"Friend behind the tree, I'm just a corpse chaser. I don't have any oil and water, so don't attack me."

The four eyes Taoist priest noticed that there was a man hiding behind the tree from a distance and thought it was the mountain bandit who robbed the road.

The secret to finding them so quickly is simple.

After all, the horse is on the side.

Su Xun came out, and the other ten people also appeared one after another, but the gun in his hand was still not put away.

After all, a normal person has some fear of encountering this kind of thing at night.

Obviously, Su Xun is not a normal person.

"I didn't expect to be the four eyes Taoist priest."

Su Xun stepped forward, fully carrying forward the spirit of the essence of drama, pretending to know each other. He was surprised and happy, as if he had seen an idol.

In fact, this is not a lie.

Because he knew four eyes.

It's just that four eyes don't know him.

"You know me? You are... "

Four eyes were stunned, and then looked at Su Xun suspiciously, with crazy memories in his mind.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I know the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest doesn't know me. Before I went abroad to study, I had the honor to meet the Taoist priest with my father, and I was fascinated by my father's reputation."

"Oh, I see. It's everybody's praise that has any prestige." Four eyes suddenly realized that his mouth was modest, but the smile on his face was more and more brilliant.

Being worshipped by a young talent who has been abroad has greatly satisfied the vanity of four purposes.

Su Xun struck while the iron was hot: "originally, we didn't dare to drive late at night. Unexpectedly, we met Taoist priest you. I don't know if Taoist priest can allow us to go with us? If the Taoist priest is here, he will not be afraid to encounter anything dirty. "

"It's all right." How could the four eyes Taoist priest refuse his fans? He helped his glasses rather furiously: "with me, all the ghosts and ghosts are vegetables."

In this way, Su Xun smoothly fooled the four eyes Taoist priest to go on the road together, changed the pattern to flatter, and soon the relationship between them got great progress.

Su Xun felt that since he came to this world, he was almost a social flower.

First, the three masters of Qingfeng Village.

Now he is the four eyes Taoist priest again.

Are you full of communication skills?

Under the pale moonlight, in the quiet mountain forest, Su Xun led his horse around him. Behind him, a group of zombies were talking and laughing freely.

The ten youths who were in charge of protecting Su Xun all felt that this scene was just frightening.

All of a sudden, a piece of white silk came, caught the last zombie and dragged it away.

"Taoist priest! Someone stole the body

A young man yelled. Everyone pulled out their guns and aimed at Bai Ling's flying direction. Subconsciously, they were about to shoot.

"Don't shoot, it will hurt my client!"

The four eyes Taoist priest exclaimed, pointed his feet, and jumped out with a wooden sword.

"Stab -"

a sword cuts off Bai Ling, and the body falls from the air, and the four eyes Taoist priest catches it.

"Fortunately, my client is OK."

The four eyes Taoist priest said to himself, and then looked at a woman in a white dress on the tree: "if you dare to steal my corpse, you are looking for death. Take your life!"

In front of his fans, four eyes deliberately want to install a force, starting directly is a big move.


When the woman flew away, she was hit on the back by a gossip mirror, and her body faltered, but she still endured the pain and flew to another tree.

The four eyes Taoist priest is powerful and unforgiving. He steps on the seven stars and catches up with the wooden sword.

"Don't push your inch, Taoist

The fox spirit threatened.

"Haha, I've always been in a good position."

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly. He was the fox spirit. He was very beautiful. Unfortunately, he even ate zombies. It was very difficult for me to hang.

Fortunately, I'm not greedy for your body, I'm just greedy for your demon soul.

Su Xun made friends with four eyes, just to get the spirit of fox spirit, which can be used by zombies in the future.

On the top of the tree, the fox spirit knew that he could not escape. He spun in the air a few times and tore most of his clothes. His black hair was scattered.

Then he lay down on the ground with his legs overlapping and bending, revealing his long white legs and shoulders. He looked at the Taoist priest with eyes like silk and breathed out a breath.

In the movie, the four eyes Taoist priest's heart beats faster here, but now they are watching him. He is so smart that he can't lose face.

"It's a big taste."

The four eyes Taoist priest put his hand in front of him and fanned. The wooden sword in his hand shot out and he drank: "go!"

"Puff -"


The wooden sword burst out a burst of golden light, piercing the fox spirit's body in the scream.

"Taoist priest, please leave her spirit. I'm of great use." Su Xun called out.

Four eyes, who were going to let the fox spirit fly away, heard this, took out a small porcelain vase, pinched a few magic formulas, collected the fox spirit, and then pasted a piece of Rune paper to seal it inside.The original beauty became a fox corpse.

Su Xun quickly stepped forward and stared at the porcelain vase in the hands of Taoist priest Si Mu: "thank you Taoist priest. This demon soul is of great use to me."

"Be careful. You can't handle her if she comes out." The four eyes Taoist priest said, and directly threw the small porcelain bottle to Su Xun.

Su Xun quickly picked up: "Taoist priest, don't worry, I have the sense of propriety. Taoist priest killed a fox demon in three times five divided by two tonight. It's really a good skill."

"Ha ha ha, it's just a small skill. It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning." Four eyes laugh twice, feel very comfortable in the heart.


After daybreak, the sun was shining on him, which made Su Xun and others feel comfortable.

"Xiao Su, my house is in front of me. Would you like to have a cup of tea?" At a fork in the road, the Four Eyed Taoist looked at Su Xun's invitation.

Su Xun declined politely: "thank you for your kindness, but I have something important to rush to Renjia town. Come back to visit Taoist priest next time."

"Are you going to renjiazhen?" Four eyes were a little surprised, and then took out some amulets to Su Xun: "for your self-defense, my elder martial brother Lin Jiu is in Renjia town. If you have anything to do, you can take the amulets to find him for help."

"Thank you, Taoist priest." Su Xun was sincere in thanking Si mu. In addition to some vanity and greed, Si Mu was generally a good man.

Four eyes disapproved and waved: "don't be so polite. With my cultivation, I can draw as many runes as I want in a day."

"In that case, I'm not polite. Four eyes Taoist priest, goodbye."

Looking at the horse team that rolled away with dust, the smile on four eyes' face disappeared, showing the expression of tenderness.

He raised his hand and smacked his mouth.

"Let you do it, I'll let you do it."

At the end of the Dharma period, it took them a long time to replenish the spiritual power consumed by the monks' pictorial symbols.

Then he suddenly thought of one thing: "no, it doesn't seem that way to Renjia town."

He wanted to remind Su Xun that he had gone the wrong way, but when he looked up, he could only shake his head helplessly.

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