Several people had been confused by Qin Zhu and Su Xun's beauty, but after seeing the price of the dishes, they suddenly regained their consciousness.

Poverty makes them calm.

Qin Zhu knew that the business would not be successful when he noticed the changes of several people's faces.

When making the menu, she said that the price was too high and no one would order it.

But Su Xun defeated her with an expression that my food was worth the money.

In the end, she can only admit that you are handsome and everything you say is right.

If the price is high, no one will eat it, at least your dark cuisine will not poison you.

Although I haven't seen Su Xun cook, she really doesn't believe that a big boss who doesn't touch yangchunshui can have any cooking skills.

"I said, your pricing is too outrageous. Don't think that if the chef is handsome and the waiters are beautiful, you can do whatever you want. I really think you are beautiful."

One of them, a middle-aged man with a bald head and a fierce face, left the menu on the table and questioned the price.

If it wasn't for the sake of the beauty of the waiter, he would be so hot tempered that he could smash the menu in each other's face.

Mad, what's the difference between this and a black shop?

If I'm willing to spend this money and go directly to a five-star hotel to book a private room, it's going up in the world. Can't I send a circle of friends again?

Do you have to spend so much money on this street side restaurant? You think I'm sick?

"That's it. Look at this, little green dragon. Isn't it just shooting cucumbers? You can change the name of the horse

"Your pricing is too unscientific. You just want to close down."

"Can you do business or not..."

Several other companions also agreed with each other. They thought that the unit price of dishes was too high, and that the butcher was not such a butcher. Wasn't he just treating the guests as idiots?

Listening to the noise coming from his ears, Su Xun said without raising his head while washing vegetables: "you can eat first and then pay for it. If it's not delicious, you don't need money, but you can return it in double."

As a kitchen god, Su Xun has full confidence in his own dishes and can conquer any diner.

As for malicious evasion?

I'm sorry. When he raised so many bodyguards, they all ate dry food?

His voice dropped and the restaurant was quiet.

The bald man looked at each other and doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing.

"Brother, you Are you kidding The bald man tentatively asked, he felt that he smelled the business opportunity of getting rich.

No matter whether it's delicious or not, as long as you say it's not delicious, you can not only eat for nothing, but also make money. Why not?

When you think about it, you're really a smart kid.

Qin Zhu said: "our boss has money. Opening a shop is to experience life."

In her opinion, isn't it fun for susian to open a shop? Isn't it just for fun?

Hearing this, several people looked at Su Xun with a little bad look. What they hated most was the rich second generation they wanted to be.

We must teach him to be a man and let him understand the danger of society.

"OK, don't go back on it." Bald man said a word, and then picked up the menu to start ordering, the net pick expensive point.

Four people ordered a big table, and the total amount was more than ten thousand.

"Well, that's all. It's not enough."

Four people looked at each other, their faces all showed sinister smile, such a good opportunity is not much, bedding wool are embarrassed.

Qin Zhu looks at them sympathetically. What you earn is money, but what you lose is your life eating the dishes made by my boss.

"Master, No."

Qin Zhu handed the recorded dish name to Su Xun in the kitchen.

Su Xun glanced at it and began to prepare the ingredients.

Generally, the order of serving is cold dishes first, hot dishes second and soup last.

Serving cold dishes first is because cold dishes can be stored for a long time, and will not change flavor due to temperature drop, so that guests can eat while waiting for hot dishes.

Su Xun's first dish was a famous Sichuan cold dish, white meat with mashed garlic.

Garlic white meat is taken from the pork part, and pork to choose to be thinner than the kind of fat.

For pork, Su Xun chose the famous Liangtouwu pig in Jinhua. This kind of pig has rarely appeared in the market now, but this is not a problem for Su Xun.

Pork cooked in a pot, add cooking wine, ginger, onion and salt, cut ingredients while cooking meat.

Sichuan garlic white meat dishes are generally crisp and cool. Most of them are served with cucumber and carrot. Cut them into shreds and set them aside.

Su Xun's knife work is exquisite. The silk cut is uniform in thickness. The Daoism is pleasing to the eye. It's not cooking, it's like an art.

Qin Zhuyu's lips were slightly open, and her pretty face was full of disbelief. It depends on Su Xun's skill. Without ten years' experience, she would never be able to practice it.

She thought of the bowl of noodles in the morning. Did Su Xun really make it?Originally, she always thought that what Su Xun made must be dark food, and she said she would not eat it.

Now it seems that I'm afraid I have to obey the law of true fragrance.

After the ingredients are cut, the pork is almost cooked. Take out the slice and slice it. The slice should be large and thin, and the thickness should be cut evenly, so that it doesn't affect the taste. This is a great test for the chef.

After the sliced meat is cut, wrap the shredded cucumber and carrot in it, and then start to shape the plate. If the plate is not done well, it will affect the appearance and appetite.

Set the plate and start to pour the juice. The taste of the juice is the soul of a cold dish. If the juice doesn't work, the best cold dish is useless.

Sichuan saffron oil, white sesame, sugar, salt, flavor, sesame oil, soy sauce, coriander stem, stir well and pour into the plate. A delicious white meat with mashed garlic comes out.

Qin Zhu is already salivating, swallowing his saliva, hoping to rush up and smell it.

"Let's go." Su Xun said.

Qin Zhu responded, quickly stretched out his tongue to lick the saliva at the corner of his mouth, and then brought the plate of white meat to the customer's table.

The bald man who was chatting did not expect that the dishes would be served so quickly. When he saw the real appearance of the white meat, he took a cold breath at the same time.

"Hiss -"

the white streaky pork wrapped in green cucumber and red carrot strips is stacked on the plate one by one. It looks bright and pleasing.

The fragrant red oil is poured on the surface of white meat. It is glossy and exudes attractive light. The white sesame adds a bit of freshness.

This delicate pendulum plate, people can't bear to destroy.

Then, the four men almost did one thing at the same time, took out their mobile phones 360 degrees to take pictures without dead angle, and forced them to send a circle of friends.

Qin Zhu

She originally thought that only women like to do this kind of thing

"cough cough, it's agreed that if it's not delicious, we should double the compensation."

The bald man coughed twice in an attempt to restore his image in the eyes of the beautiful woman, then picked up chopsticks and put a roll of white meat into his mouth.

Qin Zhu and the other three people are staring at him, want to hear him talk about the feeling after eating.

The bald man took a bite. The white meat was soft, and the mellow smell of red oil was perfectly blended with the meat. The crisp and sweet shredded cucumber and carrot eliminated the last few greasy, which made the lips and teeth fragrant and had a long aftertaste.

This is the best garlic white meat he's ever had, no! It should be said that it is the best food he has ever eaten.

It's so delicious that he can't even tell the truth when he wants to open his eyes. If he says the words "not delicious" against his will, he won't forgive himself.

Because he was afraid that he would never have such a good taste again.

"Good Is it delicious? "

Looking at the expression of the bald man's enjoyment, the saliva of the onlookers will stay, ready to move.

The bald man didn't speak, but quickly put another roll into his mouth, and then put the third one into his mouth.

"Damn it

See here, the other three people suddenly reaction, burst a rude, and then can't wait to pick up chopsticks to start table fighting.

Qin Zhu on one side could only be pitiful and looked at him eagerly.

She is weak, pitiful and helpless, but she can eat well.

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