"In this way, I have to thank Da Xian." Taiyin Jun language smile.

The Moon Palace is not cold, but the jade rabbit who made medicine has deep feelings with her. If she dies in the hands of Monkey King, she will inevitably suffer for a while.

After all, she heard recently that many of the Lingshan Bodhisattvas and Buddhists on the westbound road were killed by the great sage of Qi Tian.

But she was very curious about the origin of the immortal. She could feel that the other side was very strong, but she had never heard of it.

Su Xun chuckled, put down the rabbit in his hand, and said: "when you step into the Taiyin star, you will smell the fragrance of osmanthus. If the fairy has to thank me, you may as well let me taste the osmanthus wine."

This is still heard from Zhu Bajie. After all, there are so many Osmanthus fragrans, which can't be wasted.

Besides dancing, Chang'e is also good at wine making. She is really a capable woman.

The rabbit jumped directly into Chang'e's arms.

Relieved, out of danger, finally out of danger, this shameless guy, it is clear that you arrested me, even said that you saved me.

"Why not? Please, daffodil Chang'e holds the rabbit and walks ahead to guide su.

Looking from behind, her delicate figure could not be covered up by her slim and dignified long skirt, and the round radian of her buttocks loomed between the lotus steps.

Women are very sensitive, not to mention an immortal. Chang'e can feel Su Xun's eyes, but she doesn't feel disgusted.

After all, can't the immortals in this heaven get rid of the common heart?

At present, if you really want to stop water, there must be only Lingshan monks.

Guanghan palace is very big, and Chang'e is not like a person trapped on the moon as in folklore. She is the king of the Taiyin star and an immortal with a clergy.

Equivalent to the government, government officials, in the Taiyin star has its own palace subordinate.

Soon, Su Xun followed Chang'e into a small courtyard. Chang'e waved and gong'e stepped back.

"Immortal, please take your seat." Chang'e looks back and smiles.

Su Xun nodded and went to sit down. Chang'e sat opposite him. A moment later, several gong'e came with wine bottles and cakes.

The immortals have already opened the valley. They don't need to eat three meals a day, but they can also eat to satisfy their appetite.

After all, eating is a great pleasure in life.

If you don't eat good food, then this long life will be meaningless.

Su Xun said that breast-feeding is really a great pleasure in life. He is also picky about milk.

"The one with the largest number of Taiyin stars is laurel. It's a pity that osmanthus flowers are hung all over the branches when they are in bloom. So it's made into osmanthus wine and osmanthus cake. It's not good for the immortal to taste it." Chang'e chuckled and held out her slender hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Su Xun took a bite of the delicate sweet scented osmanthus cake and chewed it sweetly. The faint fragrance of flowers bloomed in his mouth and ran into his throat. A sweet and fresh feeling filled his abdominal cavity.

Su Xun drank a cup of sweet scented osmanthus wine with sweet scented osmanthus cake on his left. Looking at Chang'e, he said, "I'll never forget it, but it's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Chang'e is curious. Is there any deficiency in her pastry?

Su Xun said, "it's just a pity that although we taste the delicious food, taste the wine and appreciate the beauty today, it's a pity that we will never have it again after we leave the Taiyin star."

"The great immortal is over praised." The smile on Chang'e's face was very bright, and she said, "when the immortal leaves, you might as well take some back. When you finish eating, you can come back next time. I, the Taiyin star, will always welcome the immortal."

In Chang'e's opinion, a person who is so powerful and takes the initiative to save Yutu is certainly not bad.

After all, people who love small animals must be kind.

What's more, this immortal It's beautiful.

There is a saying that as long as you have good facial features, I will follow you.

"It's too much trouble." Su Xun shook his head and said seriously, "I have a good idea."

"Oh? I'd like to hear more about it. " Chang E is very curious, watery eyes full of curiosity.

Su Xun said with a smile: "when I leave, just take away the emperor Taiyin? After all, fairies should know that there is a saying that it's better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. But in my opinion, it's better to catch a fisherman directly to go back. Don't you think? "

Brother Meng, is this idea OK.

"Da Xian joked. I'm in an important position. It's hard for me to disobey my destiny. I can't go down to earth easily." Chang'e was a little reluctant to smile because she had a bad feeling.

Su Xun sighed: "fairies still don't understand. Sometimes I do things more directly. After all, I can easily make any woman lose resistance."

As the voice fell, Su Xun, with a smile on his lips, put his hand to Chang'e.

Chang'e's face changed greatly. She was just ready to resist, but she found that all her mana was imprisoned.

The moment is to show the color of panic.

The next second, Chang'e was so easily caught into the small world by Su Xun with the jade rabbit in her arms.See, the road is so simple, back to nature, any fancy way to pick up girls is rubbish.

That's enough to make any woman lose her resistance to him.

Because they can't resist.

Around the palace are still confused, they just blink an eye, Chang E disappeared.

What about Chang'e?

What about Chang'e?

"I think Chang'e fairy is an emotional person. Go with her, too."

Su Xun waved his sleeve, and all the gong'e around him were caught in the small world.

Then Su Xun came to Guanghan palace, dug a piece of laurel and threw it into the small world.

Then he stepped out with his negative hand, his body turned into a purple sword light and disappeared in Guanghan palace.

When it reappeared, it was already at the post station.

Su Xun has also become a Tang monk.

It was a long night and he slept soundly.


In the small world.

"Where is this?"

Chang'e looked around with a blank face.

"This is the territory of the great demon. He has arrested me before. Maitreya, Guanyin, Manjusri, Puxian and Laojun's green ox have all been arrested by him."

This is the time when little white rabbit dare to tell the truth.

Hearing this, Chang'e didn't know that she had been cheated by that man. She was a big demon who was domineering and rude.

It's really hateful. Thanks for taking out the last sweet scented osmanthus wine to entertain him.

As a result, he caught himself just because he wanted to drink osmanthus wine for a long time. It's really hateful!

However, even Maitreya Buddha was captured by him. The great demon is so powerful.

How could there ever be such a big demon in heaven and earth?

"Star, that's our laurel."

Several Gong e pointed to a piece of Guilin not far away and said.

When Chang'e saw it, she was really the laurel of Guanghan palace.

So, is he really seizing himself to make wine?

Not to do something bad to yourself?

Chang'e was relieved and a little disappointed. Did she lose her charm?

So, women are elusive.

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