"Where is black and white?"

Cried the king of hell.

"My subordinates are here!"

Black and white impermanence moved in an instant.

"Go and bring these twenty monks to elder Tang." Yama lost the book of life and death and let them see who they were looking for.

Black and white impermanence just looks at it and remembers it. He returns the book of life and death and turns away.

Looking at Su Xun, the king of hell said, "elder Tang, changing his life without permission is against the rule of heaven."

"No one knows, no violation? Are you going to read one of my books Su Xun was suspicious.

Yama Yusai, I didn't expect that he could see through his mind. It's so embarrassing.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I'd better not do that. Otherwise, I may come to the hell to live for decades at any time and let go of my journey to the West."

Listen to the threat of chiguoguo, Yama hates it in his heart. What a hateful Tang Sanzang!

You can do whatever you want with the responsibility of learning from classics!

But the king of hell can't help it.

I can only break my teeth and swallow them in my stomach. I have to take the initiative to help Tang Monk deal with the aftermath and smooth the clues.

For example, if you want to change the records of those 20 people in the book of life and death, you can't be seen.

Otherwise, it's going to trouble Tang Seng.

Tang monk will trouble him.

In the end, it's him.

He felt that the king of hell was too angry.

Five hundred years ago, he was forced to change the book of life and death by the monkey king.

Five hundred years later, he was forced to take the initiative to help Tang Monk change his life and death book.

Baby, it's a hard life ('???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)

"Yama, I'm the first one to come back to the underworld. I only heard that there is a river in the underworld. How about giving me a long insight?" Su Xun is going to attack the river. He just needs some water. It's not too much.

Yan Wang Ye is proud in his heart. Before he wakes up, Jin Chan Zi is just like a local dog. He has never seen the world: "since the elder has this interest, he can't help it."

Not long after, the king of hell took Su Xun to Naihe bridge through huangquan road.

Su Xun saw an old woman making soup for those reincarnated souls. She was Meng Po.

Su Xun said that it's still Qin Zhuxiang in my family. Isn't it good to make a beautiful lady to be Meng Po? It can also promote the enthusiasm of the soul to drink Mengpo soup.

"Elder, this is the river of forgetting Sichuan."

Yama pointed to a wide river in front of him, with calm water and countless fierce ghosts struggling inside.

The fierce ghosts in the river are all those who have done all the bad things in their lifetime and will never die.

"The river is really magnificent."

Tang Monk sincerely sighed that the small river in his small world is just his younger brother.

In his heart, the king of hell was proud, and he stroked his beard with a smile: "this is nature. The first water in the underworld is Yin Si. It can wash thousands of ghosts. The water in the river of forgetting Sichuan is also called the yellow spring."

"What a yellow spring. I dare to teach the king of hell that I have a heartless request. Can I take some of this yellow spring back as a souvenir?" Su Xun said.

The king of hell laughs, do you think this spring can be filled with any bottle?

He is interested in seeing Tang Seng's jokes.

Then he said, "don't say it's a little bit. If the elder likes it, he can go as much as he wants."

"In that case, I'm not polite." Su Xun pretended to take a bottle out of his arms.

It's Lao Jun's lanzhiyujing bottle.

When it comes to Lanzhi Yujing bottle, I have to say that the poor gold and silver boy is still carrying the pot.

Su Xun aimed the mouth of the bottle at the river. With an idea, the water in the river flew up and was continuously sucked in by the bottle.

The water level in the Wangchuan river drops rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The king of hell was dumbfounded in an instant, staring at the dog.

"Almost, almost, elder, be merciful, be merciful. If you pretend again, I'm going to dry the river of forgetting Sichuan!" The king of hell yelled repeatedly. He wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know Tang Monk had such treasures.

I wanted to see each other's jokes, but I didn't expect that I picked up a stone and hit myself in the foot.

After all, Su Xun had enough. If he really drained the river, the king of hell would not be able to cover the lid. He would make a lot of trouble.

Seeing Su Xun stop, Yama was relieved.

But looking at the obviously shallower River, he almost didn't come up in a breath and fainted directly.

"Elder..." Yama wants Su Xun to go back.

But Su Xun interrupted him with a grateful face: "the king of hell is generous, and I'm very moved."


How can I say that you blocked my way before I got out?

I can only break my teeth and swallow them in my stomach.

Soon, black and white impermanence came, along with them came the souls of 20 monks."Elder, all the people you are looking for are here. Take them back to the sun quickly." Yama can't wait to urge that the Tang Monk and the master and apprentice of the monkey king should not be sons of human beings. One is more hateful than the other.

Let Tang Monk continue to stay in the underworld, Yama is really afraid that he will move the Sansheng stone.

Su Xun sighed: "I came to the hell for the first time, but I didn't expect to leave so soon. I'm really reluctant. I'd like to ask the king of hell to show mercy and let me touch the Naihe bridge, the legendary Sansheng stone and the Mengpo soup."

It's all coming. It has to be copied.

I don't know if the six samsara can be copied. If it can, there's no need to move.

Hearing Su Xun's words, black and white are changeable, and his face is strange. It's the first time that he met someone who was reluctant to leave. There are all kinds of strange things in the world.

Yama just wanted to send Su Xun away quickly, and he agreed to all his requirements.

It's just a touch.

In this way, Su Xun copied Naihe bridge, Mengpo Tang, Sansheng stone, and even the stone slabs on huangquan road.

Although his behavior was extremely strange to the people of Yama, Su Xun was happy with it.

Finally, outside the gate of hell, Su Xun and Yama said goodbye.

"Yama, I'm gone."

Su Xun looked at Yan Wangye and said.

The king of hell wanted to kick him back to Yangjian, but he had a reluctant expression on his face. He said hypocritically: "I saw the elder as before. I didn't think that we would be separated so soon. There are thousands of things in my heart. But there are many banquets in the world. There are so many monsters on the westbound road. Please take care of them."

"Don't worry, Yama. I'll come here often."


He wanted to tear his mouth.

What are you doing talking so much to this shameless monk?

"Keke, it's very important to go westward. Elder, you'd better not go to hell all the time."

"It doesn't get in the way. The king of hell is affectionate and righteous. I think he is a confidant. No matter how big the journey to the west is, in my eyes, it's no better than the friendship between you and me." Su Xun said seriously.


I have a friendship with you as a hammer. I just ask you to get out of here and never come again.

Su Xun left, just as he came gently, waving his sleeve, not taking away a cloud.

Yama almost cried with joy and finally left!

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