious?" Sun Wukong did not have the good spirit to say.

Zhu Bajie didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Su Xun: "master, we eat meat?"

"Naturally, and I cook myself." Su Xun showed a gentle smile.

Zhu Bajie's brain is a little dizzy, and he looks at the five directions and the eighteen guardians.

However, without waiting for him to ask, the other side has skillfully picked up the hare and pheasant to open their intestines and break their bellies for rough processing.

"Wocao, this rabbit is very fat. It's big and small. Dasheng has caught all the family, hasn't he?"

"The elder said that the whole family should be neat, and we are helping them get together."

"It's the first time to eat hot pot. It sounds delicious."

"Don't say it, the saliva will melt the cigarette end."

Seeing a group of monks roll up their sleeves, puff smoke in their mouths, squat on the ground, hack their bellies bloody, and blow bull force casually, Zhu Bajie feels that Sanguan has been seriously impacted.

This Is this still a monk?

He listened to the Bodhisattva. In order to be a monk, he ate vegetarian food in Fuling mountain for so many years.

As a result, now I find that monks can eat meat, drink wine, and export dirty.

He felt that he was cheated by the Bodhisattva.

Is this the real daily life of monks?

Zhu Bajie felt that he had realized.

No wonder the Buddha is full of fat.

Master, the more you want to get rid of the mess, the more you want to get out of your house! If the Bodhisattva knows about it, how can it be? "

A group of people looked at him at the same time, looking like another silly beep.

Pig Bajie is in a daze. Did he say something wrong?

Silver head revealed truth and said: "don't let the Bodhisattva know?"

Zhu Bajie

It sounds reasonable. I can't refute it for a moment.

"But if the Bodhisattva knows!" Zhu Bajie thought that he was greedy for money and lust, but he didn't expect that these people were more excessive than himself.

On duty, Gong Cao spits out a smoke ring and says softly, "when the Bodhisattva knows, he shouts him to eat together. It's just a matter of chopsticks."

Zhu Bajie

He couldn't remember how many times he was speechless.

How many pairs of chopsticks is this horse riding!

"Master!" Zhu Bajie looks at Su Xun.

He felt that as a mortal, Su Xun must have been bewitched by these evil gods and Buddhas. He must save him!

Otherwise, once the Bodhisattva finds out that they have broken the precepts, they will not continue to learn from them.

How can he become a Buddha?

"Eight commandments, peace of mind, Bodhisattva can't beat us." Su Xun said lightly.

Zhu Bajie

I'm totally tired. My heart is broken.

Zhu Bajie sat on the ground with a loveless expression on his face and began to think about Zhu Sheng.

Soon after the ingredients are processed, the search takes out a packet of hot pot ingredients and throws them in. The water begins to boil.

The smell was everywhere.

A group of bareheaded people gathered around the burning boiler, salivating and swallowing.

Pig Bajie also can't help sniffing. It's so fragrant. It's really the evil thing that leads people to fall!

"All right, all right, you can eat."

"Don't mention it. If you move your chopsticks, you won't have enough food. Just keep adding them."

"Ah! How delicious it is

"Mr. Tang is able to produce all kinds of delicious food, which makes people nostalgic."After listening to these comments, Zhu Bajie suddenly realized that Tang monk, who is harmless to human beings and animals, was the mastermind!

Su Xun yelled: "Bajie, what are you doing in a daze? Come and eat. Isn't it fragrant enough?"

"Fool, come here and eat." The monkey king waved to him, too.

Zhu Bajie is indifferent, and he has to resist the urge to swallow his saliva. He must resist it. He can't go along with them!

In five minutes

"Master, help me to add some soup. Ah, it's delicious!"

Pig eight quit eat full mouth oil, issued a satisfied sigh, a pair of pig eyes narrowed into a line.

"Hey hey, nerd, are you not afraid to break the meat precepts now Monkey king made a mockery.

Zhu Bajie sneered, shook his sleeve, took a puff of cigarette and said, "become a Buddha?"

"Hot pot is not good enough, or my Cuilan is not good enough? What's good about becoming a Buddha? "

"Marshal Tianpeng finally realized it. Come on, let's toast him!" Polo Jiedi, drunk, raised his glass and yelled.


A group of people raised their glasses at the same time, listening to dynamic music, smoking hardcover huazi, eating small hot pot, talking about meat jokes, laughter spread all the way.

Under the hot sun, the boiling rabbit and pheasant in the hot pot is their lost youth.


Blue star world.

The Tang Monk had completely taken off his cassock and put on his military uniform. He became like a sword.

With the rank of captain on his shoulders.

Yes, he was promoted.

He has been in this world for several months, and he has thoroughly understood and integrated into it.

The idea of spreading the Dharma has been eliminated.

There is no Dharma here, only guns and bullets.

The commander said that truth is within the range of the gun.

Tang Monk thinks this sentence is very Gan!

"Brother Tang, I'll rub it in a moment."

A major came over and said, handing Tang Seng a cigarette.

Tang Monk skilled results lit into his mouth, shook his head: "no, I'm ready to go on the net for a while, and soon to open up, out of the city can not be Internet cafes, ready to go on a few all night."

Playing mahjong is boring. Tang Seng thinks it's better to play games than to waste time playing mahjong.

At this time, the whole camp suddenly thought of an emergency assembly alarm.

"Weng'er - weng'er -"

monk Tang looked at the major and touched the pistol at his waist: "I'm afraid there's something important. I'll go first."

"Damn, it must be a border conflict with the eighth district." The major made a cursing remark.

Tang Monk touched the smooth head that rubs Liang, grin: "all abrupt, did not have conflict?"

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