"The jade rabbit of Chang'e fairy?"

As soon as Zhu Bajie's face changed, he was beaten down because he played Chang'e fairy.

"Master, what about the rabbit?"

Sun Wukong asked, looking at Su Xun's shivering stomach with great interest.

Su Xun said, "this jade rabbit didn't make any big mistake. Just send her back to the Moon Palace."

Soon, the night will come.

In the room.

Su Xun put the rabbit aside and said to the empty room, "Bodhisattva, I know you are here. Come out. I'll show you a big baby."

There was a flash of light in the room, and Guanyin appeared.

"Tang Sanzang, what do you want to do?"

"What I want to do is not fame, but the world." The corner of Su Xun's mouth rose and he started to smile.

Guanyin felt uneasy.

Su Xun held out a hand: "Bodhisattva, please look, what do I hold in this hand?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva subconsciously looks.

The next second, susian pinched her neck, and then sealed her mana into the small world.

"I have your life in my hand."

Next, we are going to Lingshan. He is ready to give up the vest of Tang monk, so there is nothing to worry about.

Let's solve the problem of Guanyin.

The jade rabbit looks at this scene with fear, she feels whether she is going to be killed.

"Come here." Su Xun hooked his finger.

The jade rabbit shivered and did not dare to go.

Su Xun's face was cold, and a murderer locked her.

The jade rabbit was so frightened that she jumped into Su Xun's arms and the cute girl arched him with her head.

Su Xun's face burst into a smile again: "that's right. As long as you are obedient, I won't kill you. After all, rabbit is so cute, isn't it?"

And then the backhand pushed her into the little world.

After all this, Su Xun's figure disappeared from the room and appeared in Jilei mountain the next second.

"Where is the Bull Demon King?"

His voice spread all over Jilei mountain.

"Xiaoyao, see you."

The Bull Demon King appeared on his knees.

"I'm waiting for this day's order. We're about to consolidate our forces."

The ox demon king didn't expect this day to come so soon. He was excited and worried. He said in a loud voice: "ox demon king, please obey your Majesty's order."

Look, who says the Bull Demon is a straight man who can't flatter?

It's just a matter of seconds.

"These weapons will be distributed."

With a wave of Su Xun's hand, a lot of shining magic armor filled the open space.

Tens of thousands of spears, tens of thousands of armor.

"This This... "

The Bull Demon King was stunned, and the whole demon was stunned. He looked at Su Xun with unbelievable face.

The spear was his son's magic weapon. He didn't expect that Su Xun would take out such a big pile directly.

Then it was trembling with excitement. Even the little demon could equip such treasures. Why did the demon family worry?

Why are the demons so worried about this war?

It took a while for him to recover from the shock: "yes, sir."

"There are some treasures here. You can see for yourself." With a wave of his hand, Su Xun was in a heap again.

This pile is a mess. There are gold rope, purple gold, red gourd, golden cudgel, yin and Yang.

The Bull Demon King was confused again. This magic weapon made him doubt the demon life.

These are the only treasures in the world. But now, Su Xun's rubbish is just like a pile of them.

It makes him feel unreal.

When he reacted, he could see that there was still Su Xun in front of him?

"My Lord, your majesty!"

The Bull Demon knelt on the ground and cried out to the empty night sky.

That night, Su Xun went to several places, black bear spirit, scorpion spirit

They all did the same thing, distributed weapons and armor, and prepared to change.

The demon people are about to launch the first shot against the suppression of Buddhism and Taoism. From then on, the demon people stand up!

After returning to the post station, he entered the small world again.

The tens of thousands of demons have learned to forbid in the long-term unified control of labor.

It's just a little thin and weak. Su Xun gave them pills to restore their vitality.

He also gave him armor and blades. In a twinkling of an eye, he was a group of well-equipped elite soldiers.

In an open space, tens of thousands of small demons were arrayed in a neat array. The spear point was like a forest, and the red tassels were floating. A sense of killing was diffused.

Su Xun was dressed in a black gold dragon robe, standing in front of him, and his evil spirit rushed to the sky.

"See your majesty!"

Rhinoceros is the first to kneel.

"Hualalala..."In an instant, ten thousand demons knelt down at the same time, looking at the tall figure in the air in front of them.

"See your majesty!"

"See your majesty!"

Ten thousand demons roar together, the sound is like sea water, one wave higher than another, resounding through the world.

In the distance, Maitreya, who was carrying bricks, was scared to shiver. The bricks fell down and smashed his feet.

Without waiting for him to scream, two ghost soldiers dragged him away.

"Take Guanyin, Maitreya, Puxian, Manjusri."

Shortly after, the four were brought to the hospital.

Looking at the magic weapon on WAN Yao's body, all four of them were shocked.

"How could that be?"

"In my hands, there is no impossibility. As you four see, is our army strong?"

Su Xun looked down at the four.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Guanyin.

At the corner of his mouth, Su Xun said, "this seat is jiuxiao. You can also call this seat your majesty."

"The gods and Buddhas have been in their positions for a long time. It's time to drag them down and let them see the world. In this heaven, let's go and sit down with the demon clan."

Su Xun's voice was calm, and his hands were spread out, as if embracing the whole world.

"Kill "Kill "Kill "Kill

Bursts of roar make the world change color, so that Maitreya four people are scared, the sky covered the world.

Over the years, how miserable the demon clan has been suppressed, how angry and murderous it is now.

This is all caused by Buddhism and Taoism.

Now, they are about to pay the price.

After this war, Buddhism and Taoism will not be extinct, but the demon clan will definitely rise again.

Su Xun left the small world with Yu Tu.

Then go straight to Guanghan palace.

When I came to Guanghan palace, I heard the sound of cutting wood. I thought that Wu Gang was cutting laurel.

After a while, he saw the emperor Taiyin come out of the palace, followed by several fairy maids.

Su Xun had never seen Chang'e in Kyushu, but the emperor of Taiyin in front of him was really amazing.

A white dress, cool and moving, enchanting and graceful, hands like catkin, skin like cream, collar like white, teeth like gourd rhinoceros, eyebrows with a smile, better than flowers.

Fairy, maybe it should be like this.

"I don't know which immortal is in front of me, but my rabbit has offended the immortal?" Chang'e's jade lips are gently opened, her shell teeth are slightly exposed, and her voice is as clear and ethereal as a bell.

The jade rabbit was picked up by Su Xun. She was trembling, but she didn't dare to ask for help. She could only look at Chang'e with eyes more than anything else.

Su Xun said with a smile: "the rabbit, Taiyin Jun, was a demon in the world. He was almost killed by the monkey king. I happened to pass by and help him, so I sent him back."

Sun Wukong said that this is very Gan.

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