Su Xun also went to see Zhenyuan immortal and invited him to visit the small world.

Zhenyuan immortal sighed: "if there is heaven outside, there are people outside."

He never thought that someone could open up a world. What kind of magic power is this?

If the world has limited their upper limit, only by leaving the world and getting rid of the shackles can they pursue the real road.

And the magic weapon in the hands of the 300000 little demons also shocked him. He knew many treasures.

They are all rare treasures, but like weeds on the roadside, they can be seen everywhere.

Su Xun performed this skill in front of him, which made Zhenyuan immortal yearn to go to the outer world.

Tianwai even has this secret skill!

But he didn't know that it was just a system skill. How could other people use this kind of magic.

A spell can change its appearance at most.

After seeing off Zhenyuan immortal, Su Xun met Guanyin Bodhisattva and Maitreya Buddha.

As for Manjusri Bodhisattva and Puxian Bodhisattva, they have been abandoned by him. They are useless. It's a waste of time to see them. Let them move more bricks while they are still alive.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to start a great cause. How about working together with us for something important?"

Su Xun threw an olive branch at them.

In his calculation, Buddhism and Taoism could not be eliminated, but the Tathagata and the Jade Emperor had to roll their calves from their present position.

Tang Monk can be a new Buddhist monk, but he also has to go to the heaven and the world as a tool man to help himself collect Qi, so when he is away, Guanyin can handle Buddhist affairs on his behalf.

Although there is also a Buddha who lights a lamp in Buddhism, Su Xun is more optimistic about Guanyin. After all, Guanyin is just like the public relations Minister of Buddhism and has great ability.

As for the Jade Emperor, it is natural for him to be the new master of Lingxiao hall and command the three realms.

At that time, it's not difficult to leave someone to deal with daily affairs in this world. In terms of his saints' cultivation, he can be incarnated and spread all over the world.

At one time, he thought that the sage was already the extreme, but after breaking through the sage, he felt that there was still a way ahead, and that the cultivation of the great way was endless.

The problem now is that he knows that there is still a way for the sage, but he doesn't know how to go.

At this point, it is no longer a matter of pure cultivation to break through, so there are only two ways for him to continue to break through.

One is to rely on the system to experience one identity after another. Perhaps, by chance in a certain world, we can understand the mystery and break through.

The second is to go to xuanyue mainland as soon as possible and seek advice from the Jiuzhou sages on xuanyue mainland.

"I will, I will."

Maitreya couldn't wait to agree, because he really didn't want to move bricks any more.

How rich he used to be. Now he is as thin as a bamboo pole. How cruel!

"Very good. He who knows current affairs is a hero." With a smile, Su Xun solved the blockade of Maitreya Buddha.

Maitreya Buddha instantly restored his cultivation and felt his whole body full of strength again. The whole person almost cried with joy: "thank you, your majesty."

"You, Bodhisattva." Su Xun looked at Guanyin and said faintly, "I have no malice to Buddhism. I just have malice to the present Buddhism. I want to change Buddhism, not to destroy it. So Bodhisattvas don't have to be too hostile to us."

"Are you serious?" Guanyin looked at Su Xun. In fact, he just needed a step down.

Su Xun nodded: "heaven and earth can learn."

Although he said so in his mouth, he didn't think so in his heart. After all, he was holy and could disorganize heaven and earth.

"See your majesty." Guanyin lowered his arrogant head and bent down to pay homage to Su Xun.

Su Xun also lifted the ban on her and said, "Maitreya doesn't have to go back for the time being. Guanyin, you can go back to Lingshan first. I believe you are a wise man. The Tathagata is not the enemy in front of me."

"Yes, your majesty." Guanyin again.

Su Xun waved his sleeve robe: "go."

Then the figure disappeared in place.

"Hu -"

Guanyin and Maitreya got up from the ground, looked at each other, and breathed out a breath.

Both of them are in a mixed mood now. After all, they are both traitors to Buddhism now.

"We have no choice." Maitreya said.

Guanyin nodded: "you are right. What can we do in such a situation?"

The shame and shame in their hearts are reduced to find a good excuse.

Su Xun didn't care what they thought. He had already come to yueguilin.

Chang'e lives in yueguilin.

When Su Xun arrived, Chang'e was making wine, and jade rabbit was pounding medicine with a pestle and mortar.

Don't say, a big white rabbit sitting on the ground, with ramming copper in front of him and pestle and mortar in his two claws, it looks really cute.Seeing Su Xun, Yu Tu, who is making medicine, is stiff. She has a psychological shadow for Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at Chang'e and said, "are you used to living here recently?"

"Fair." Chang'e has a cool attitude.

Susian went to her face to face and grabbed her hands.

Chang'e was shocked: "you What are you doing? "

"Shh." Su Xun put his face up to Chang'e's white neck and sniffed. He was intoxicated and said, "fairies smell more fragrant and charming than wine."

Chang'e's white neck has become pink, and her pretty face seems to be bleeding: "don't go too far, let me go."

"I'm a little tired. Help me pinch my shoulders." After Su Xun finished, without waiting for her to refuse, he flew into the room with her in his arms.

He didn't have so much affectation, and he didn't have the time to cultivate feelings with Chang'e. he got on the bus first.

As for men, stallions should be pushed down decisively.

When he used to read novels, what bothered him most was the eunuch writer who never pushed, so as to arouse the readers' appetite.

"Your Majesty, please let me go."

In the room, Chang'e sat in Su Xun's arms, her body shaking.

Feeling the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, Su Xun pulled off her belt impolitely: "let me let you go? Is this seat not worthy of you? "

"Chang'e dare not..."

"If you don't dare, just shut up. Don't spoil my interest. I'm very busy."

Chang e closed her eyes as if she had accepted her fate.

Soon, a gentle voice came out of the room. Yutu wanted to rush in and knock the bastard who bullied his fairy to death.

But after thinking about it, she didn't have the courage to let the rabbit's ears down to reduce the noise.

An hour later, the house was quiet again.

"Chang'e is worthy of being called the most perfect woman in the world."

Su Xun hugged her contentedly. After all, it was Chang'e's sister. After pushing her down, her psychological satisfaction was greater than her physical satisfaction.

Chang'e turned her back to him. She was so ashamed and angry that she ignored the big bastard.

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