"It smells good. What should I eat this morning?"

Qin Zhushun fragrance, a sleepy face from upstairs down, skirt slide half, smooth incense shoulder exposed in the air.

She is no longer invisible in general, and no one can find out that she is a ghost anyway.

The people in the manor are not surprised by her appearance. After all, the boss is so handsome and rich. Isn't it normal to raise a few women?

"Wow, beef ramen."

Looking at a bowl of ramen on the dining table, Qin Zhu's eyes brightened, and he was about to start smelling it with his bare feet.

Ghosts eat by smelling.

Although Qin Zhu has entity, she is not separated from the category of ghost in essence. She belongs to the kind of ghost with developmental variation.

"No, be merciful!"

Seeing this scene, Su Xun, who came out of the bathroom, immediately roared and quickly stepped forward to stop her.

After all, it's made by himself. He hasn't had a bite.

If Qin Zhuxian smelled it, it would become tasteless and fart.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a bowl of ramen? Stingy. Last night when you held me around, you were not polite to me. "

Qin Zhu seems to be very unhappy. Every night, I just let you call me in the air. I didn't expect that you would not even give me a bowl of ramen.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth twitched: "I'll have a taste, and I'll give you the rest."

"That's about the same." Qin Zhu had a smile on his face and his eyes narrowed into crescent moon.

Su Xun sat down and put a ramen into his mouth with chopsticks. He felt that Q was smooth, fragrant and appetizing.

After another mouthful of soup, the soup is a little hot in the throat, but more of it is the mellow flavor of beef and the fragrance of raw materials. It is not greasy at all. It makes people feel hot but reluctant to spit it out.

"Well, it's all mine."

Looking at Su Xun's delicious food, Qin Zhu swallowed his saliva and brought the noodles to him. Then he began to smell it.

"Wuwuwuwu, it's so fragrant. Did master Zhao make it?"

Qin Zhu thought it was fragrant and he was about to cry. He thought it was Zhao Shanshan's noodles.

Su Xun smelled Yan and laughed: "I made it."

Well, I'm a little proud.

"What a fool you are?" Qin Zhu has no polite sarcasm.

If susian could cook, she could eat this bowl.

If Sue said, "I don't want to make anything after I eat."

"Please, I won't eat any." Qin Zhu said with disdain, and continued to smell.

It seems that the maids can only taste a little of it.

"Yes, that's what you said." Su Xun nodded and then called out: "ah long."

"Sir." Ah long came in quickly and bowed slightly.

Su Xun picked up a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. Looking at a long, he said, "go to find a store. I want to open a restaurant. It doesn't need to be too big. I'm the only cook in the kitchen. It's too big to be busy. It's the kind that can serve 20 people at the same time."


Ah long, Qin Zhu and the maids in the living room looked at Su Xun almost at the same time.

A long doubted whether he had heard it wrong. He tentatively asked, "Sir, you mean you want to open a restaurant and be a chef yourself, right?"

"Is there a problem?" Su Xun asked.

Ah long pursed his lips. Poverty made him choose to say something against his will in front of Capitalists: "no problem, certainly no problem. I think it's very good. I just think the shop will be too small."

Alas, it's good to have money. You can play as you like. You are willful and naughty.

"Little? Mountains are not high, immortals make mountains famous; water is not deep, dragons make spirits. Do you understand? " Su Xun's tactics are backward. With me as the kitchen god, no matter how small the shop is, it will be famous all over the world.

Ah long nodded: "yes, I must."

"Then get out of business and don't be so busy in love all day." Su Xun glared at him. He knew that this guy was really in love with the last fortune teller.

A long some embarrassed smile, Ma Liu turned out of the living room.

Qin Zhu stared at Su Xun with his big eyes: "do you really want to open a restaurant? Don't you worry that what you make will poison people? "

With that, she thought of something, added: "also, you have money, poison people can afford to pay."

When the little maids heard this, they all forced themselves to smile, and their faces turned red.

Su Xun's face was as black as the bottom of the pot. He picked up his coat and went out.

Next, I'm going to work as a chef in the restaurant, so I have to seize the time to deal with the accumulated work of the company.


Ah long's efficiency is super high.To be more precise, the efficiency of banknotes is super high.

Two days later, a small restaurant named "Kitchen God" quietly opened on a pedestrian street in Xicheng District.

As for this arrogant name, of course, it was Su Xun who took it.

As a kitchen god, it's not too much to use your own name as a shop name.

Opening day, no activities, no flower basket, so quietly opened.

Oh, there is also a recruitment notice on the wall outside the door: we are looking for a waiter, aged between 18 and 30, beautiful, tall, single, hardworking and virtuous. The internship period is one month, with five insurances and one fund. The specific salary is negotiable.

There's no way. Su is looking for a cook and Qin Zhu is a waiter. He has to recruit another one.

That's right. Qin Zhu's pet was used as a waiter, but he didn't pay.

Kitchen God Xuan opening did not attract many guests, but this recruitment notice attracted many people.

"This NIMA where is recruits the waiter, the boss is recruits the wife."

"That is, a woman with such conditions would like to be a waiter in such a small shop?"

"Go for a walk, go in and have a look. New stores usually have a discount."

Several men around the recruitment notice were talking and laughing, but when they came into the shop and saw Qin Zhu, they were stunned.

It turns out that there is such a beautiful woman willing to work as a waiter in this small shop.

After seeing Su Xun busy in the transparent kitchen behind the glass, everyone was stunned again.

No wonder we can attract such beautiful waiters. Originally, the boss is so handsome.

The waiters are pretty and the boss is handsome. At the same time, they can meet the visual needs of female and male guests. It's really amazing!

Is the dish sold in this shop the legendary one, beautiful and delicious?

"Welcome to cheshenxuan. Good afternoon. Please help yourself."

Wearing a white embroidered cheongsam, Qin Zhu smiles at several people. The beautiful voice of Oriole can take away the human soul.

"Good, good, good noon, and you too."

In Qin Zhu's sweet smile, several men just sat down and looked at the menu.

Looking at a few people, their faces changed.

This NIMA, will the boss do business or not?

Is there any mistake? This is the menu of a five-star hotel!

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