When they went over the mountain, they saw a temple at the middle of the mountain.

The palace is extremely purple, the tower is ethereal, and the Danxia is falling. It's really fudiling District, Penglai cloud cave. I can't see the lofty moral wind, and I'm really indifferent to the immortal's house.

As they walked towards the temple, they saw a stone tablet on the left side of the gate, with ten characters on it, which read "longevity mountain, blessed land, Wuzhuang cave".

Su Xun's secret way is that Wuzhuang temple.

Zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of Dixian.

There is a ginseng fruit tree in Wuzhuang temple, named caohuandan. Three thousand years to blossom, three thousand years to bear fruit, and then three thousand years to mature, short head ten thousand years to eat. If you smell one, you will live 360 years; if you eat one, you will live 47000 years.

This is the most precious thing in the world for the friars who will wither in Shouyuan.

Unfortunately, Su Xun's copy skill can only copy inanimate things, otherwise he will copy this ginseng fruit tree as well.

Along the way, Sun Wukong's golden cudgel, Zhu Bajie's nine toothed harrow, Sha Wujing, Xiao Bailong, sivalue Gongcao and other magic weapons were copied by him.

After all, there are too many babies, which is why he can be a money boy.

"Master, this is a bright scene. It must be a residence for immortals. Why don't we go in and have a look?"

The monkey king suggested.

Su Xun nodded: "it's all right, but it's important to know that you can't fool around after you go in."

In the original story of journey to the west, before Zhenyuan immortal went out, he thought that Tang Monk would pass by here.

Because he and Tang Monk's previous life, that is, because he and Jin Chan Zi are old friends, he ordered mingyueqingfeng to give two ginseng fruits to Tang monk.

He also specially asked to pay attention to the three disciples of the Tang Monk and not let them mess around.

After that, the Tang monk came. According to the master's words, the clear wind and bright moon laid down two ginseng fruits.

As a result, Tang Monk thought that it was a baby and did not dare to eat it, but after picking the ginseng fruit, he could not put it for a long time, so qingfengmingyue ate it himself.

Pig Bajie overheard mingyueqingfeng's comment on ginseng fruit in the next room and moved his mind.

Monkey King and zhubajie shawujing steal ginseng fruit and knock down the tree. Zhenyuan immortal comes back to subdue monkey king with the skill of heaven and earth in his sleeve.

Finally, I went to Nanhai to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva to revive ginseng fruit trees.

From this point of view, the Zhenyuan immortal is counting the Tang Monk's coming, and I'm afraid it's also counting the monkey king's stealing ginseng fruit, so he specially reminds Mingyue and Qingfeng to pay attention to them.

As a result, I didn't expect that the monkey king stole the fruit, which led to a series of things.

Now with him and someone else, this kind of thing will not happen again.

Isn't it ginseng fruit?

Can't you deceive Zhenyuan immortal, the moon and breeze?

It happened that the adult was not at home.

It's a good time to cheat children.

Naturally, he can't use ginseng fruit.

But his parents can use it. His parents are old and miss a good time to practice.

Even half of the ginseng fruit can keep his parents alive for tens of thousands of years.

What's more, Su Xun also wanted to taste the so-called ginseng fruit.

After all, when he read journey to the West as a child, he was greedy to see Zhu Bajie eat so delicious.

As for the ginseng fruit that can't be put for a long time after picking, don't worry. Just throw it into the system space. After all, the system is a world bug.

While the four were talking, the two boys came out from the inside. It was the clear wind and the bright moon.

I went to the main hall to watch. It turns out that the five halls to the south are all carved lattices with light on the top and dark on the bottom. The fairy boy pushed open the lattice and invited Tang Monk into the hall. In the middle of the wall, there were two big words of "heaven and earth", which were decorated with five colors. There was a red carved lacquer incense table with a pair of gold stove bottles on it. There was a convenient incense table beside the stove.

After the incense, the monkey king asked qingfengmingyue why they didn't worship the three Qing and four emperors, instead, they worshiped the two words of heaven and earth, and asked what their origins were.

Mingyue replied, "Sanqing is a friend of Jiashi, the fourth emperor is an old friend of Jiashi, Jiuyao is the younger generation of Jiashi, and Yuanchen is the next guest of Jiashi."

After hearing this, the monkey king scoffs, which shows that Yue is boasting, and he can boast more than him.

Su Xun was speechless. After all, the monkey king had never seen the world. After he came back from studying arts, he only spent some time in heaven. He didn't know that there were many great powers in this world. He was just a country monster.

After showing her identity, qingfengmingyue knew that Su Xun was their old friend, and asked them to wait in the hall. They went to pick ginseng fruit.

"Shifu, I have a good view of the immortal family here. I didn't expect that I was a arrogant Taoist. I dare to say that the three Qing and four emperors were all his friends." Taking advantage of the boy's departure, the monkey king laughed blatantly.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and said, "Wukong, monkey ugly needs to read more. It doesn't matter if he can't read. It's OK to travel thousands of miles. What people say is true."The smile on the monkey king's face was instantly stiff, and his eyes were staring at him. He said inconceivably, "master, are you coaxing me?"

Su Xun was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Soon, qingfengmingyue came out with ginseng fruit.

"How did you bring out the two children?" Monkey King asked with wide eyes.

Qingfeng said, "it's not a child. It's fruit. It grows on a tree."

"Before leaving, the master said that he would beat two fruits to quench the elder's thirst. This is the unique ginseng fruit of Wuzhuang temple. If you eat one, you can live for 47000 years." The moon is shining.

"Hiss -"

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing took a breath together, and their eyes were shining.

They don't worry about their lives, but the fruit sounds delicious.

As susian's food, they really want to try the taste.

Qingfeng thought of the master's words, quickly protected the fruit and said, "this is for the elder."

"Two boys, how about giving me some more? I can exchange it for something." With a warm smile, Su Xun began to deceive the children.

Although these two children are more than 1000 years old, they have never mixed with the society at all. No matter how long they live, they are just children mentally.

Mingyue chuckled: "you and shangduan are funny. Our ginseng fruit plus these two leaves only 28 now. What do you exchange?"

"Hey, hey, what do you two kids look like? I have many treasures. " Monkey King is not convinced.

Breeze disdains: "since so, take out to see good, still can compare ginseng fruit?"

They didn't plan to change it at all, because they didn't dare to change it without master's permission.

They just want to see what kind of treasure Tang Seng can bring out.

"Amitabha." Su Xun read a Buddha's name and said: "I don't know, you two boys, there is a treasure in the world. Once it is used, it can make people forget all the troubles in the world. This treasure is called game machine."

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