"Master! Is that Chang'an? "

In the air, suddenly see below a big city, pig Bajie, sand Wujing, little white dragon three people are showing a shocked expression.

It was the first time that they saw such a huge city. Compared with the so-called cities on the westbound Road, they were just a group of brothers.

"Yes, that's Chang'an city. Bajie Wukong has changed. I'll show you around."

Su Xun has changed back to the Tang Monk's appearance. After all, this vest can't be thrown until he meets the queen of Tang.

After Zhu Bajie and the Monkey King became mortals, five people landed outside the city. After entering Chang'an, the atmosphere of prosperity came.

The wide streets allow carriages to run side by side, vendors and pedestrians to walk through the streets, shops and restaurants to stand on both sides.

All four of them were dazzled.

Su Xun also had some feelings. This is the Tang Dynasty.

In the future, only the Great Han Dynasty and the great Tang Dynasty have the most special significance, because the people of the long kingdom will be called the Han people and the Tang people, which shows the prosperity of the great Tang Dynasty.

Unfortunately, any dynasty can not escape the end of the end.

After the reign of Zhenguan and the heyday of Kaiyuan, the National Calendar of the Tang Dynasty once reached the peak of the world.

The decline of the Tang Dynasty is a pity. If the Tang Dynasty continues to be strong, what will the world become?

The so-called Sutra would not bring any benefit to the development of Datang, so Su Xun burned it.

And he will leave something really useful to Datang.

Su Xun takes four people to the palace to see Li Shimin.

Li Shimin received him in the hall. After seeing the Tang monk, he was very happy and couldn't wait to ask, "how many sutras have you finally returned? How did you get it? "

Su Xun said, "Your Majesty, I've traveled 18000 miles to the West. What I saw along the way is quite interesting. I'm far away from Lingshan mountain in the eastern region of Tang Dynasty. I don't know Buddhism, but the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful. The world is prosperous."

"In the western countries, there are many demons and robbers. The closer to Lingshan, the more temples there are, and the more incense there is. But under the protection of our Buddha, the people's life is more and more difficult. The Buddhas connive at the evil of lingchong, and the uncle of the Buddha swallows the people of a country."

"In this way, does your majesty feel that the so-called Dharma and the so-called Sutra are beneficial to the country? What is the benefit to the people? "

After Su Xun finished, he looked at Li Shimin quietly.

Li Shimin's face gradually changed. He was surprised, puzzled and angry. Finally, he calmed down and said, "Yudi is burning well! Since it's not good for the country, I don't want this sutra in Datang! "

Su Xun showed a smile, which was a holy emperor, and then said: "although the poor monk burned the Buddhist Scripture, he met an expert on his way back and obtained the scripture which is really beneficial to the Tang Dynasty!"

"Oh?" As soon as Li Shimin's eyes brightened, he stood up directly from his chair and said, "where is the Sutra?"

"I have four disciples waiting outside the hall. Your majesty declares them to come in." Su Xun said.

Li Shimin announced that four people from the monkey king entered the temple.

Su Xun looked at Sha Wujing and said, "Wujing, take out the Sutra and offer it to your majesty."

"Yes, master." Sha Wujing answered, and then opened the box, which was full of all kinds of books.

These books contain comprehensive knowledge of agriculture, industry, medicine, etc.

Su Xun burned Buddhist scriptures and put all these modern books in.

Because, this is the real Sutra!

"This It's a fairy thing. "

Picking up a book and touching the delicate paper, Li Shimin was shocked and ecstatic.

Then he suddenly stupefied: "brother Yu, is it written in heaven? I don't know a word. What should I do?"

It's strange that you can recognize modern simplified characters.

Su Xun had already prepared: "don't panic, your majesty. The master who gave the Scriptures left several jade slips on his forehead. He will naturally recognize the writing of the heavenly script, and then ask someone to promote it."

Su Xun took out a dozen jade slips and handed one to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin pasted it on his forehead. A moment later, he had a pile of modern words in his mind.

Then I read the book of heaven in my hand, and I could recognize it. I quickly read it.

What he took was a book on epidemic prevention, which was amazing after reading.

After all, pestilence was very serious in ancient times. Once there was a pestilence, there was no way to treat it, so we had to wait for death.

After a few quick glances, he was shocked to read several other books.

"If it's true, it's true."

He murmured to himself. Then he looked at Su Xun, and his eyes lit up: "Yudi brings back such a Sutra that benefits the country and the people. He is my benefactor of the Tang Dynasty. Please accept my worship."

As the voice dropped, he bent over to Sushen.

Su Xun received this gift.

Li Shimin got up and asked anxiously, "brother Yu, did the master ever leave a name? I want to build a temple for him throughout the Tang Dynasty, so that all the people in the world will remember him forever. ""The master also left his name. He called himself Emperor jiuxiao." Su Xun wants more waistcoats. Being the demon emperor can't satisfy him. He wants to be the emperor of heaven.

"Jiuxiao, emperor of heaven."

Li Shimin murmured to himself, but in his heart there was a big wave. It was really shocking that he was so honored.

However, with these nine Xiao scriptures alone, he felt that the expert he had never met was worthy.

Next, Su Xun declined Li Shimin's invitation to hold a banquet for the reason of going back to Hongfu temple, and left with the four of Sun Wukong.

Hongfu temple is the temple where Tang Monk lived before.

Su Xun went back to Hongfu temple with Tang Monk's face and met with the host.

After returning to the room, he captured Tang Seng of blue star world and used a magic to make him fall asleep. He didn't wake up until the next morning.

When he wakes up, he will be taken to the Imperial Palace by people sent by Li Shimin to participate in the early Dynasty, and by the way, he will tell the world about his achievements.

Looking at the sleepy Tang monk, Su Xun sighed. I did all the things, and I'll give you the credit.

In this impetuous year, there are not many people like me (* / ω\ *).

By the way, he took a look at monk Tang's Qi Yun value, which had accumulated more than 500000 yuan.

Su Xun tried to locate xuanyue continent by burning gas transport value, but he was told that gas transport value was insufficient.

It seems that we have to let monk Tang continue to collect Qi value everywhere.

Su Xun left, changed back to his true self, and took the monkey king to Huaguo Mountain.

Then in Huaguo Mountain, the entrance of a small world was opened, and the ox demon king and others were called to lead the troops.

Huaguo Mountain can't hold so many troops. Naturally, all of them are installed in the small world first.

In the small world, more than 300000 demon soldiers with armor will soon gather. After the banner of rebellion is put out, I believe that more and more demon families will come to take refuge.

The standard equipment in the hands of these invitees is the spear of fire and the wheel of wind and fire of Nezha, because only in this way can they fly up to fight in the sky.

There are more than 300000 Nezha, which is quite spectacular.

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