"Master Su, don't get excited. Don't get excited."

Lin sanggun quickly comes forward to separate Su Xun and Sanwa.

In fact, he is the most depressed now.

Asked for a meat ticket back, did not earn a cent, but also put in a lot of money.

Five hundred ocean!

The problem is that he and Su Xun get along well these days. They are too embarrassed to ask him to pay back the money.

This horse is called a dog.

Is there any bandit worse than him?

"Brother Lin, I've been away from home for several years, and I've come back from the ocean. Unexpectedly, my home is gone, my home is gone!"

Su Xunhu's eyes were full of tears, and his voice was sad. He was sad when he heard it, but he was in tears when he heard it.

Even the Oscars owe him a little gold medal for his excellent acting skills.

In the gathering hall, looking at Su Xun, who was very gentle in peacetime, everyone felt sympathy.

Song Dadao said carelessly: "master Su, if you don't dislike it, we Qingfeng Village will be your home, we are all your brothers!"

When Lin Sanqiang heard this, he turned his eyes and patted Su Xun on the shoulder: "brother Xun, we are all mud legged, uneducated people. You are a foreigner. If you don't dislike our small Qingfeng Village Temple, you will be the best in the future!"

As a veteran in the banditry industry for seven years, Lin sangun knows very well how rare it is for people who have read books these days.

Not to mention that Su Xun had stayed abroad.

If you can keep Su Xun, as long as he really protects the brother of Qingfeng stronghold, Lin Sanqiang is even willing to give up the position of stronghold leader to him.

Because the longer he mixed, the clearer he could see. He thought that their mixed method would come to an end sooner or later.

If Qingfeng Village wants to survive in troubled times, it must make changes.

But he has no culture and narrow vision. He doesn't know how to change. He's afraid that the more he changes, the worse he gets.

If there is Su Xun, a cultural person who has studied abroad, it will be different.

Qingfeng Village will usher in a better tomorrow.

Song Dadao understood his elder brother's thoughts very well, and he also said: "yes, you can stay here. These days, my brothers are getting along well with you. I'll make room for you."

"Absolutely not!" Su Xun's face was moved, and he said repeatedly, "now I'm a broke man and homeless. I'm very grateful to the three elder brothers for taking me in. Besides, if I haven't made any contribution, how can I be the fourth best?"

"Don't talk nonsense. With your skills and experience of studying abroad, you are the lowest company commander to join the army. You have been wronged by the position of the fourth leader of Qingfeng Village. If you really take us as brothers, don't refuse!" Lin Sanqiang's conclusion.

Then the others came forward and arched their hands.

"See four masters."

"Brothers, please get up quickly. You can't be, you can't be." Su Xun sighed: "well, since the three brothers love each other so much, if I refuse again, it will be a little disrespectful."

He almost died of laughter. Today he will be in charge of the family four times, and tomorrow he will be in charge of the family five hundred people.

Er Di, it's ER Di, it's all Er Di!

Song Dadao said: "look for brother, since you join our Qingfeng Village, your parents are our parents. Don't worry, we will help you to get revenge, but it needs a long-term consideration."

"Yes, I'm looking for my brother. Mr. Huang sirang is not a vegetarian. He works for Liu Dutong. Liu Dutong keeps a large group of soldiers." Leaf tiger also persuades from the side.

"He asked? Have the three brothers heard of Zhang Mazi? "

"Zhang Mazi, Ma bandit, of course I've heard about it." Lin Sanqiang said.

Su Xun didn't expect that it was not only a horror film, but also a non horror film.

Zhang Mazi and Huang sirang are all from a movie called let bullets fly.

Didn't expect that Huang sirang had become his own enemy?

This plot is a bit powerful.

Su Xun looked at Lin Sanqiang and said, "brother, don't worry. I'm not a fool. I won't come here rashly, but I still want to go back and see if I can find my parents' tomb."

"It should be, but for your safety, you need to take more people with you."


A day later.

Su Xun rode down the mountain, followed by ten men who were also riding with rifles in their waists.

These are Lin Sanqiang's arrangements to protect him.

"How can I get to Renjia town? Let's go to Renjia first. " Su Xun said.

He's not interested in going back to e-Cheng for revenge. After all, it's just an identity setting. He hasn't even met before. Where's the feeling.

After that, when you have the strength, you can beat Huang sirang to death.

After all, this guy is selling smoke and earth to entrap his compatriots in the Dragon kingdom. It's not wrong to shoot him for 10 minutes.

Now Mr. Ren's body hasn't been dug up. Seize the chance to steal it."The four masters, I know, can get to Renjia town in three days along this road."

Answered a young man.

Su Xun said, "don't call me the fourth leader outside. I'm afraid people won't know that we are bandits."

"Well Call you young master The young man scratched the back of his head and asked tentatively.

"Whatever, not four masters."

As the voice fell, Su Xun galloped.

Time soon came to the evening.

The Party chose an open place to rest.

It's OK for the people of the Jianghu to sleep on the ground. Don't care whether there is a tent or not.

"Dry food, young master."

A subordinate handed Su Xun a bag of dry food and a pot of water.

"Well." Su Xun nodded, opened it and began to eat. Inside were dried beef and cold steamed bread.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Soon after eating the dry food, a clear bell suddenly came into the public's ears.

"Shua Shua!"

In an instant, someone skillfully stepped forward to put out the fire, and everyone pulled out their guns and hid behind the tree.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

The bell is getting closer.

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid."

"Avoid the people on the road."

A row of figures is gradually approaching. A Taoist priest in Ming and Huang Daopao and glasses walks in the front, shaking the bell in his hand, followed by a row of corpses. The Taoist priest shakes the bell in his hand and jumps, and the corpses behind him jump.

"The corpse chaser?"

A group of enemies relaxed their guard.

Su Xun's eyes were fixed on the Taoist.

Four eyes Taoist priest!

The Four Eyed Taoist priest in the zombie uncle.

Su Xun didn't expect to meet him here, which means that the story of Uncle zombie hasn't happened yet.

In the movie, the Four Eyed Taoist priest meets a fox spirit who steals zombies on his way to the corpse.

Four eyes Taoist priest killed the fox spirit and drove the corpse home. At noon the next day or the third day, he met Qianhe Taoist priest who borrowed glutinous rice and escorted the Royal zombies north with four disciples from southeast and northwest.

On the way, it rained heavily. The heavy rain washed away the ink lines on the coffin, and the zombies broke out of the coffin.

Su Xun changed his mind now. Since he had a chance to get the frontier Royal zombies, let's go away.

That's how he met one person and loved another.

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