The car was ten miles out in the woods.

Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing are sitting on the ground fighting against the landlord with a cigarette in their mouth.

"One three." The monkey king played the card and shook his ash with one hand: "why doesn't the master come back?"

"It's not that fast, a five." Pig Bajie said in a dull voice, spitting out a cigarette ring.

Sha Wujing directly pressed on a two: "master is so powerful, it must be OK. If we wait any longer, most of us will come back soon."

"King." The monkey king came up.

"No." x2。

"Shunzi, two papers." The monkey king showed a proud smile: "before my old sun has been losing, this time is to win, ha ha ha."

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing look at each other.

"You three are comfortable."

When Su Xun returned to the ground, he saw the three disciples fighting against the landlord.

Zhu Bajie's eyes brightened and he lost the card: "master is back, no more playing, no more playing."

"Yes, no, next time." Sha Wujing also responded and quickly lost his card.

Monkey King

"Damned nerd, younger martial brother Sha, you are bad at learning from this nerd. You don't have any gambling spirit!" The monkey king was furious and put out his cigarette.

I've been losing since the first one.

It's not easy to win. I didn't expect Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to play tricks directly.

He has exported so much silver!

He is a monkey. Is it easy to save some money?

Su Xun said, "OK, go and call them Liuding Liujia, let them go to find the bodies of those monks."

"Master, I'll go." Pig Bajie voice fell, can't wait to fly away.

After a while, Zhu Bajie came back with Liuding Liujia.

Ding Hai said: "elder, we know that we need to use their bodies. We have found them from the mass grave for a long time. Although those who died early have rotted, they have been restored by us with elixir and magic."

"Well." Su Xun nodded. It's good. He didn't wait for him. He was also working. It's worth praising.

"Take out their bodies."

With a wave of 20 monks, a lifelike corpse appeared on the ground.

Su Xun released the twenty souls who had been forced to modify their memories from the small world.

After a while, twenty people were reborn.

"I Why am I here? "

"Who are you?"

After being modified, they don't remember what happened when they were dead.

Their memories stay the day before they die.

Su Xun said, "I'm a monk who came from the eastern Tang Dynasty and went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. When I saw you were unconscious on the ground, I woke you up."

"Monk from Datang?"

Twenty people were in a state of consternation. The eastern Tang Dynasty was the legendary kingdom of heaven.

"Monk Mingjian, you'd better make a detour. You can't go ahead!"

"Yes, holy monk. This place is called Chechi kingdom. All over the country emphasis on Buddhism. All monks from other places will be arrested and enslaved."

A group of monks admonished Su Xun. After all, as a Buddhist, he couldn't watch him jump into the fire pit.

Su Xun put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, in this way, I'm going to have a look. How can I sit back and watch my fellow disciples be humiliated?"

We have to change the memory of the 480 monks, otherwise it will be revealed.

The rest of them don't have to change, because they won't remember how many monks died.

Hearing Tang Monk's words, the twenty monks were awed and decided to go back with him.

In this way, they came to the capital of Chechi country.

As soon as he arrived outside the city, he saw a group of monks working as coolies. Su Xun practiced the Dharma. When he raised his hands and feet, he blocked people's senses and changed the memory of those monks.

They changed their memory into that none of them died, 500 from beginning to end.

By the way, they have become good monks who dare to fight violence with violence, are decisive in killing and are eager for justice.

After the twenty monks were allowed to join in, four of Su Xun's disciples went to the city and stayed at Chijian Zhiyuan temple.

In the second watch, Su Xun didn't disturb anyone. Yuan Shen came out of his body and flew into the sky.

When you look down at the clouds, you can see that the Taoist of Sanqing temple is in the star.

In the original book, Monkey King and pig Bajie shawujing stir up the ritual of the three tiger force immortals. They also pretend to be Sanqing and urinate to the three tiger force immortals.

After being discovered by the three tiger force immortals in the daytime, I feel angry, but now that Su Xun is here, the plot is bound to change.

Otherwise, if he comes to the plot like that, and if he doesn't come to the plot like that, won't he come in vain?

The ceremony in the hall was very tight, and the little Taoists stood on both sides and read a volume of Huangting daodezhen Sutra together.Hu Li Da Xian put on his Dharma suit, held the jade slips, danced in front of him, bowed to the ground, and began to play: "if you are in fear, you will go back to your hometown. Ministers and others are looking forward to the development of education. Kill the monks, despise the slang, respect the glory of Taoism. To build the palace.... "

Lu Li and Yang Li followed them to worship again, praying that Sanqing could give them some elixir.

Monkey King, they urinate to be fairies. It can be said that Immorality is home.

Moreover, in the original book, the monkey king hid the statue of Sanqing in the toilet, and pretended to be Sanqing. But Sanqing didn't respond, which made Su Xun puzzled.

Sue sighed.

"Hoo -"

then it turned into a strong wind, and all the candles in the hall went out instantly.

"What a strong wind. Where is this strange wind coming from?"

"Is it Sanqing

Hu Li and Da Xian were all in a state of shock. They were so shaken by the wind that they couldn't open their eyes.

And those ordinary Taoists had no magic power, they were all blown into the pillar and fainted.

"Sanqing didn't show up, but I did!"

Su Xun's tone was calm, and the evil spirit poured out to the three people.


Three people were pressed to kneel down, in the heart is the tiger panic: "I do not know which demon clan elder face to face, I wait for three small demon participation."

The three men were drenched with sweat.

What a strong spirit, what a strong strength.

The three of them are going to become the rations of the big demons today.

"Step ~ step ~ step ~"

a burst of footstep sound came into the ear.

Three people tremble, dare not look up, kneel on the ground shivering, sweating.

"Look up." Su Xun said.

"We dare not look directly at our predecessors!" The three buried their heads lower.

"This seat makes you look up."

Su Xun's voice fell, and the three felt that their bodies were out of their control, and they slowly raised their heads.

It made them feel more frightened and frightened.

Such strength It's so unfathomable.

They finally saw what Su Xun looked like.

The power of his body makes people dare not look directly at him, and the brilliance makes people submit to him.

Su Xun said coldly: "three demon clans, how ridiculous is it that they worship Sanqing to ask for Dan?"

The three were nearly frightened by the accusation.

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