"In this way, you find a place outside the town to camp, and I'll fight with you when I get those two brothers out, and then leave together."

"By the way, I'll pick out some clothes for you to change in the town. You're not a good person at all."

Su Xun looked at Wang Ying and others and said.

In fact, Wang Ying looks pretty when she washes her face, changes her clothes and changes her hair style. She has a good figure and looks like the coquettish and fox spirit killed by the Four Eyed Taoist priest before. Now the demon spirit is still in his hands.

no, as like as two peas, it looks exactly alike, even with the same figure.

Su looked as like as two peas in the heart, and asked Wang Ying, tentatively, "do you know a fox? She looks just like you."

"The young master has seen her?" Wang Ying knew her and said, "it was my pet. After my father died, she ran away. She must have been walking outside like me after she ran away."

"I see." Su Xun suddenly realized, and then said, "she's dead, and the soul is in my hand."

"That animal is a white eyed wolf who is not well bred. It's her destiny to die in the hands of the young master." Wang Ying enters the role very quickly, a young master is very skilled.

If you play role-playing, she will be able to put in very fast.

Su Xun looked at his watch and said, "that's it."

"Young master, we are staying in a cave ten miles away." While Wang Ying was talking, she took out a short Jade Flute and handed it to Su Xun: "young master, when you blow this Xiao, the insects in my hand will feel it."

Su Xun took over the Jade Flute and said in his heart that the magic was really magical.

Watching Wang Ying and others ride away, Su Xun also takes the Royal zombies back to Tanjia town.


Tanjia town.

Jiushu and others came back from the victory.

"Master, what about these two horse thieves?"

Walking on the street of the town, Qiangzi points to the two horse thieves and asks uncle Jiu.

Nine uncle eyebrows a pick: "of course is put in prison ah."

"Do you hear me? Put them in the villa!" Qiangzi looks back and shouts.

"Yes, Captain!"

A group of members of the security team escorted the two horse thieves bound to the Yizhuang.

Qiangzi caught up with Jiushu, licked his face and said, "Shifu, what do you think of me as a security captain in Renjia town?"

"Isn't that a promotion? But with your virtue, it's not your turn to be promoted. " Uncle Jiu said.

Qiangzi said with a smile: "master, master Ren FA of Renjia town is my uncle. Besides, you have a high reputation in Renjia town. If you are willing to help me, I will have no problem."

"Don't think about it, I won't help you, and I won't allow you to go astray to get promoted, otherwise, you won't be my apprentice." Uncle Jiu gave a warning.

In a daze, Qiangzi turned his lips and called for your master for so long. You haven't taught me Taoism. I might as well go to Renjia town to be a security captain.

Although in the heart had the idea, but the strong boy did not display, and the playful face followed up.

"Master, wait for me, master..."

Jiushu takes Qiangzi to Baohe building.

"Open the door, we are back in triumph!"

Just outside Baohe building, Qiangzi opened his throat with satisfaction and yelled.

"Creak -"

when the door of Baohe building was opened, a group of people rushed out in an instant, and the scene became chaotic.

"Have the horse thieves been beaten back?"

"How many people were injured?"

"My son, my son..."

"Be quiet, everyone. Be quiet." Uncle Jiu was surrounded by the crowd and cried out.

The noisy scene gradually quieted down.

Jiushu said: "the horse thieves have been beaten back, but they have not been completely eliminated, so we can't relax. We should be alert or not."

After that, he looked in the crowd, did not find Su Xun's figure, looked at a bandit: "brother, where's your young master?"

"Didn't our young master help you stop the horse thieves?" The bandits were also confused.

"Here I am!"

Su Xun came over and looked at Uncle Jiu. He was embarrassed and said, "Uncle Jiu, I wanted to help, but I didn't expect to get lost."

"Thank you for your kindness. It's easy to get dizzy if you're not familiar with the road in tanjiazhen." Uncle Jiu has no doubt.

Su Xun hung up a smile: "just far away, I heard that the horse thief was beaten back. Congratulations, uncle Jiu."

"It's just a temporary repulsion. After catching two prisoners, the brigands will not give up." Uncle Jiu shook his head and said to Su Xun, "it's late. I won't disturb you to have a rest. I'll celebrate my birthday tomorrow night. If I'm not in a hurry, I can have a drink."

"Sure, sure." Su Xun remembers that the night after he caught the horse thief in the movie was Jiu Shu's birthday.So he can take this opportunity to save the two thieves tomorrow night.

Because in the movie, after Jiushu's birthday, he would set up a net in Yizhuang to lure the female horse thieves to come to the rescue with the two prisoners as bait.

At that time, Yizhuang was well guarded.

Only tomorrow, the night of ninth uncle's birthday, is the most careless time for the whole villa.

This is also the best time for Su Xun to save people.

After Jiu Shu left, Su Xun and his wife were arranged to have a rest in the guest room of Baohe building.

"You all come with me."

Su Xun called ten bandits into his room and left the Royal zombies outside to guard the door.

"What's the matter, young master?"

Ten people were curious. They didn't understand what Su Xun wanted to do.

Su Xun's eyes swept the crowd: "tomorrow night, I will take advantage of Uncle Jiu's birthday to save the two horse thieves."

"Ah, what?"

They were shocked and looked at Su Xun with puzzled faces: "four masters, why?"

"There are so many reasons why those two people are useful to me." Su Xun glared at the person who asked the question.

That person instant Yan, scratched to scratch the back of the head, urn sound urn airway: "four in charge of you order."

"Tomorrow night Jiushu's birthday, the guard at the Yizhuang will be reduced. We will Then, finally, don't kill people. "

Su Xun said his plan again, and then looked at ten people: "do you have anything to add?"

Ten people looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time and gave a thumbs up: "no, no, no supplement, young master, you are really resourceful."

"Yes, it's more than sophistication. It's extremely insidious and cunning."

"Yes, more clever and cunning than the old fox on the mountain..."

Su Xun's face was as black as the bottom of the pot. The corners of his mouth twitched and said: "if you don't know how to flatter, don't pat around. Go back to sleep."

Mad, a bunch of illiterates.

A dog can't spit out its ivory.

Thank you for praising me so much.

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