Su Xun felt aggrieved.

Just because I'm handsome, I'm going to kill me.

Is this old lady jealous that the queen and the grand master are favored by me, so she wants to kill me?

Hiss -

this old woman is so vicious!

Su Xun was glad again that he used monk Tang's face. If he used his own face, he would get it.

Su Xun looked at the queen.

The queen nodded her head, looked down and said, "you Aiqing, it's the fault of my master and I. It has nothing to do with my younger brother in the Tang Dynasty Under the instruction, I and the grand master have come to realize that they will send Tang Yu's younger brother to the West for scriptures when they change the customs declaration tomorrow. Don't mention the wedding. "

She blushed a little when she said teaching.

Baby's granary and buttocks are still in pain.

The grand master is not much better. She is also in pain.

After all, disobedient children will be spanked.

Su Xun was still a monk of Tang Dynasty. Of course, he didn't dare to marry these two openly, so he discussed with them before coming up with such a bad plan.

I'll go into the bridal chamber first this evening, and I'll officially marry them when I come back after getting the Scriptures.

Get on the bus first, then buy the ticket.

I'm old enough.

The crime of Taishi's rebellion naturally needs to be treated, but it only means to block youyou's mouth.

Although ministers are still reluctant.

But I can only give up.

First, the queen has a firm control over the government.

The second is the identity of the Tang monk, the Tang emperor's younger brother, who can be killed if they say they can.

The old master was just angry.

In this way, a storm, a farce, so the end.

Su Xun and the monkey king returned to the post house.

"Master, you are just and upright. You are not close to women. You don't even care about those beauties."

Zhu Bajie looks at Su Xun with admiration.

Su Xun gave a cool smile: "that's nature."

Fool, I'm a teacher. It's called the ramp of Mingxiu. I'm an illiterate pig who hasn't read a book.

"You idiot, do you really think master is a big whore like you The monkey king sneered.

The corner of Su Xun's mouth twitched. Gan, how could he feel that he was scolded by this sentence?

Su Xun called to one of the eighteen guardians of Karan, and told him that he must learn from the scriptures with all his heart. For this reason, he told the Bodhisattva about the king of his daughter's kingdom.

Jialan immediately went to the South China Sea purple bamboo forest.

Bodhisattva after hearing the daughter country, showed a smile, nodded: "good."

Tang monk is still the Tang monk who is dedicated to Buddhism.

First of all, he was in danger.

It's also for the sake of learning from the classics. Even the queen of a country is not moved. It's worthy of reincarnation of Jin Chan Zi. It's worthy of being the one I chose to learn from the classics.

Good job, Tang Seng.


Su Xun also felt that he had done a good job.

The grand master and the queen also thought that he did a good job and enjoyed the happiness for the first time.

There is nothing to say in a night. Sometimes the body language is better than everything. The lights are flickering in the Queen's bedroom.

In the middle of the night, Su Xun dressed himself up and walked out of the Queen's bedroom. He sneaked back to the post house.

The three did not find anything.

As long as no one finds out, it proves that he didn't do anything tonight.

The next day, dawn.

The four of Su Xun are going to continue to go west.

The queen and the grand master sent four people together.

Nominally, it was to send four people, mainly to send one of Su Xun's men.

Last night when he was in the bridal chamber, Su Xun regained his original appearance, which made the two girls almost faint. He had never seen such a handsome man.

This kind of feeling is like, bought a piece of silver, the result is delivered to become a piece of gold.

What a surprise!

"Yudi, the journey to the west is long and precious."

The queen and the national teacher looked at Su Xun affectionately.

The civil and military officials always feel that something is wrong. The queen and the grand master seem to have more manners.

"Amitabha, all the banquets will come to an end. Your majesty will send them here, poor monk."

Su Xun read a Buddha's name, blinked at them secretly, and then turned over and rode away.

The queen and the grand master have nothing to give up.

Because Su Xun said that he could fly back to find them at any time. His speed was very fast.

Next, the queen decreed that the rebellion of the imperial master was a felony. But she thought that the whole family was loyal and had made great contributions to the country before, so she went to the rank of imperial master and became an official in the palace.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty thought it was a punishment for the grand master.

But I didn't know it was for the convenience of Su Xun.

After all, Su Xun can't let him run twice outside the palace. If he has time, he can do gymnastics again.………………

Blue star world.

The capital of three districts.

Now the three burial temples have blossomed everywhere, and temples have been built in all parts of the three districts.

The three burial versions of Buddhism have become the largest sect in the three districts and even the whole blue star.

All this is inseparable from the wise leadership of Tang monk.

Believers are everywhere.

Many senior officials are Tang Monk's disciples.

In other words, to a certain extent, Tang monk has mastered the military and political affairs of the three regions.

It's like a big boss behind the scenes.

District seven feels very complicated about this.

After all, Tang Seng was one of them.

I thought that he was a lost dog and a street mouse when he left.

But I didn't expect that after a long time, it appeared in their sight in another way.

Tang Xuanzang, who was buried three times, is famous.

Every household is dedicated to his Buddha.

At this time, in the general temple of the three burial temple, the Tang monk was in retreat.

"It's worth my luck."

Tang asked.

"Don't you see for yourself? If you don't want your eyes, you can donate them to those in need. " Intelligent little assistant said impolitely.

Tang Monk

Whoa, hold it. Hold it.

Tang Seng took a look at himself and found that the value of Qi Yun was more than 100000. He could exchange a lot of things. He wanted to buy it.

Finally, he resisted the impulse to chop his hand.

Because he wants to save enough fortune to return to his own world, he wants to go back to spread his Buddhism.

He just cut his hand once a few days ago.

I exchanged a Buddhist cultivation method.

Use the value of qi movement to promote the cultivation to the realm of refining the spirit and returning to emptiness.

Then he passed on the Dharma, of course, not to all the Buddhist disciples.

But only to his confidants.

Only when his inner cultivation reaches a certain level will it be passed on to all Buddhists.

The reason why blue star wants to unite the world is that he has to use his Qi to help him.

Second, he thought that when he went back, he would take a group of helpers to help him spread his improved Buddhism.

With the improvement of cultivation and strength, he always has some inexplicable memories recently.

Intermittently let him not know.

"I've seen Buddha. Just now, the military department has heard that a cemetery has been found in a camp. The archaeological team has dug up a well preserved pre era mobile phone from it. There may be precious historical materials in it."

A Rohan came in to report.

Tang Monk set up a complete management system according to the shelf of Lingshan, but with different names. For example, a certain Bodhisattva set up must not be called Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Tang said, "I will inform you of the results of the study as soon as possible."

"Yes, Buddha."

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