When Su Xun and his party came to the palace.

What you see is the army led by the Taishi and the imperial guards fighting at the east gate.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the gate did not close at all, so the war was very fierce.

It's interesting to watch women fight, but it's boring to watch women fight. It's miserable.

Amitabha, sin, sin.

"Stop it

Su Xun used his magic power to shout.

Everyone was shocked, almost subconsciously stopped.

"Yudi." The grand master had seen Su Xun, so he recognized him at the first time.

On the wall of the Imperial Palace, the queen also looked at Su Xun, her eyes lit up: "that's my brother!"

Such a beautiful person is from a noble family. It's a perfect match for me.

"Watch them. Don't let them fight any more."

Su Xun gave a command to the monkey king. He waved his cassock and disappeared in the same place with the queen and the grand master.

"This The king is gone

"The grand master is gone, too!"

The soldiers on both sides were at a loss.

At this time, the palace in a side hall.

"This What's going on? "

The queen and the grand master were shocked.

Su Xun lightly installed a force: "it's nothing more than a little worthless magic."

But I can't think that with the queen The eminent monk with powerful magic power!

The two women trembled for a moment.

They are good at fighting for Tang Monk unilaterally, but they don't think about Tang Monk's opinion.

Because in their eyes, they are in a high position. Even if the status of Tang monk in his daughter's country is noble, they are not allowed to handle it?

So they just want to possess Tang Seng. It doesn't matter whether Tang Seng is willing or not.

Now I know that monk Tang is a powerful monk. Can you not panic?

"Two benefactors, why fight? Why don't you sit down and talk about something? "

Su Xun, with a compassionate look, said painstakingly, but his eyes turned and looked at the two girls.

The Queen looks dignified and graceful.

The grand master looks more mature, just like a ripe peach. The radian of both front and back is very outstanding, which makes people want to take a bite.

It's so different!

"Please forgive me."

The second daughter didn't dare to hold her in front of Su Xun. She pleaded guilty and knelt down.

"It doesn't have to be like this. It doesn't have to be like this."

Su Xun got up and helped them up: "I'm very lucky to have the love of the queen and the grand master at the same time. But if so many innocent lives were killed, I'm sorry."

The queen and the grand master have no face to face each other. They all show shame.

After all, for a man to cause civil strife, this How will they be recorded in history books?

In fact, they don't need to be ashamed. After all, there are a lot of similar things in Chinese history, which are all caused by the disaster of beauty.

It's just that it's changed into blue water.

Men's and women's good, color degree is the same, only in the man in power society, men will show more obvious, daughter home more reserved.

In a country of women's rights such as the country of women, there is no need to hide the fact that women are good at men.

"Why are you two benefactors? In fact, the solution is very simple. " Su Xun said.

The queen and the grand master looked at Su Xun and almost said in one voice: "please teach me."

"Alas." Su Xun sighed, looked up at the moon from the door of the hall, and said in a tone of remembering the common people: "I wait for my family to be merciful. In order to end the war, I will not let the war of my daughter's country rise everywhere, so as to avoid the displacement of the people. The poor monk has to sacrifice himself and accept the queen and the grand master into the room. It's good."

Grand Master


Although it sounds like we have paid a lot, why do we always feel that we are the losers?

However, Yudi is so upright!

"What do you mean?" Su Xun asked in a low voice, his chicken finally had a place to use.

The queen said passionately, "my brother is concerned about the world and the common people of our country. I admire him very much, but I have wronged my brother. "

"It's a blessing in the past to be favored by the emperor's younger brother of the Tang Dynasty. I can't help it. My Lord is right to say that I'm so wronged." The grand master blushed.

Su Xunyi just said: "what's the honor and disgrace of a poor monk if he can save the people of the country from a war? As long as the female people live and work in peace and contentment, and there are no swordsmen and poor monks in the country, they are not afraid of injustice! "

His face was solemn and righteous, and his whole body was full of righteousness. At this moment, it seemed that there was a halo on him, and a kind-hearted man turned into light.Such grievances must be more!

"Brother Yu."


The grand master and queen, who have been greedy all their lives, look at Tang Seng with dripping eyes. Oh, not only do they look at him, but they know what they know, and I won't say much about what they don't know.

Su Xun held them in his arms.

Goodbye, mom. Tonight, I'm going to bed Wrong. I'm going to sail tonight!

Outside the east gate, the two armies are still fighting.

Many ministers have arrived.

"Blue face is a disaster! Blue face is a disaster

Looking at the mess in front of the palace gate, an old woman with white hair, surrounded by ministers, was crying and shaking and nearly fainting.

"Old master, old master, take care of your health."

"Come on! Help the old master down quickly

A group of female officials were shocked. The old master was a national treasure of their country.

The old master cried heartbroken and filled with grief and indignation.

"Ridiculous! How ridiculous! A man, harm my Xiliang rashly rise sword soldier, blue Yan disaster water! It's a disaster for blue face. It's a sign of national subjugation! "

In the distance, the monkey king gloated: "Hey, master also enjoys the treatment of sudaji."

"This It's like a dream. " Zhu Bajie was in a trance and felt it is beyond logic and above reason.

For a man to rebel and fight like this.

Sha Wujing pointed to the core: "it's the master who is so handsome. Fortunately, I am ugly. I will never have such trouble."

"Lack of heart." Pigs make complaints about Tucao.

"Look! The king, the national master and the imperial brother of the Tang Dynasty! "

Suddenly, a female general exclaimed.

All the people looked at the palace wall.

Su and taixun were standing beside him.

Seeing this scene, the old Grand Master knelt down and cried out, "please kill Tang Yudi, the blue Yan who is harmful to the domestic chaos of Xiliang women, and Tang Sanzang."

Behind him, a group of female officials all knelt down.

"Please kill LAN Yan and Tang Sanzang!"

"Please kill LAN Yan and Tang Sanzang!"

My daughter's voice is higher and higher.

Su Xun

This horse It's very interesting!

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