In the following period of time, Qin Zhu suffered inhuman devastation and torture.

Every dish that Su Xun cooked, she had to hand serve to others, and she could only watch them eat.

Qin Zhu thinks that there is no more tormenting job in the world.

As soon as each dish was served, several bald men robbed it.

As a result, there have never been two dishes on their table at the same time.

With the last hot dish on the table, all the dishes are finished.

Qin Zhu also gave a warm hint: "gentlemen, your dishes have been served."

"Burp, this, this is gone?" One of them belched and had already loosened his belt three times, but he still felt hesitant.

A smile appeared on Qin Zhu's pale pretty face: "yes, you see, which one of you can buy the bill? The total consumption is 11200."

Hearing this number, several people woke up in a flash.

"More How much? " The bald man stammered.

The smile on Qin Zhu's face is still: "11200, would you like to swipe card or cash?"

Several people looked at each other, thinking that according to the previous plan, the food was not delicious, and then asked for double price return.

But now they really can't do such a thing. The food is so delicious that they can't bear to say something against their heart.

Silent for a long time, the bald man took out his bank card, gritted his teeth and said: "OK, pay the bill. This meal is not a loss."

"Yes, sir." With a smile, Qin Zhu swiped his POS card and successfully recorded 11200 on the first day of opening.

The bald man got up, looked at Su Xun and said, "brother, you can make a fire in this shop."

The dishes are better and better. If it wasn't for the economy, he would like to eat three meals a day.

This kind of craft, if this shop does not fire, he swallows dung to commit suicide!

"I know." Su Xun answered lightly, and kept his head on the chopping board.

I didn't expect Su Xun to be so forced. But when I think about it carefully, they really have the capital.

"Master, you are too tired of harm. Why didn't I find it before?"

After the bald man left, Qin Zhu ran into the kitchen and looked at Su Xun with his eyes full of spring. The concave and convex body under the cheongsam kept rubbing against him.

"You don't find much." Su Xun knew that the ghost was not only greedy for her own body, but also greedy for her own cooking.

Qin Zhujiao said: "master, people want it, people really want it."

"Don't whine, don't whine." The corner of Su Xun's mouth twitched for a moment, and he handed over a dish of vegetables: "No."

That's how we keep pets?

"Thank you, master." As soon as Qin Zhu's eyes brightened, he took a kiss on Su Xun's face, and then ran out with a plate: "really fragrant ~"

Su Xun picked up the remaining half of the carrot and began to carve. After carving, he soaked it in water and used it as a decoration for setting the plate.

At the same time, outside the kitchen god Xuan, a person was also attracted by the recruitment notice on the wall.

Ye Beibei is a food anchor. She is well-known on the Internet. Tens of thousands of people have watched her live broadcast online for a long time.

Today, as always, she went out to explore the shop, first attracted by the arrogant name of kitchen god Xuan, and then attracted by the recruitment notice on the wall.

"Wow, look, the recruitment conditions of this store are very harsh." Ye Beibei aimed the mobile phone camera at the recruitment notice on the wall, and the barrage exploded instantly.

"Wocao, the boss is an expert. It's looking for a wife in disguise."

"Beibei, you are qualified. Go and apply."

"This shop is too arrogant. Now every dog and cat dare to call themselves Kitchen God."

Seeing the audience's fierce reaction to the store, ye Beibei said to increase the live broadcast effect: "OK, let's go to see this store today. The new store is located on the pedestrian street of Xicheng District. I'll explore the way for you first. Thank you for your rocket."

Ye Beibei walks into the kitchen god pavilion with her mobile phone. After seeing Qin Zhu and Su Xun, she is stunned.

As an anchor, she is very confident in her face, but now she has a feeling of inferiority.

"What's the matter with the anchor? Is he fixed?"

"Talk to the anchor, don't scare us."

When the audience saw that ye Beibei suddenly did not move, they were all crazy to brush the barrage.

Qin Zhu looked at Ye Beibei and said, "Hello, beauty, welcome to kitchen god Pavilion."

"Hello." Ye Beibei responded and said to his mobile phone, "I'll show you something."

As the voice fell, she pointed the camera at Qin Zhu and Su Xun in the kitchen.

The barrage exploded in an instant and flew all over the screen.

"Lying trough, what a beautiful little sister. I'll come now. It doesn't matter whether it's delicious or not. I mainly like this kind of decoration style.""Ah, handsome little brother, I'm going to lick the screen."

"How can such a handsome little brother do such rough work? He should lie in my bed and enjoy my care."

"I'm running water..."

"Don't drive upstairs. The wheels are on my face."

Ye Beibei sat down, fixed the mobile phone on the table, and then looked at the menu. When he saw the price, his face changed.

She has eaten all the more expensive dishes, but the price set by this kind of small shop is so expensive, which makes her feel a bit off the mark.

"Look at this. It's very expensive."

Ye Beibei whispered, picked up the menu and pointed it at the camera.

"Lying trough, forget it. I won't come. Although my little sister is pretty, poverty makes me rational."

"This NIMA can complain, the price is too expensive."

"I think it's OK. My little brother is so good-looking and expensive. What's the matter?"

"There's no mistake upstairs. It's a cook who can cook duck, but not a duck."

Ye Beibei said to the audience, "please don't be impatient. I'll have a taste first."

Then she ordered a course of fruity mutton.

"OK, just a moment." Qin Zhu nodded, then turned to the kitchen, handed the list to Su Xun, and said in a low voice: "boss, that woman is an anchor."

"I see." Su Xun thought it was a good opportunity to advertise and began to cook.

Fruity Gulu meat is a sweet and sour dish. It's made of fruit and streaky pork. It's very appetizing because of its mixed aroma.

The pork is cooked and cut into pieces, then wrapped with egg paste and deep fried until golden, and then stewed with fruit. The final dish requires bright color and full sauce.

Soon, the finished product came to Ye Beibei.

"Let's see. It looks good." Ye Beibei's eyes lit up and took the mobile phone to the dishes.

The melon and pineapple cut with a hob are mixed with the streaky pork fried with egg paste. In addition, the surface of the Gorgon juice looks as if it is glowing. The color is bright and attractive.

On the edge of the plate, there was a rose carved with carrots, with delicate lines, which looked like it was real.

"I love it. It looks much better than those so-called five-star chefs."

"The beauty of this dish is as high as that of the chef and the waiter. I'm too ugly to go in."

"That rose is true or false, there is no rose of this color, it can't be plastic."

"It's carved. Can't you see that the base is flat? It's rare to see such a good carving. "

The audience was overwhelmed by the beauty of the dish.

"No, I'll try it first." Ye Beibei secretes saliva crazily. He can't help it. He picks up a piece and puts it into his ruddy mouth.

A bite of egg paste wrapped pork, sweet and sour moderate, meat, strong flavor, sauce throat, it is delicious to burst, ye Beibei eyes narrowed up.

"Ah, look at the anchor. It's delicious and delicious."

"Anchor, don't just eat, but share the taste."

"No, I'll order takeout and horse eggs. I can't watch this live broadcast. I'm hungry when I see it."

Ye Beibei remembered that he was still on the air, and immediately said, "I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, it's so delicious. The price is absolutely good. I think it's cheap."

"It's true or not. The anchor can't be asked by the shopkeeper."

"Upstairs, Beibei never takes orders from the shopkeeper to do evaluation. She always tells the truth."

"That's it, wuwuwu, no way. It looks delicious. I just live nearby. I'll go there after work."

"I envy you locals..."

"No, I'll eat first and talk after eating." Ye Beibei's voice fell down, and she changed her old lady image and became a wolf.

Is that what it's like to eat meat? How cool!

"Is my food to your taste, miss?"

At this time, a calm and pleasant male voice came into her ear. As soon as ye Beibei looked up, he found that Su Xun didn't know when he stood in front of her.

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