"Oh, delicious, delicious."

Ye Beibei's mouth is still stuffed with meat, his cheeks are bulging, and he nods vaguely, like a woodchuck.

"If the new store opens, I hope the beauties can help me promote it."

With a gentle smile on his face, Su Xun relied on the tool man to advertise. It didn't cost him a cent, and he made a huge profit.

"Sure, sure." Ye Beibei nodded like a chicken pecking rice. You are handsome and everything you say is right.

At this moment, she suddenly glanced at the barrage.

"Anchor, anchor, the boss seems to be a big man. The Patek Philippe on his wrist is three million."

"Lying trough, it's true or false. A watch is worth my suite. I'm sour."

"No wonder the menu pricing is so capricious. People are not short of money at all. OK."

"Really rich and handsome, can cook, no, my girl's legs are soft."

Ye Beibei glanced at the watch on Su Xun's hand. She was shocked. She just thought it was beautiful, but she didn't think it was so expensive.

Some people who watched the live broadcast sent Su Xun's screenshots to the Internet, taking all kinds of exaggerated headlines.

[Gao fushai opens a restaurant and sets the price willfully, just to experience life. 】

[what's it like to cook with three million watches? He has something to say. 】

[beautiful men and beautiful women, amazing dishes, this restaurant is going to be popular this summer. 】

in the age of Internet, information spreads very fast, and there are so many hot spots, so it spreads faster.

"Wocao, isn't this master Su? He's no longer a fortune teller. He's gone to work as a cook. It's not his job. "

"Which master Su? Handsome enough to cause traffic jams? It's very handsome. I can't let my wife see it. "

"Master su..."

Master Su's identity is too hot. As soon as the photo is taken, it is recognized at the first time.

"He's the kitchen god, the real Kitchen God. I read the pictures in the newspaper a few years ago."

Some people recognized him as the kitchen god, but few people believed in this kind of comment, and soon he was submerged in the comment area.

"He's our boss. Are we really talking about the same person?"

The above are the comments of Qingyun international employees.

Taoist priest Qingyang, who has returned to Yunling City, is in a mess in the wind.

He thought that Su Xun was a fortune teller. As a result, Su Xun was still a big boss with a fortune of 100 billion. Now he realized that he was actually a cook.

I was cleaned up by a cook?

Zhou Chengxuan has always thought that his master is a dragon. Now that he knows where he is, of course, he is the first to catch up with him.

Xia Zhou, who is known as the kitchen king of the Dragon Kingdom, saw this post and his face changed slightly. His eyes were complicated, and he had both admiration and reluctance.

Why can he only be the chef king? Just because the kitchen god has someone.

I thought the young chef king might have died outside when he traveled around the world. I didn't expect that he would return to the world in such a low profile.

The news began to spread. More and more people could recognize Su Xun, the kitchen god. Many celebrities and rich people at home and abroad came to Jiangnan City in person.

They were all people who had tasted Su Xun's craftsmanship many years ago, and they never forget it. Now the kitchen god reappears, how can they not be excited?

It is said that a foreign royal family member's last regret before he died was that he couldn't eat Sushen's food again. It can be said that he couldn't sleep in peace.

All of the above can prove what the word "Kitchen God" stands for.

At the same time, Wei Zhixuan's boss and chef Shen Fang also saw this post.

Of course, he remembered Su Xun, because Su Xun was the only one who broke his business on the day of his opening, saying that he was not good at craftsmanship.

He didn't expect that Su Xun was also a cook and opened a restaurant.

Shen Fang sneered scornfully: "no wonder I said my food was not delicious on the day of my opening. It turned out that my colleagues were jealous and deliberately made trouble."

"Master, the anchor said that this guy's food is delicious." Shen Fang's Apprentice said carefully.

Shen fangmulu sneered: "it's just bad hype. If the dishes he cooked were so delicious, he would not be so anonymous."

Finish saying, he put away the mobile phone, said lightly: "I opened business, he came to look for business, reciprocity, no reason, I don't go where he holds the field."

"Master, there are two important banquets tonight. I'm afraid you can't leave." The apprentice reminded me.

Then he said, "let's see where my finger is going to frown again."


At three o'clock in the afternoon, kitchen Shenxuan is ready to close.

Generally speaking, restaurants open until evening.

But Su Xun was more willful. He only did it at noon, not at night.

"Master, no one came to apply for the job today. Is your recruitment requirement too high?" Qin Zhu looked at Su Xun and said.Su Xun blinked: "is it high? I think it's quite suitable. Just be beautiful. "

"Come on, who looks beautiful..." Qin's voice was sweet before they had finished speaking.

"I'm here to apply for a waiter."

Qin Zhu and Su Xun were stunned when they saw the woman coming in at the door.

Qin Zhu swallowed saliva, looked down at his chest radian, suddenly a little inferiority.

Su Xun stepped forward: "Miss Yan, why are you here?"

That's right. It's the one with the child's face.

Today, she is wearing a purple medium and short dress, which looks more cute than playful. The exaggerated curve on her chest is still very bright.

"I'm here to apply for a waiter." Yan Yurou Yingying smile, she is on the Internet to see about the kitchen god Xuan post just found.

Su Xun said with a wry smile, "Miss Yan, don't be kidding. Is it suitable for you to be a servant like a lady with a lot of money?"

"Don't you, a fortune teller, still cook?" Yan Yurou blinks her eyes. Her voice is sweet. It makes people feel that her body is going to be crisp.

Su Xun also wants to refuse, because he knows that Yan Yurou's intention to apply for a job as a waiter is to pursue her heart.

Qin Zhu said, "this is my little sister."

"Master?" Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun and said, "originally, do you like to play this tune?"

"I..." Su xungang is ready to explain, but Yan Yurou has slightly bent down and said sweetly: "master, I will work hard."

The voice falls, she is bouncing to help Qin Zhu to wipe the table together.

Looking at Yan Yurou's stormy mind, Su Xun couldn't bear to refuse each other's kindness.


At this time, a pig called, followed by Zhou Chengxuan rushed in.

"Why are you here?" Su Xun felt headache because he really had nothing to teach Zhou Chengxuan.

Zhou Chengxuan said: "master, you don't inform me of the opening of your restaurant. I'll send you a flower basket."

Su Xun suddenly brightened his eyes, looked at Zhou Chengxuan and said, "Chengxuan, otherwise, I'll teach you cooking."

He doesn't know fortune telling. He really knows how to cook!

"Ah He stammered: "I want to learn fortune telling."

"People depend on food. Do you look down on cooks?" Su Xun's face sank.

Zhou Chengxuan waved: "no, no, I didn't..."

"That's settled. You'll come and learn from me tomorrow." Su Xun interrupted him directly.

Zhou Chengxuan

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?

I want to learn face fortune telling. Why did I suddenly learn to cook?

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