"Game console?"

Qingfengmingyue, zhubajie, Monkey King, shawujing and others are curious to see Su Xun.

Sun Wukong has bright eyes.

As the first monkey to follow sue on the road.

He knew that Su Xun could always bring out all kinds of treasures he had never heard of or seen.

It's also the first time I've heard about this video game.

"Not bad, game machine!"

Su Xun's tone was positive, and he took out a red and blue handheld: "a new generation of R-star Nintendo game console takes new energy instead of electricity, with a battery life of up to 100 years and memory of hundreds of popular national games. You are worth having."

In order to make R star people entertainment to death, I didn't expect that it could also play a role here.

He took out the game machine, not just to cajole I almost told the truth.

He took out the game machine, not only to exercise the responsiveness of the clear wind and bright moon through the game, but also to hook and lead the Zhenyuan immortal.

He alone can make the wind and rain in this world, but in the end, it's hard to beat him with two fists and four hands.

So he needs comrades in arms!

Zhenyuan Daxian can develop.

Although Zhenyuan immortal belongs to daomen, as the ancestor of Dixian, he is actually independent and autonomous.

I'm sure he can't bear the temptation and confusion of leaving the westward world to go to another world.

After all, it is impossible for them to be willing to be trapped in this world all their lives.

"It seems to be plain." The bright moon and the breeze stare at the game console, and they don't feel any spirit on it.

"Confused!" Su Xun scolded and said, "it's called returning to nature."

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing look at each other and feel that master is talking nonsense.

Mingyue and Qingfeng are suspicious, but they are not fools: "can you show me how to use this treasure?"

When Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing heard this, they joined in.

"Wait and see."

Su Xun shuddered, turned on the machine, and then chose a game - Super Mario Odyssey.

Looking at the screen after the game machine turned on, the bright moon breeze widened his eyes, full of curiosity.

Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing are people who have seen mobile phones, but they don't think so.

Then, as Su Xun started the game, several people slowly immersed in it.

"To the left, to the left."

"Jump up and avoid..."

"Ah, master, let me have a try."

A group of people just watched Su Xun play the game, sometimes relaxed, sometimes anxious.

This scene is very similar to the expression of the students when they went to school with the game machine.

Playing, Su xuncai suddenly thought of the main thing, mad, the game does a lot of harm.

Watching Su Xun finish the game, the five of them all felt that they had something to say.

The clear wind and bright moon looked at Su Xun, and there were stars in his eyes, ready to move.

"What do you think of this treasure?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Mingyue pursed her lips: "just looking at it makes me throw myself into it and forget all my troubles. I think it's more powerful to urge myself."

"That's a good baby." Qingfeng agreed. He had never seen such an interesting treasure.

Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong, and Sha Wujing all looked at Su Xun bitterly.

Well, it turns out that Shifu still has this kind of good thing. I didn't take it out for us to play before, but now I have to give it to someone else.

Feeling the resentful eyes of three people's little daughter-in-law, Su Xun stirred his spirits, looked at the clear wind and bright moon and asked, "do you want to change it?"

The wind and the moon look at each other, very tangled.

"Elder Mingjian, we don't dare to make our own decisions without the permission of master." Said the moon.

Qingfeng also echoed: "yes, elder, we are not in charge of ginseng fruit."

"Forget it." After hearing that, Su Xun put away the game console and put the two ginseng fruits into the system space with a wave of his hand: "let's say goodbye. We'll see you when we have a chance."

"Wait a minute, elder. You may as well sit down a little longer." Seeing that he was about to leave, Qingfeng quickly asked him to stay and said, "why don't we exchange other treasures with the elder?"

Su Xun said, "I only want ginseng fruit."

"Elder, don't you embarrass us?" The moon is sad.

Su Xun said, "you two are really confused. Is my treasure worse than ginseng fruit?"

"It's not bad." Said the clear wind and bright moon.

"That's it?" Su Xun put out his hand: "you two exchange ginseng fruit with poor monk. When your master comes back, you will not be punished, maybe you will get a reward."

The clear wind and the bright moon brighten the eyes.Yeah.

Why didn't they think of that?

The console is obviously a rare treasure among the three worlds, at least they have never heard of it.

Even if it's 26 ginseng, there will be some left.

But there is only one game machine!

Su Xun: I have a lot of them.

"What do you think, elder martial brother?" The moon looks at the breeze, let him make up his mind.

Thinking of the little people who just jumped around in the game machine, Qingfeng gritted his teeth: "if you change them, I don't know how many elders want to change, but if you have more, you can't do it."

"I'm not a greedy person. As you said before, there are 26 ginseng fruits left, so I'll take those six." Su Xun took out the game machine again and put it on the table.

Looking at the familiar game machine, qingfengmingyue breathes quickly.

Finally, after bargaining, Su Xun exchanged five ginseng fruits for one game machine.

Then the four of them left.

After seeing Tang Monk off, qingfengmingyue can't wait to run back to the house and play the game.

All kinds of games are dazzling, especially there are many female characters of danaizi, as well as H tour of island country. They are addicted to them.

"Master, you have such treasures. Why didn't you bring them out earlier?"

On the other hand, the monkey king can't help complaining.

"Yes, master, you can still bear ginseng fruit when you pick it. Your treasure is the only one in the world. It's a loss." Zhu Bajie has some regrets.

Sha Wujing, an honest man, also felt that Su Xun was in a big loss.

After all, they believed Su Xun's words deeply. In addition, they had just seen the mystery with their own eyes. Since Su Xun said that it was a baby born at the beginning of heaven and earth, he could not be wrong.

"Here, one for each."

Su Xun's heroic one person gave one, which was regarded as giving benefits to the employees under his hand.

The four looked at the game machine in their hands, confused.

Is the treasure of heaven and earth the same as Chinese cabbage?

After a while, the monkey king responded, "master, you're cheating again."

"Not even the children." Zhu Bajie added.

"It's really Young and old take it all. " Sha Wujing concluded.

Su Xun's face turned black: "don't bring it."

"Yes." The monkey king nodded.

"Chek." The eight commandments of pig are to be continued.

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